Tuesday, May 21, 2024

 The Ways of the Heart 

   “A good man produces good from the store of goodness in his heart, whereas the evil man produces evil from the store of evil within him.” (Luke 6: 45) 

   We see the exterior of others while the true person is only revealed by the interior.  Many present a pleasing façade while harboring hatred and evil within their hearts.

   Jesus said, “By their fruits you will know them.” (Matt 7: 15).  So it is with each of us.  No one can consistently and effectively disguise what is within them.  If it is good, that good will shine through for all to see.  If it is evil, it will become evident, it cannot be forever hidden.

   A heart devoted to God leaves no room for evil or the ways of this world.  It is consumed with the desire to serve Him and follow His ways.  His days are filled with doing what God asks, giving thanks for His many blessings.

   One who is enamored with the ways of the world has little room for God in their heart.  God’s ways are not worldly, and He will not share one’s heart with the evils of this world.  With God, it must be all or nothing; “You cannot serve God and mammon.” (Matt 6: 24).

   “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” (Matt 22: 37).  It must be God or the world, it cannot be both.  We are to love the world, but as the creation of God, not as an end unto itself.  When we open our hearts to the Lord, we will be filled with the joy, happiness and peace that can only come from having God within us.



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