The Eternal Now
“What eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, and what has not entered the human heart, what God has prepared for those who love him.” (1 Cor 2: 9)
There is
great calm to be found in St. Paul’s description, or non-description, of
heaven. It really gives no clue at all as
to what heaven will be, but the mere fact that it will be totally different from
what I’ve known in this world is comforting to me.
I have
friends who worry each day over what they see and hear in the news. They let it steal their inner peace; they
worry about things beyond their control.
I find it better to simply be aware of what’s happening, do what little
I can to try to make it better, leaving all else to God.
Some people
live in the past, dredging up memory after memory and losing today. We should remember our joys and the loved
ones who have gone before us, keeping alive the happiness they brought us, but living
in the past does no good in reaching for the future that God has promised.
Others spend
their time worrying about the future and what it will bring, forgetting that
there may be no future; today may be the day our Lord calls them home. Sensible preparation for the future is necessary,
but the future we must surely prepare for is our eternal life.
I don't know what heaven will be, but even the unknowing gives me joy. I am certain that it will be perfection in
every sense of the word, but perfection is also something I can’t know in this
lifetime. Perhaps that is for the best, I
suspect that knowing what heaven will be would make living in this world
My life
could end today, or I may be around for many more years; that is entirely up to
God. However, no matter how long I remain in this
world, I will look forward to heaven and think of the eternal now; no past, no
future, only now. With joy I anticipate seeing
what I cannot see and hearing what I cannot hear and knowing what God has prepared
for those who love Him.
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