Tuesday, January 31, 2023


   “To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary.  To one without faith, no explanation is possible.” (St. Thomas Aquinas) 

   I believe in miracles.  They happen everyday but are most often written off as luck or coincidence or some other lame excuse to deny the power of God.

   I believe in the miracle of creation.  At God’s word all that is and ever will be was created.  A universe that continues to expand apparently to infinity came into being because He willed it so.  Scientists say new technology will eventually allow us to actually see the beginning of the universe.  I don’t think so; only God knows how the universe began.

   I believe in the miracle of life; that one sperm cell combines with one egg cell and a new human being is formed in the women’s womb.  I mourn for those millions of lives that have been destroyed through the horror of abortion.  I trust those innocent souls to the mercy of God.

   I believe there are people cured of terminal illnesses when no cure is medically possible, and that cure is a miracle.  Though the medical profession often balks at such things, there are many doctors who have seen things that cannot be explained by medical science.

   I believe in the miraculous appearances of our Blessed Mother over the centuries, at Fatima, Guadalupe, and Lourdes as well as many others.  The miracle of Fatima was witnessed by thousands, even by those with no faith and who had scoffed at the children to whom the Lady had appeared.  I believe Mary will continue to appear when needed in this world.

   I believe in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist.  A piece of unleavened bread and cup of wine miraculously become the body, blood, soul, and divinity of our Lord.

   I believe in the miracle of my redemption and the forgiveness of my many sins, allowing me the ability to spend eternity in God’s heavenly kingdom.  I believe in the miracle of a God who loves me so much that He would send His only Son to suffer and die that I might have redemption and forgiveness.

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