Monday, December 23, 2019

The Gift

   It seems everyone has a suggestion for what gift we should give others at Christmas.  Apparently if you truly love your spouse you will buy them a new car, or maybe even two, one for each of you.  The list for children is pretty much endless but you can be sure there is a hefty price tag attached to those that are the “best” in the eyes of the merchants.

   The Thursday after Thanksgiving is called “black Thursday” because there are many businesses whose balance sheets begin showing a profit on that day.  That is the day when we are supposed to drive all over town, fight our way through the doors and push through the crowds to get that one item that we just must have, either for us or our loved ones.

   I see black Thursday in a different way.  To me it represents the fact that the meaning of Christmas has been lost in the desire for earthly things.  I have no doubt that it is a wonderful day for Satan; just look at all the greed, envy, anger and inhumanity that takes place.  There is very little, if any, love for the person who just got the last of anything; shouting and even fights break out.  Where is Christmas in this mess?

   There is a lovely lady who lives in my neighborhood with whom I’ve become friends.  She lost her husband a little over three years ago and is still in deep grief for her loss.  I noticed a couple of days ago the van belonging to one of her grandson’s in her driveway.  He is staying with her through Christmas; her eyes lit up with love when she told me.  That is a Christmas gift to top all!  His love and visit is the best gift he could possibly have given.

   Tomorrow night is Christmas Eve.  It may be too late to get that prized gift you were searching for but it’s not too late to visit, or even just call, a friend or relative who might be alone for the holidays.  The gift of your love and caring is worth far more than any gift that could be purchased.

Lord, You gave us the greatest gift.
You gave us salvation.
By Your love we are saved.
May we share the gift of love with others.


1 comment:

  1. It is true what you say in this letter and I have noticed I have been in error of seeing what is really important, and that is the gift of love. I will take this letter and I will reach out to those I love because although I do the things I don't want to do and dont do that which I should do I will listen to counsel and push through my selfish wants, put them aside, to give to those that which Christ has given to us, comfort,peace, are care that goes on and on from grace to grace and deep calling to deep. I love you Jesus and I thank God for your sacrifice. Amen
