Tuesday, May 28, 2024

 How We Suffer 

   “For it has been granted to you not only to believe in Christ but also to suffer for him.” (Phil 1: 29) 

   Yesterday I wrote about beginning to understand suffering and why we suffer.  All of us will experience some suffering in this life but not all will approach suffering in the same way.

   When we suffer, we often focus on that to the exclusion of all else.  We tend to forget the many blessings and the joy we’ve known and allow our suffering to dominate our life.  We become depressed, some even to the point of taking their own life to end the suffering.  But suicide only leads to eternal suffering, not freedom from it.

   Some look at suffering as a fact of life in a broken and sinful world.  They accept it and deal with it, never allowing it to consume them.  They offer their suffering to the Lord out of love and thanksgiving for the suffering He endured for them.

   Though it may sound crazy, suffering can bring us closer to God if we will allow.  When we surrender our suffering to Him in prayer He will help us endure, giving us comfort even in times of pain and sorrow.

   The cross, our suffering in this world, is part of the path we must walk if we are to reach God’s kingdom.  When we read the gospels we see that Jesus’ ministry was one of suffering, from rejection by those He came to save all the way to Calvary.  We too must carry our cross just as our Lord carried His.

   Suffering is never easy, but it can be one of two things: misery or blessing.  To think of it as a blessing is difficult, but like all else in life, it is a choice we can make.  We will all suffer but how we suffer makes all the difference.  When we surrender our life, including our sufferings, to God, all things are possible.  Let it go and let God take it and even suffering is more easily endured.


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