Saturday, September 10, 2022

 A Human Church 

   “I am afraid that we are tempted to build a human church, according to the times and according to our ideas.  But the Church is not ours.”  (Cardinal Robert Sarah) 

   At the risk of possibly offending some I will state very clearly that a church, any church, which does not preach the truths of God is a church of Satan; it is a path of lies and deception that can lead only to hell.

   And yet that is what many churches have become and are becoming.  That is nowhere more evident than in some of the churches which now accept, and by accepting encourage, and by encouraging promote, actions that are an abomination before God.

   Many self-proclaimed Christians choose to accept and support the murder of babies in the womb, but few Priests and Ministers have the courage to confront this horrible act.  Sex, of any kind, outside of marriage is sinful, but some churches not only refuse to acknowledge that such acts are immoral but even allow those who practice them to become ministers of the church.

   There is no question that humans are a sinful bunch.  We far too easily fall into Satan’s traps.  One of his favorite traps is to accept what is unacceptable rather than to offend others; to be a “church of the people”.  This fact is evident in everyday life and the laws that are passed and the actions that are enshrined as "rights” with no regard to the evil they represent.  Sadly, far too many refuse to object to such evil.

   There will come a time for those who preach the nice rather than the truth to answer for their failure as shepherds and as Christians.  “On these grounds is sentence pronounced: that though the light has come into the world men have shown they prefer darkness to the light because their deeds were evil." (John 3: 19)  


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