Thursday, May 9, 2024


   “And eternal life is this: to know you, the only one true God, and the one you have sent, Jesus Christ.” (John 17: 3) 

   If faced with a decision, one that would make the rest of your life filled with love, joy, and happiness or make it one of misery, sorrow, and pain, which would you choose?  I imagine that everyone would choose love, joy, and happiness.

   And yet life is short, perhaps 80 years, a few less or a few more.  But even if the choice were offered as we neared our final days we would still choose happiness over sorrow, joy over misery.  We would desire to avoid the pain and bask in the love of another.

   What of our eternal soul?  The same choice is before us, we must decide.  Would we knowingly choose hell and all that implies over the kingdom of God?  Sadly many make that choice, choosing the lures and temptations of a broken, sinful world.

   The choice we have is a simple one; either we love and obey God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, or we choose to follow Satan.  There is no middle ground to be had.  We will spend eternity in the place we have chosen by the way we live our life.  God will send no one to hell, but He will honor the choice we make and allow us to choose hell.  It is our choice, not His.  He desires that all repent and spend eternity in His kingdom.

   We make decisions every day, some important and others that are not.  But this choice is the most important of all.  Would you choose to live in pain and agony throughout this life?  Of course not.  Then why would you choose hell and all the misery that awaits.  Rather, turn to God, reject Satan, and choose the beauty, the love and the joy of the kingdom God has prepared for those who love Him.


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