Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Once A Day

   Life can be very busy.  Many things need attention and there’s never enough time.  Some make lists and prioritize them.  They try pay most attention to the tasks that are most important.  The problem with most lists such as this is that they almost never include the true priorities of life.

   I propose a new list; a list of those things that are truly important.  One that focuses on what needs to be done for the benefit of our heart and soul.  All else is trivial by comparison.

   Once a day take the time to tell your spouse that you love them.  Thank them for their love and support.  Even when things are tough you can lean on each other and find a way through.

   Every day tell your children how much joy they have brought to your life.  Let them know you love them even when they’ve perhaps gone astray.  Make sure they know you will always love them, and that they will always have a place in your heart.

   Take the time to speak to people you meet wherever it may be.  Let the light of God and the Holy Spirit shine through.  You may be the only opportunity for them to see God in their life.

   Each day take the time to read some scripture; get a book of daily meditations and use it.  Take time for prayer; there is no better use of time than to spend it in communion with God.

   Most of all take the time each day to thank God for the many blessings in your life.  Even when things are difficult you can rely on Him to support you, comfort you and love you.  Thank our Lord Jesus for the sacrifice He made for us.  He paid the price for our sins and offers eternal life to those who believe.  Thank the Holy Spirit; He will fill your heart and lead you to the Father.

   Priority lists are important.  Just make sure your priorities are the right ones.

Lord we are so busy.
So many things demand our time.
Help us to see those things that really matter.
Let us always see You in all we do.


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