New Year’s Eve
Another year draws to a close. This one has been a strange and, in many
ways, difficult one. Though it has been
a trying time there have been blessings as well. Babies have been born, lives thought to be
lost to Covid have been saved. The world
continues to revolve on its’ axis and around the sun; life goes on.
Many focus on the evils of the world failing to recognize the
joys and blessings that are ours each day.
While this year might have been worse than some, it certainly
hasn’t been the worst in history. World
wars, the holocaust and several genocides have occurred over the years. This year has been far less destructive and
difficult than many.
As difficult as it can be at times I try to look for the good
rather than dwell upon the bad. My soul
rests much easier in seeking to find the blessings of each day rather than being
overwhelmed by the trials and tribulations.
Faith in the promises of Christ convince me that this world and all its’
woes is temporary. What is a lifetime
for me is no more that a drop in the ocean of infinity.
As we begin the new year we should pray that it will be better. But we must also recognize that the blessings we pray for are gifts of God, given out of His love, not something we have earned or deserve. Our present society is not far from that of Sodom and Gomorrah and we know how that turned out. So as part of our prayers let us pray for a renewal of faith in God. Let us pray for a greater love of Him and of our neighbor. In that prayer there is peace.
The year is
Help us do
better in the new year.
Help us see
Your many blessings.
Strengthen our Love for you and for neighbor.