The Little Things
The little
things in life very often go unnoticed.
Society has trained us to ignore them, seeing only the big events and
happenings. There’s even a saying for
it; “Don’t sweat the small stuff”. This
is a huge mistake; the little things, the small stuff is primarily what life is
all about.
Anyone who
has been blessed with a happy, loving marriage can tell you that the little
things matter more than the big ones.
Celebrations of special days and events are important and a good thing,
but they occur only a few times a year.
The day to day events in life are what makes a happy couple. Holding hands whenever possible, saying “I
love you” many times throughout the day.
Loving each as if there is no tomorrow, for there may not be. These are the things that bring couples
closer together.
spiritual life is much the same, it’s the little things that keep us on
track. Rarely is there a major spiritual
event in one’s life, but there are daily blessings that go unnoticed every
day. Simply waking up is taken for
granted. We often complain about our
aches and pains but rarely give thanks for a day without them. We don’t even notice the beauty and majesty
of God’s creation as we go about our day.
God blesses us in so many ways but how often do we take the time to say
“thank you”.
Set aside a
few minutes each evening to look back over the day and see the blessings God
has given you this day. Notice the
little things in life and give thanks.
We should live our life trying to please our Lord and I believe giving
thanks for those blessings we usually ignore is a wonderful way to please Him.
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