Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Bridge To Heaven

   St. Catherine of Sienna envisioned Jesus as the bridge between heaven and earth.  Dark, troubled waters ruled by Satan flow beneath the bridge.  Those swept away in the waters are lost.  The only path over the water is the bridge that is Jesus.

   The waters of that terrible river are evident in our world today.  We see hatred, violence and turmoil most everywhere we look.  Babies are slaughtered in their mother’s womb; the elderly are consigned to warehouse-like institutions and in many cases encouraged to commit suicide.  Openly worshiping God is frowned on and there are groups that would ban any reference to Him from the public forum.

   Many try to cross those dark waters by other means.  Some don’t even believe the waters exist; they don’t believe in heaven or hell.  Others think they can reach heaven through their own good deeds.  They don’t grasp that anything good comes from God and He deserves the credit and glory.  We are simply the means of sharing God, His love and mercy with others.

   Jesus came to save us.  He not only gives us new life but a different life.  By His cross and resurrection He opened the gates to heaven.  By His life on earth He taught us how to live.  He was gentle, kind and forgiving.  He did not condemn, He forgave and encouraged sinners to repent and change their lives.  He told us to love God and our neighbors as ourselves.  He also told us that we must love our enemies.  He taught us to follow God by His example of always putting God’s will first in His life.

   There is no other way to get from earth to heaven.  We must go through Jesus.  He is the bridge and no other route exists.  Find the bridge; stay on it and avoid the dangers of the waters below.

Father, Your Son came to give us life.
He is the path to You.
Help us always seek Him in our lives.
Keep us on the path to You.


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