Sunday, June 9, 2019


   “When the day of Pentecost had come they were all together in one place.  And suddenly a sound came from heaven like the rush of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.  And there appeared to them tongues as of fire, distributed and resting on each one of them.”  (Acts 2: 1 – 3)

   Today we commemorate the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples, Pentecost Sunday.  The advocate promised them by Jesus came and filled them with courage and purpose.  This day men who had been hiding in fear of their lives rose up and began preaching the gospel to all who would listen.

   They would go wherever the spirit lead suffering persecutions, beatings, imprisonment and, for most of them, martyrdom.  No matter the cost they held the reward worth it.  A group of ordinary men with virtually no education or religious training would change the world.  The gospel they preached would spread throughout the world, carrying the word of God and the redemption purchased for man by Jesus Christ to all who would listen.

   The power of the Holy Spirit is incredible.  When the Spirit over-shadowed our Blessed Mother, she conceived our Lord and Savior in her womb.  When the spirit filled the disciples they were no longer afraid, but courageous in their preaching, converting men and women of every nationality, race, and tongue.

   We to have the ability to be filled by the Holy Spirit.  He will come to us if we are willing to give ourselves to Him.  But be warned, He wants everything of us, not just an hour or so a week.  When the Spirit comes, change comes with Him.

   Not all of us will be called to ministry, the priesthood or religious life.  Some will be called to the religious life in other ways.  Some are called to marriage, others to the life of prayer in a monastery or convent.  Whatever the call the Spirit will strengthen us to carry out our mission.  It is up to us to cooperate and give ourselves the calling.

   Pray for the Holy Spirit.  Ask the Father to fill you with the same Spirit that filled the disciples; the same spirit that over-shadowed the Blessed Virgin.  Be prepared for a change in your life; no one who is filled with the Holy Spirit remains as they were.

Father, fill us with Your Holy Spirit
May He dwell within us.
Give us the strength to follow Your will.
Let the Spirit lead us in all things.


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