Wednesday, June 26, 2024

 A Society in Darkness 

   “And the judgement is this: the light has come into the world, but people preferred darkness to light because their deeds were evil.  (John 3: 19) 

   I have often used this blog to vent my frustrations with our government.  The reality is that the government, and those who are elected to run it, are simply a reflection of the society that votes them into office. 

   Since it is society that selects the government it is only natural that those in government want to satisfy as many of the people as they can, hence bowing to the whims of society.  If a majority of voters want it, a government of political careerists will find a way to provide it.  Reelection is their goal, not the good of the nation.

   Society is the illness and society must be the cure.  As the number of people in this country who claim no religious affiliation grows, it becomes less and less likely that the government will change.  People are inclined to desire what they want, and they will elect a government that will give it to them.

   Successfully converting a corrupt society to one of faith is difficult and may well be impossible.  Rather, corrupt society will persecute the faithful and do all they can to silence them.  A government elected by a corrupt society will acquiesce and even support such efforts.  As Christians we must ask ourselves how we can promote change in a corrupt and evil society.

   Perhaps we can’t change society.  Maybe we will go the route of destruction as so many evil societies have.  But we can try.  We can live our faith in all aspects of our lives.  We can refuse to be silenced, professing our love of God by our example.  We can have the courage and faith to rebuke an evil society and maybe, just maybe, begin to change it.


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