Heaven On My Mind
“What eye has not seen and ear has not heard, and what has not entered the human heart, what God has prepared for those who love him.” (1 Cor 2: 9)
From time to
time my mind turns to heaven. I don’t consciously
decide to think about heaven, I simply find that heaven is on my mind. Perhaps because entering those gates is my
greatest desire, or maybe it’s because I have confidence that my wife is
waiting for me there. Whatever the
reason I spend quite a bit of time contemplating heaven.
When I think
of heaven I sometimes feel like a young child who has just found out that they
are going to a major theme park for the very first time. I feel excited, anxious, and curious about
how it will be when I get there. There are
many ways of finding out what to expect at the park, but not so much about what
to expect in heaven. Still, the
excitement and anticipation is great.
I know and understand
what Paul was saying in the scripture above.
Heaven is so wonderful, so incredible, that the human mind cannot even
begin to appreciate what awaits those who love God. Happiness, peace, love beyond compare; of
course. But what else will there
be? It’s impossible to know but enticing
to consider.
However, contemplating
heaven may also bring possible danger. If I
become so enamored with trying to figure out what heaven is, I could lose sight
of how I must live my life to get there.
An obsession, even with heaven, is not a healthy thing.
certain that my thoughts will continue to turn to heaven many times before I leave
this world. As long as those thoughts inspire
me to live in such a way as to always please God I believe those thoughts will help me along the way.
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