Written On Our Hearts
“Here I am; in the scroll of the book it is written of me. I delight to do your will O God; your law is written within my heart.” (Psalm 40: 7 – 8)
I believe
that deep down inside each of us we know God’s will and His laws. Whether we choose to obey or ignore them determines
many things in our life, including where we will spend eternity.
When I look
at the evil of the world, the hate, the wars, the wanton destruction of people
and of God’s creation I see those who chose to ignore God and go the way of self-interest and willfulness. Their
attitude is “all for me” and if that involves the destruction of others lives
and well-being so be it.
I see it in
the continual wars of the world, including the most recent upheaval in the
middle east. There is no hope of compromise
or reconciliation, it is quite literally, “my way or the highway”. Wars and rumors of wars are to be expected,
but they are not the will of God.
apparent in the governments which refuse to do what is right but only what
benefits those in power. Nothing matters
except remaining in power regardless of the harm they may do to those they are
sworn to serve.
Worst of all,
I see it in the horror of abortion and euthanasia, the murder of the most
innocent and helpless of all. Only God
can give life; to willfully and arrogantly take such a life is an
abomination before Him. There will be a
reckoning before God for such evil.
At times I wonder if those who choose to ignore God’s laws suffer within themselves. I suspect at some level they recognize that something is not right, something has gone amiss in their life. How I wish that the world could take a few minutes in quiet communion with God and at least begin to understand the love He has for all His children.
are those who make the Lord their trust, who do not turn to the proud, to those
who go after false gods.” (Psalm 40: 4)
Very close to the reasoning of C.S. Lewis. We are created with an inherent moral compass. Praise Jah!