Sunday, June 30, 2024

 The Father’s Will 

   “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my heavenly Father.” (Matt 7: 21) 

   Jesus said that He had come, not to do His will, but the will of the Father.  Consider that for a moment.  The Son of God, the second person of the Trinity, God Himself, chose to become obedient to the will of the Father.  Obedient even to death on a cross.  If our Lord and Savior chose to serve the Father’s will so completely, how can we expect a heavenly reward if we do less?

   When I consider what it means to do the will of the Father, the first thing I realize is that I must give up my will.  I must join Jesus in saying, “Not my will but yours be done.” (Matt 26: 39).  This means that I must accept whatever comes willingly and patiently, always trusting that God’s will is the path to Heaven though I may not understand how.

   Jesus also said that I must love my neighbor as myself.  That too is the will of the Father.  If I do not have love, not just for those who love me but even for those I might consider my enemies I will not pass through those pearly gates.  Christ is in each of us; if I refuse to love my neighbor I am refusing to love Jesus.

   I must also deny myself, pick up my cross daily and follow Christ if I am to do the will of the Father. (Mark 8: 34).  The crosses I bear will never be more difficult than those carried by Jesus.  His whole life was one of carrying crosses.  The cross of rejection, betrayal, abuse, and finally the horrible death of the cross on Calvary.

   Following the will of God will not always be easy, but I do not bear my crosses alone.  God’s desire is that no one be lost and, when I am overwhelmed by life, unable to carry on, He gives me peace, comfort, hope, and the strength to continue.  The path may be difficult at times, but the destination is worth any price I may be asked to pay.


Saturday, June 29, 2024


   “The moment we open ourselves up to God’s plans is the moment miracles begin to happen in our lives.” (Matthew Kelly, “Resisting Happiness”) 

   Those who do not know God never see the many miracles that occur each and every day.  They see what they call coincidences and simple acts of nature.  They never stop to ask why a coincidence occurs sometimes and not others or who created the nature that causes all those simple acts of nature.

   On the other hand, those who believe and trust in God see His hand in so many things.  A grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, but from that simple fact a new plant is born, producing thousands of new grains of wheat.  I'm sure biologists can explain all the science that goes into that fact, but they can never explain who created that science.

   A single male sperm joins with a single female egg cell and a new human being is created.  Not a mass of cells, but a human being.  From the very instant of conception a new human genome is created.  One that has never existed before and will never be repeated.

   I was once in a discussion with a self-proclaimed atheist who was touting the “big bang theory” as if it negated intelligent creation by an all-knowing, all powerful Creator.  I reminded them that it was a Catholic priest in Germany who first proposed the big bang.  When I told them that I have no problem with the big bang theory, but I would like for them to tell me who lit the fuse that set it off, they were speechless.

   Miracles are a part of life.  They can be denied, they can be misunderstood, but they are reality.  Every day, in every walk of life, a loving, caring, merciful God causes miracles to occur.  Sometimes in the most unexpected places, like the heart of an atheist who finally accepts the truth that is God.



Friday, June 28, 2024

 The Journey’s End 

   “Even the hairs on your head have all been counted.” (Luke 12: 7) 

   I am now seventy-three years old and well aware that my journey in this life is nearing its end.  Only God knows when that day will come, but common sense tells me most of my life on this earth is behind me.

   This knowledge has an impact upon me.  It causes me to pause, remembering the many blessings God has bestowed upon me as well as the many times I have offended Him by my sins.  I find myself considering whether I am ready for the judgement that is to come.  It is a sobering thought.

   In my youth I pretty much ignored my mortality.  As the saying goes, I was ”ten foot tall and bulletproof.”  That foolish thought has been proven wrong so many times.  Few are concerned about preparing spiritually for death in their youth, but death sometimes comes in youth with little or no warning.

   When I am judged I believe it will be not by any good I may have done but by the love with which it was done.  I can give thousands to charity, doing much good for many, but if my intent is not to share the love of God it is of no use.  Charity and donations simply to increase tax deductions or gain recognition are of no use to my spiritual well-being.

   “Amen I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least brethren of mine, you did for me.” (Matt 25: 40).  Judgement will come and my eternal dwelling place will be determined.  If I have loved others, I have loved my Lord; if not, I have not loved my Lord.  Jesus, I love you, help me to love you more.


Thursday, June 27, 2024

 Pray Always 

   “Whatever you ask for in faith-filled prayer, you will receive.” (Matt 21:22) 

   St. Monica is a beautiful example of how to place all in the hands of God.  She prayed for many years for the conversion of her wayward son.  She never pushed or prodded, she simply placed him in the hands of God.  Her prayers were answered and her son, St. Augustine, not only came to God but became one of the greatest Saints of the Church.

   I take heart in St. Monica and her persistence in prayer.  I too pray for the souls of my children, and grandchildren as well as friends.  God listened to St. Monica, and I know He listens to me.  I may not see the answer to my prayers in this lifetime, but I know they will not go unanswered.

   I have concluded that this is the same path I need to take in all that is wrong in the world.  I can do virtually nothing to change the world, this nation, or society as a whole.  So I’ve decided to quit complaining about how things are and will instead pray, placing it all in God’s hands.  I can think of no better way to address the evils of the world than trusting in God.

   I will do what little I can, like trying to vote wisely even though I fear it is a matter of voting for the lesser of two evils.  I will not shy away from speaking up when the opportunity to defend God and His ways arise.  I will try to live my life so that my faith is evident in all I do and in the way I treat everyone I meet.

   But above all, I will persist in prayer.  I will pray “Hear my prayer, O God; give ear to the words of my mouth.” (Psalm 54: 4).  I will not insist on the answer I may think is right but accept the will of God in all things.  Above all I will trust in God’s love and providence in all things, knowing that, in the end, God wins.


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

 A Society in Darkness 

   “And the judgement is this: the light has come into the world, but people preferred darkness to light because their deeds were evil.  (John 3: 19) 

   I have often used this blog to vent my frustrations with our government.  The reality is that the government, and those who are elected to run it, are simply a reflection of the society that votes them into office. 

   Since it is society that selects the government it is only natural that those in government want to satisfy as many of the people as they can, hence bowing to the whims of society.  If a majority of voters want it, a government of political careerists will find a way to provide it.  Reelection is their goal, not the good of the nation.

   Society is the illness and society must be the cure.  As the number of people in this country who claim no religious affiliation grows, it becomes less and less likely that the government will change.  People are inclined to desire what they want, and they will elect a government that will give it to them.

   Successfully converting a corrupt society to one of faith is difficult and may well be impossible.  Rather, corrupt society will persecute the faithful and do all they can to silence them.  A government elected by a corrupt society will acquiesce and even support such efforts.  As Christians we must ask ourselves how we can promote change in a corrupt and evil society.

   Perhaps we can’t change society.  Maybe we will go the route of destruction as so many evil societies have.  But we can try.  We can live our faith in all aspects of our lives.  We can refuse to be silenced, professing our love of God by our example.  We can have the courage and faith to rebuke an evil society and maybe, just maybe, begin to change it.


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

 Peace of Soul 

   “The secret of peace of soul is to combine detachment from evil with attachment to God.” (Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen) 

   We all seek peace of soul.  Even those who don’t know God seek this peace though they may not associate it with God.  But true peace comes only from God, so without Him the search for peace is futile.

   We cannot find peace of soul simply by turning from evil though we must do so if we want that peace.  We must also turn to God and fill the emptiness left by the rejection of evil with love of God.  Our soul will be filled with the turmoil of evil or with the peace of God for it cannot be empty.

   The peace we find when we fill our soul with God is a peace beyond anything this world can offer.  It’s a peace in times of trial, help in times of sorrow and pain, and a comfort in all things.  Try as we may, we will never find this peace except in God.

   “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you.  Not as the world gives do I give it to you.” (John 14: 27).  Satan and the world offer many things that may mimic peace, but they are a pale imitation of the peace Christ offers.  Money, fame, and all the lures of the world are lies that will disappoint.

   Only in God, only by rejecting evil and filling our heart with His love will we ever know the joy and peace of soul promised by our Lord.


Monday, June 24, 2024

 Worship God 

   “You have a duty to worship God, not because He will be imperfect and unhappy if you do not, but because you will be imperfect and unhappy. (Archbishop Fulton Sheen). 

   We have a responsibility to worship our Creator.  If God had not chosen to bring us into existence we would not exist and if He were to cease to desire that we exist we would no longer exist.

   By worshipping God we are not giving Him anything He needs, He needs nothing.  In no way can we add to or detract from Him, He is complete in every conceivable  way.  However if we fail to honor and worship Him we will never know the joy, happiness, and peace that God brings to those who worship and trust Him.

   When we choose to accept God into our lives and worship and serve Him we gain so many blessings.  We will see the small miracles that occur everyday that those who do not know God never recognize as miracles.  Our lives will be filled with an unending love that only the Father can bestow upon us.

   Even in the worst of times those who worship God have a strong and loving hand to help them through.  God reaches out to us and offers comfort and peace regardless of the nastiness and evil of the world about us.

   Those who worship God will come to understand that we are in exiles in this world.  Just as the Israelites were not an home during their exile in Babylon we are never at home in a world where evil seems to be the dominating force.  And as the Israelites rejoiced when they were released from 70 years of exile we will rejoice when we are released from the exile of our mortal life.

   Worshipping God is not a burden and not a chore.  It is the best part of life, an opportunity to know the Lord in this life and join Him in His holy kingdom in the next.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Sunday Obligation 

   “Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.” (Ex 20:8) 

   I think many people have forgotten that to fail to keep the Sabbath holy is a violation of one of the ten commandments.  Therefore, it is a serious obligation to keep holy the Lord’s Day.

   But what does’ “keep it holy” entail?  Is it just to take the day off and spend a few minutes thinking of God or is there a deeper meaning?  I believe it involves many things but most importantly, attending Mass.  It also means to spend time with the Lord outside of Mass.  It should be a day to rest as scripture says, “The Lord made the heavens and the earth and the seas and all that which is in them in six days, but he rested the seventh day.  Thus, the Lord blessed the Sabbath and declared it holy.” (Ex 20: 11.

   In the Catholic Church attending Mass on Sunday is an obligation and rightfully so.  But it should be so much more than an obligation.  It should be a privilege, an honor, and a joy to go to Mass.  We should look forward to the opportunity to gather in worship.  Going to Mass on Sunday only because it is an obligation misses the point.

   Many leave their faith at the door of the Church on the way out and don’t pick it up again until the following Sunday.  The rest of the day, and all the next week, they are undistinguishable as Catholics; their faith is weak at best.  Have they met the obligation?  I suppose technically they have, but do they keep the Sabbath holy in their hearts and in their actions?

   The Sabbath is considered a feast day, a day of great joy and celebration in the Lord.  It should be the highlight of our week, not just an hour of sitting in a pew because we are obligated to do so.  When we approach it as such it will more and more be the focus of our Sundays as it should.  We will come to realize the deeper meaning of keeping holy the Sabbath and know the joy and many blessings it brings.


Saturday, June 22, 2024

 Religious Freedom 

   “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;” (First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.) 

   Ten years ago the bishops of the United States designated this week as Religious Freedom Week, a time to recognize and promote our freedom of religion and its free exercise guaranteed by the First Amendment.  This right is under serious threat in our nation today.

   Nothing in this amendment mentions “freedom of worship” or “freedom from religion,” yet this is what our government claims was the intent.  They are wrong, the wording is unambiguous and very clear, it guarantees the right to exercise our religion, both privately and publicly.

   Freedom of worship would indicate that worship is a private affair.  Of course we have freedom of worship; done in private no one need ever know of it.  But that isn’t what “free exercise” means.  Free exercise means we have the right to express our religion, our faith, in all aspects of our life without interference from government intervention.

   Freedom from religion is a nonsensical concept.  No one can force religion upon someone.  Even if it were required by law, it would be a show, not true faith, or religion.

   The question is why would our government want to dilute the first amendment of the constitution?  Political expediency sometimes needs quiet acquiescence rather than free exercise.  When the desires of the majority override the rights of the minority we no longer have a democratically elected republic but a dictatorship bowing to the whims of those in power.

   The purpose of our government is to protect the rights of all, not just those considered “politically correct”.  Without that protection we are a nation at risk of devolving into a banana republic bowing to the whims of those in power.


Friday, June 21, 2024

 A Bucket List 

   “The days of mortal man are like grass: he flourishes like a flower in the field.  The wind sweeps over him, and he is gone, and his place never sees him again” (Psalm 103: 15 -16) 

   Bucket lists were all the rage a few years ago.  Things that one wished to accomplish before leaving this world.  Most were very much earthly wishes, even selfish desires.  Some were silly and even dangerous.

   We don’t hear much of bucket lists these days, but I think as Christians having a spiritual bucket list is important.  We need to always be searching for ways to grow closer to God; to prepare ourselves for the transition from this life to the next.  A few options might include:

   Commit to spend an hour a week in Eucharistic Adoration, giving Him thanks for His many blessings, and lamenting the times we’ve failed Him through our sinfulness.

   Choose to serve in a ministry, offering our time and talents to the Lord.  Every church has many areas where help is always needed.  Do it for the glory of God, not to gain recognition for self.

   Donate to a worthy charity.  There are many worthy choices which give an opportunity to love our neighbor. “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brethren of mine, you did for me.” (Matt 25: 40).  When we serve others, we are also serving Jesus.

   Speak out against abortion and euthanasia.  The murder of innocents is an abomination before the Lord.

   Be bold, let faith be evident in everything we do.  Let others see our love for the Lord in the way we live our life.

   Most importantly, do all these things for God, never seeking credit for the good we may do but giving all recognition and praise to God.


Thursday, June 20, 2024

 Judging Others 

   “Do not judge, so that you in turn may not be judged.” (Matt 7: 1) 

   I once had a friend whom most considered an unreliable drunk.  When on a binge he would miss work for days on end.  Until I got to know him better I wondered how he could keep his job under such circumstances.

   What I came to know and what most never knew of my friend was that he had spent over three years as a prisoner of war in North Korea.  He was barely fed and regularly mistreated and abused.  He was one of many American POWs on the so-called Tiger Death March, a nine day ordeal during which almost one hundred Americans died.

   The lesson to be learned here is that we rarely know what brought others to be what we consider drunks, or addicts of various kinds.  Those whose memories haunt them every day and, at times, overwhelm them.

   St. Theresa of Calcutta once said, “If you judge people, you have no time to love them.”  Over and over in scripture we are told that only God is the judge, and that He has given all judgement over to the Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.  We, therefore, have no right to judge anyone, only to love them as God’s children.

   We will not be judged by what great works we may have done but by how we loved others, even those we might consider the dregs of society.  We need to keep in mind the adage “There but for the grace of God, go I.”

   “Why do you take note of the splinter in your brother’s eye but do not notice the wooden plank in your own eye?” (Matt 7: 3).  We all have things in our lives that others could use to judge us; things we wish we could change but cannot.  We would hope that others would consider what led us to where we are and refrain from judging us.  Should we do less for others?


Wednesday, June 19, 2024


   “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts above your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55: 9) 

   On the feast of St. Nicholas in 1273 St. Thomas was celebrating Mass when he received a revelation that so affected Him that he wrote and dictated no more, leaving his magnificent work “Summa Theologiae” unfinished.  When asked why, he replied, “All I have written appears to be as so much straw after the things that have been revealed to me.”

   If one of the greatest theologians in the history of the Church can make such a statement, how can I, simple man that I am, ever expect to understand the heights and depths of God and His will.  It’s almost enough to make me want to give up trying to understand.  But seeking greater understanding is, I believe, what God asks of me even though I will never fully grasp the ways of God.

   The fact that I can’t, and never will in this lifetime, understand God and all His ways increases my faith and trust in Him.  If I believe, then I must trust even when I don’t know the answers.  I must have faith that the will of God is always for the best even when I suffer the trials and burdens of this earthy life.

   “Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, nor has the human heart imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him.” (1 Cor 2: 9).  One day, in the life to come, maybe I will understand but I suspect that I won’t care.  What will it matter if I fully grasp all of God’s ways when I am living in the love and mercy He has for all those who believe?  The experience will outweigh all need for understanding.




Tuesday, June 18, 2024

 Halfhearted Faith 

   “As it is, since you are lukewarm, neither cold nor hot, I will spit you out of my mouth.” (Rev 3: 16) 

   Faith is a gift of God and He will give us a strong, bold faith if we will accept it.  However, like all of God’s gifts, He will not force it upon us, we must decide whether our faith will be a fire within us or lukewarm and weak.

   It seems that we have drifted away from the fundamentals of faith in many ways.  We speak of the “desire” of baptism, rather than actual baptism as the path to salvation.  The sincere desire for baptism may be sufficient as a last minute conversion on one’s deathbed, but it is not the baptism of which Christ spoke when He charged His disciples to, “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” (Matt 28: 19).

   There are various other indications that faith has diminished in many ways.  Attendance at Mass is down, belief in the true presence is down, repentance and confession is down.  All of these are signs of a lukewarm faith that is growing even colder.  What few embers remain are fading.

   The truths of Christ and the will of God must become the prime mover in our lives if our faith is as it should be.  We cannot be “cafeteria” Christians, choosing which articles of faith we will accept and which we won’t.  Such an attitude is tantamount to the fall of mankind in the Garden of Eden.  We want to become our own god rather than placing our faith in the one true God.

   Jesus summed it up very clearly when He said, “Have faith in God.” (Mark 11: 22).  Without a powerful faith that guides our life, we can never walk the path that leads to heaven.   


Monday, June 17, 2024

 A Personal Relationship 

   Throughout our lives we establish many personal relationships with others.  Some are deep and abiding, some are shallow and selfish.  But there is one personal relationship that needs careful attention and devotion above all others: our relationship with Christ.

   In this life I think the closest we can come to understanding what a personal relationship should be is that of a sacramental marriage, an unselfish, giving love for each other.  One that doesn’t demand, expect, or condition, but desires only the good of the one we love.

   The perfect example of such love is our Lord, Jesus Christ.  “No one can have greater love than to lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15: 13).  This is what Jesus did for us because of His love for us.  The Son of God chose to become one of us to save us from our sins, “…he humbled himself, and became obedient to death, even death on a cross.” (Phil 2: 8).

   What do we return for such love?  We often treat God as a heavenly ATM machine.  We enter our pin and expect the answer to our prayers without regard to whether what we ask is in accord with His will.  We tend to ignore His presence except when we need something from Him.  That is not a personal relationship, it is a selfish attempt to use God for our purposes.

   If we want the relationship we need with Christ we must submit ourselves to Him and His will.  We must surrender ourselves to Him, trusting Him in all things.  Especially when life is difficult and our cross is heavy, we must place ourselves in His hands.  “Anyone who wishes to follow me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.” (Matt 16: 24).  The cross we carry can never be greater than the cross He carried for us.

   I’ll close with a little prayer of surrender to Christ.  “O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything!”  This is the personal relationship we must have with our Lord, a relationship of total surrender to Him.


Sunday, June 16, 2024

 Fatherhood Under Attack 

    It began with the federal government.  Programs were established to care for Mothers and children when no father was around to do so.  Not well cared for mind you, just a subsistence allowance that keeps them enslaved and in debt to the government.  Fathers were no longer considered necessary to family life.

   The entertainment industry joined in the attack, depicting men and fathers as bumbling oafs rather than a vital part of the family.  No longer were fathers presented as wise, caring, or even needed but rather as a crude and demeaning laugh line.

   I believe that it’s an attack on the family itself with fatherhood as the target chosen to destroy it.  If Satan has his way, the family will disappear, and society will become a mere shadow of what it should be.  Without the family and the love and mutual support it is intended to provide society cannot flourish.

   Men need to “man up” and become a loving father, accepting their responsibilities, rebuking any effort to belittle them.  Women need to seek husbands who will be partners in life caring for the good of the family.  The government must start encouraging the traditional family rather than destroying it.

   The family, including fathers, is the building block of a healthy society.  Without it society will collapse and this nation will cease.


Friday, June 14, 2024

 The Challenges of Life 

   “The span of our life numbers seventy years, or perhaps eighty, if we have enough strength.  Most of them are marked by toil and emptiness; they pass swiftly, and then we fly away.” (Psalm 90: 10) 

   This scripture presents a rather depressing notion.  No one wants to consider the shortness of life and certainly not the trials life brings.  But such is our destiny.  We can’t change it and we have no way of knowing when this life will be over.

   But instead of allowing the challenges of life to bring us down we can, instead, accept that God is in charge and all that comes to us is part of His will, even the hardships and issues we face as we grow older.  There is nothing of value that doesn’t include some suffering and hard work; life is no different.

   Jesus said, “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matt 11: 29 – 30).  When we accept His yoke the hardships become easier to bear; we have the help of the Lord to bolster our efforts.

   Life is a journey, a journey from exile to our final home in God’s kingdom.  Some make the journey successfully and some give up, abandoning it because they refuse to accept the challenges that come.  For those who take Christ’s yoke upon them and pick up their cross daily and follow Him, the journey becomes an adventure in love, trust, and faith.

   When we take the challenge and walk the path God puts before us we will discover what God has prepared for those who love Him, the joy, happiness, and love of His heavenly kingdom.


Thursday, June 13, 2024

 The Circle of Love 

   “The command that I give you is this: love one another.” (John 15: 17) 

   My wife and I share an incredible love, a love that God has given us to share.  We have no question that God brought us together to bless us with His love and we give thanks to Him everyday for such a wonderful blessing.

   He has given us this love and it is our desire to share it with others.  Our prayer is that others may see the love we have and desire such a love in their life and their marriage.  We believe God has given us this blessing as a means of testifying to the love He has for all.  If our love can encourage such a love in others, we are serving the will of God.

   There is no limit to the love we share.  The title of this blog says why; love is a circle.  It is not just between a husband and wife but includes God, a type of trinity if you will: the husband, the wife, and God.  The more we love each other the more love God gives us to share.  The more we love God, the more love He gives us to share.

   Each day of our life my wife and I express our love for each other in so many ways.  Our love for each other is a love above all others in this world.  Yet no matter how much we love each other, we love God even more.  If it were not for His love for us we would not have the love we have for each other.

   This is the circle of love, and it grows stronger each day.  We give praise and thanks to God for the love He has for us, a love given to us that we may share in His love for all.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024


   “The moment we open ourselves up to God’s plans is the moment miracles begin to happen in our lives.” (Matthew Kelly, “Resisting Happiness”) 

   I believe in miracles.  What some see as coincidence I see as miracles.  When seen through the eyes of faith, miracles are everywhere.  But we must open ourselves to God if we are to recognize them.

   When I see a newborn baby I see a miracle.  One microscopic egg cell and one microscopic sperm cell combine to create new life; life created in the image of God.  Yes, this is a natural occurrence but nature itself is a miracle created by God.  To view such a miracle as something that can be discarded through abortion is an abomination before God.

   Look at the intricacies of the blooms on flowers.  The detail, the perfection, the beauty all speak of God.  They too are miraculous.

   The love of a sacramental marriage is a miracle of God.  The giving, unselfish love between a man and a woman in marriage reflects the unselfish love of God for all of humanity.  To experience such love is to experience a miracle.

   Those who don’t know God don’t see the miracles.  When we open our hearts to Him coincidences disappear.   When we recognize and submit ourselves to the will of the Father we will see the many miracles He works in our lives.


Tuesday, June 11, 2024

 Let the Light Shine 

   “You are the light of the world……Just so, your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father.” (Matt 5: 14 & 16) 

   Jesus bestowed an incredible honor on His disciples when He referred to them as the light of the world.  Jesus is the true light of the world, but He chose to let His light shine through all who believe in Him,  His disciples.

   As the disciples of Christ how are we to let His light shine through us so that others may see our good deeds and glorify God?  First, we should never consider that any good we might do originates with us.  It is, instead, a cooperation with Christ for the benefit of all, not to give us praise but to give all glory and praise to the Lord.

   Second, we are not to hide the light of Christ within us.  “A city built upon a mountain cannot be hidden.  Nor would someone light a lamp and then put it under a basket; rather, it is placed upon a lampstand so that it may afford light to all in the house.” (Matt 5: 14 – 15).  As His disciples, we are to be that city on the mountain, we are to be the lampstand that gives light to others.

   We cannot be part-time disciples, going to Mass on Sunday and living life without God the rest of the week.  He must be evident within us every day if we are to let His light shine through for others to see.  When we hide our faith, we are covering the light of Christ.  We are to share it, never keeping it to ourselves and never allow others to see our faith and our love of God.

   Let the light of Jesus shine through.  That is the role of a disciple, that is how we are to evangelize.  As St. Francis is credited with saying, “Preach the Gospel at all times.  Use words if necessary.”  Our actions say it louder and clearer than any words we might use.    


Monday, June 10, 2024

 Lies and Liars 

   “When he lies, he speaks in accord with his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” (John 8: 44)

   This scripture refers specifically to the devil, calling him the father of lies.  But it is not only Satan who is a liar but also his followers in this world.  Anyone who is of the devil is also a liar and a child of the father of lies.

   We currently have a president who often speaks of himself as a faithful Catholic.  Yet he also supports abortion and euthanasia.  His bishop has a responsibility to advise him that the two are incompatible.  He cannot be Catholic and support the taking of innocent life.  Perhaps the bishop has had this conversation with him, it’s not for me to know.  But if he has, then the president has ignored him.

   Even worse, we have some who are ordained as priests who also support evil.  They wish to bless homosexual relationships as if they were a legitimate marital relationship.  The pope needs to have a conversation with them explaining the heresy of their actions and, if ignored, laicize them.

   Society cannot continue if there is no truth but only lies.  Truth is shunned as hate speech, threatened with legal action while lies and destructive behavior is overlooked and tolerated.

   Our education system has, in large part, become an indoctrination system designed to foster the lies of Satan starting with grade school children.  Parents are condemned and threatened if they complain or question such indoctrination in evil.

   Only the truth can save us, but the truth is becoming harder and harder to find.  It’s inconvenient to those who would live life according to the will of Satan and is therefore stifled and pushed aside.

   “And the judgement is this: the light came into the world, but people preferred darkness to light because their deeds were evil.” (John 3: 19).  Those who walk in darkness will stumble and fall.  A society that rejects the truth cannot survive.


Sunday, June 9, 2024

 The Two Ways 

   “Enter through the narrow gate, for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction, and those who enter it are many.  But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and those who find it are few in number.” (Matt 13 – 14) 

   The wide road may be faster and less bothersome, but it leads only to perdition and never to God’s kingdom.  There is, however, a path that will take us there.  It is a narrow path that may be difficult at times.  We must be willing to accept His will for us whether it be joy and happiness or pain and sorrow.  We must be willing to pick up our cross and follow Jesus.

   Many want to enter heaven, but they aren’t willing to walk the difficult path to get there.  They balk at the hardships they may have to endure, the times that test their faith and trust in God.  They want the prize, but they aren’t willing to make the effort required to achieve it.  They want to get there but they want to do so on an easy path.  Sadly, they will be sorely disappointed when they stand before the Lord on judgement day.

   This scripture also tells us very plainly that few will find the narrow gate and enter.  We often pray that all souls be brought to heaven and so we should.  But those who choose the easy path will never get there.  Jesus said, “Not everyone who says to me ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my heavenly Father.” (Matt 7: 21).

   Once again we come to the choices we must make.  Only by choosing God and His will can we reach heaven.  Only if we are willing to walk the difficult road can we get there.  Even if we cry 'Lord, Lord,' we are lost unless we follow the path laid out for us by God.

   The choice is ours and ours alone.  Will we choose heaven or hell?


Saturday, June 8, 2024

 No Turning Back 

   I hear of people who say they have lost their faith.  They claim that they were devoted Christians but are no longer.  I’m amazed by such a claim.  I simply don’t understand how someone who knows our Lord could then turn from Him.  Did they ever know Him at all or were they deluding themselves?

   When we surrender ourselves to God He will consume us with His love.  Our heart will no longer have room for our biases and hatreds, they are anathema.  Even when life is hard, we trust in the Lord and understand that we will never understand all that happens to us and why.  That is why we must submit our will to His.

   If we are honest with ourselves we know that often we make a mess of things when we try to run our life.  We don’t see the big picture; we only see a small portion one day at a time.  It’s only God who sees all and know all.  I used to see a bumper sticker that said, “God is my co-pilot.”  If so you are in the wrong seat, God must be the pilot.  Only He knows the path we must follow if we are to join Him in heaven.

   “To fall in love with God is the greatest romance; to seek Him the greatest adventure; to find Him, the greatest human achievement.” (St. Augustine).  When we fall in love with God, seek His will in all things, and finally find Him there is no turning back, we can only grow in our faith and love of God.


Friday, June 7, 2024

Changes in Attitude 

   “And it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me.  The life I live now in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself up for me.” (Gal 2: 20) 

   When we accept Christ into our life it changes us.  Becoming a Christian makes us new persons, sons, and daughters of God through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  If we deny these changes we deny Christ and have not fully given our lives to Him.

   C. S. Lewis wrote that becoming a Christian is something that will take the whole of  you, brains, and all.  It may take time for the transition to fully occur, but it will happen if you are true to your faith.  Faith is a new way of life, one that will affect every aspect of your existence.

   For many years I was what I would call a nominal Christian.  I went to Mass and practiced my faith, but it was not always the dominating force in my life.  Life intruded into faith rather than faith changing my life.  Working, raising a family, all the minutia of daily life took from my devotion to my faith.

   As I’ve grown older I come to understand that faith must be the primary focus of my life.  When it is I know a love that fills me with joy and hope regardless of what may be occurring in my life.  Good days and bad days come and go, but nothing takes the peace of Christ from me.  As soon as I realize something in my life is imposing on that peace I simply put it in God’s hands and let it go.  I guard the peace Christ has given me with my whole heart.

   Attitudes must change, hopes and dreams must change, my entire life must change when my reason for living is to serve my Lord and accept His will in all things.  When I surrender myself entirely to Him even the worst times cannot steal the peace within me.

   Christ said, “I leave you peace, my peace I give to you.  Not as the world gives do I give it to you.  Do not let your hearts be troubled; be not afraid." (John 14: 27).  When I live for Christ there is nothing the world can do to take the peace He has given me.


Thursday, June 6, 2024


   “I, I am He who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins.” (Isaiah 43: 25) 

   Of all the commands of the Lord forgiveness might be the hardest to practice.  We tend to remember the wrongs done to us and hold a grudge.  We may even accept the apology of the one who harmed us but still hold ill feelings toward them.

   When Peter asked if he must forgive his brother as many as seven times Jesus replied, “I say to you, not seven times but seventy times seven. (Matt 18: 22).  We, on the other hand, say, “Once bitten, twice shy.”  We may forgive but we will not forget.  This is not the forgiveness God intends.

   Forgiveness is so difficult for us that we often cannot even forgive ourselves.  We go to confession, we do penance, but we still worry that God may not have forgiven.  Satan suggests that our sin was too great or there were too many sins for God to truly forgive and we fall into the trap he sets.  But that is not of God, but of Satan.  “As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.” (Psalm 103: 12).

   However, there is one thing required if our sins are to be forgiven and that is our forgiveness of those who sin against us.  “If you forgive others for the wrongs they have done, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.  But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions.” (Matt 6: 14 – 15).

   If we do not forgive others and strive to forget their sins against us, we cannot expect God to forgive us our sins, and welcome us into His heavenly kingdom.


Wednesday, June 5, 2024

 Stay the Course 

   “In her voyage across the ocean of this world, the Church is like a great ship being pounded by the waves of life’s different stresses.  Our duty is not to abandon ship but to keep her on her course.” (St. Boniface) 

   In 1987, the USS Stark was attacked while on patrol in the Persian Gulf.  Two missiles struck the ship causing extensive damage and killing several sailors.  At one point the ship was very near capsizing as the crew fought the fires and flooding.  It would have been quite easy to abandon ship and let her go down, the damage was that severe.  However, the crew kept fighting and eventually saved the ship.

   I mention that event because the Church is much like a ship at sea.  It sails in treacherous waters fraught with dangers.  Satan attacks her in any way possible, hoping to sink her.  The sin and evil of many inflict great damage.  Even some of those who are supposed to be safeguarding the ship, priests, bishops and other clergy, cause damage by their heretical speech and actions.

   As a result many have abandoned the ship, giving up rather than continuing the fight to keep the ship on course.  The ship of the Church can never be sunk by Satan and his efforts, but it can be damaged by those who abandon her and give up.

   Thank God for those who refuse to give up, who keep up the damage control and fight the good fight to keep the ship afloat and on the right course.  Jesus said, “And behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the world.” (Matt 28:20).  He will never abandon the ship of His Church and has promised that “the gates of the netherworld will not prevail against it.” (Matt 16: 18).

   Cardinal Ratzinger, before he became Pope Benedict XVI, said that the Church will become smaller and more faithful.  History has shown that those who stand and fight for the Church are often a small, but strong minority.  Christ calls us to protect and preserve His Church.  Will we take up the fight or abandon ship?

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

 He Knows Me 

   “O Lord; you have examined me and you know me.  You know when I sit and when I stand; you perceive my thoughts from a distance.” (Psalm 139: 1 – 2) 

   The Lord God knows me, and He knows you.  Whether we want to admit it or not, nothing is hidden from Him.  He knows us not as our friends, our family, or even our spouses know us.  He sees the deepest and, perhaps darkest, side of us.

   If I have an evil thought, He knows.  If I lose my temper and swear at another, He knew it even before I said it.  Before a word is formed, He knows my thoughts.  No matter what, He knows even before me the good or the evil that I do.

   When I think of the fact that nothing is hidden from God it is both wonderful and terrifying.  My hope is that He sees the love I have and that I want to share it with others.  But I know that He also knows my biases, prejudices, even hatred if it resides within me.  This fact compels me to monitor closely not only my words and actions, but even my thoughts and opinions.

   My prayer is that this knowledge will prompt me to recognize my faults and my sins more readily, turning quickly to the Lord seeking His forgiveness and strength to help avoid them in the future.  My recompense is the promise that He will forgive, He will strengthen me when I come before Him in sorrow and repentance.

   “Examine me , O God, and know my heart, test me and understand my thoughts.  See if I follow an evil way, and guide me on the way to eternity.” (Psalm 139: 23 – 24).


Monday, June 3, 2024

 Love Much 

   “The important thing is not to think so much but to love much; and so do that which best stirs you to love.” (St. Teresa of Avila) 

   It doesn’t matter what good we do, what ministries we serve, how much we donate if we do it without love.  We can serve the poor, visit the sick, feed the hungry and house the homeless but without love, we have failed in God’s plan.

   St. Paul said that if we do not have we are nothing more than a noisy gong or clanging cymbal; we are nothing and have accomplished nothing if we do not have love. (1 Cor 13: 1 – 3).  All that we do must be done for love if it is to win favor with God.  No matter what we do, if it is for any reason other than love, it will not get us to heaven even though we may be doing great good.

   What is this love that we must have?  It is not what this world and our society so often call love but rather a deep and abiding desire for the good of the beloved.  And who is our beloved except God; He who gives all love and asks our love in return.  It is the love of Jesus Christ who gave His very life because of His great love for us.

   “Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.  Love never fails.” (1 Cor 13: 7 – 8).  We too can participate in such love, but we must first humble ourselves and care more for the one we love than we do for ourselves.  Sadly, it is hard to find such love in the world, but when we find it we must cherish it and grow in it.

   Nothing we can do surpasses the glory of love.  God is love and only when we love Him can we find the love that conquers all.  Without love, we are nothing; without love we can never enter His heavenly kingdom.


Sunday, June 2, 2024

 The Feast of Corpus Christi 

   "Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the body of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you.  Whoever feeds upon my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life.” (John 6: 53 – 54) 

   Today the Catholic Church celebrates the feast of Corpus Christi, the Body, and Blood of Christ in the Holy Eucharist.  Of all that I love about the Church it is the Eucharist which draws me most.  When I take the host upon my tongue I know the presence of Jesus Christ within.  Not a symbol, not just a remembrance, but the reality of my Lord under the guise of bread and wine.

   Even many Catholics no longer accept the plain words of Christ, repeated over and over to proclaim that we must consume His body and blood if we want to have eternal life.  Many claim it is just a symbol, but I would reply just as Flannery O’Conner did when the Eucharist was referred to as a beautiful symbol.  If it’s just a symbol, to hell with it.

   Rejection of the miracle of the Eucharist isn’t something new.  It began even as Christ proclaimed it.  “After this, many of his disciples turned away and no longer remained with Him.” (John 6: 66).  He didn’t call them back saying that He was speaking in a parable or symbolically, He let them walk away.  I can’t imagine Christ letting disciples walk away over a misunderstanding. 

   A friend once asked me why I am Catholic.  I replied, “Because no other church can feed me, can give me the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of my Lord, Jesus Christ.  The reason I am Catholic is because of the miracle of the Eucharist, when my Lord feeds me with His Body and Blood in Holy Communion.


Saturday, June 1, 2024

 No Answer 

   “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you.” (Matt 7: 7) 

   Beautiful words from our Lord, promises of answered prayers.  But what do we do when our prayers go unanswered?  Is it possible for our prayers to go unanswered when Jesus promises they will?

   St. Paul gives a clue, “For we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with sighs that cannot be put into words.” (Romans 8: 26).  We often pray for what we want, forgetting that we should be praying for God’s will to be done.  For all that we ask in prayer we must also add, “if it is according to your will.”

   The will of God is rarely clear to us.  So perhaps the Holy Spirit is perfecting our prayers even as we pray.  Still, what do we do when we see no evidence of our prayers being answered?  How do we reconcile that with the knowledge of God’s everlasting love and mercy?

   We need to rethink what we are asking for.  It seems to me that the perfect prayer is “You will be done in all things at all times.”  Our pastor teaches a simple prayer that says basically the same thing, “Do to me what you will, do in me what you will, do through me what you will.”

   We must quit trying to limit God with our own earthly ideas and desires and surrender all to His will.  We may not understand, and we will know trials and have crosses we must bear.  But the goal is God’s kingdom, and only by our total surrender to His will can we enter those gates.

   God wants to give us what we need rather than what we might think we want.  When we surrender ourselves to His will and quit trying to tie Him by our desires, we open the door for His love and mercy to freely flow into us, giving us all we will ever need to spend eternity with Him in His heavenly home.