Sunday, May 26, 2024

 Lack of Respect 

   “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot.  I wish you were either hot or cold.  As it is, since you are lukewarm, neither cold nor hot, I will spit you out of my mouth.” (Rev 3: 15 – 16) 

   There seems to be a very relaxed attitude prevalent in the Church these days.  I’m not sure why or when it began, but it shows a lack of respect for God.

   The sanctuary of the church, even before Mass begins, is a place of worship, one of prayer and respectful silence.  The focus should be on God and Him alone.  It is the Lord’s house, not a place for catching up with friends and neighbors.  Casual conversations are not only inappropriate, but they are disruptive and intrusive to those who are in prayer preparing to properly worship the Lord.

   When did T-shirts and shorts become proper attire for approaching the table of the Lord?  I’m not suggesting that everyone should be in full dress attire, but a certain decorum should be observed.  If one were to attend a dinner at the governor’s mansion shorts and T-shirts would not be allowed.  Is a politician due greater respect than God?

   People receive the Holy Eucharist, the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ and then go straight for the exit instead of returning to their pew to offer thanksgiving for such a blessing.  Others might wait for the final prayer but before the priest has even left the altar they are out of their pew and headed for the door.

   Why are priests, pastors, and bishops, failing to address such lack of respect for God?  Even in the clergy it seems there is a lack of respect, or at least a lack of will to address such disrespectful attitudes.

   I suppose some might be offended by this blog, but perhaps offending those who disrespect God is what is needed.  There is no one due greater respect and honor than our Lord.


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