Sunday, May 19, 2024

 Love One Another 

   “I give you a new commandment: love one another.  Just as I have loved you, so you should also love one another.  This is how everyone will know that you are my disciples: if you love one another.” (John 13: 34 – 35) 

   If we want to serve God, we must love one another.  If we want to be disciples of Christ, we must love one another.  If we want to have peace in our life we must reject hatred, we must love one another.  If we want to spend eternity in God’s heavenly kingdom, we must love one another.

   Only love will be present in heaven.  No hatred, no bias will be permitted, only love.  Scripture tells us over and over that love is of God and God is love.  If we do not love with the love of the Father, we do not love at all.  We may pretend, we may convince ourselves that we love, but if it is not from God it is not true love.

   The world knows little of actual love though love is one of the most used words in our vocabulary.  We love our cars, our homes, our ice cream.  We say that we love so many things, but what we really mean is that we like them, not love them.

   I do not believe that we can genuinely love an inanimate object though we may like it very much.  For love to be real it must be shared one with another.  It must be an unselfish, giving love that demands nothing but always seeks to bring joy and happiness to the beloved.

   Paul wrote that if we don’t have love we are nothing (1 Cor 13: 1 – 4).  Without the love that comes from God, we do not know love and without love, we cannot know God.  Jesus loved us so much that He willingly gave His life for our redemption.  Only by His sacrifice and love do we have the opportunity of eternal life in His presence.

   Love is all, love is everything, without it we have nothing and are nothing.  Love, the love we must have, can only come as a grace from God.  In that grace lies all happiness and joy, all contentment and peace.  When we seek the love of God, and share that love with others, we become the disciples of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

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