Sunday, June 16, 2024

 Fatherhood Under Attack 

    It began with the federal government.  Programs were established to care for Mothers and children when no father was around to do so.  Not well cared for mind you, just a subsistence allowance that keeps them enslaved and in debt to the government.  Fathers were no longer considered necessary to family life.

   The entertainment industry joined in the attack, depicting men and fathers as bumbling oafs rather than a vital part of the family.  No longer were fathers presented as wise, caring, or even needed but rather as a crude and demeaning laugh line.

   I believe that it’s an attack on the family itself with fatherhood as the target chosen to destroy it.  If Satan has his way, the family will disappear, and society will become a mere shadow of what it should be.  Without the family and the love and mutual support it is intended to provide society cannot flourish.

   Men need to “man up” and become a loving father, accepting their responsibilities, rebuking any effort to belittle them.  Women need to seek husbands who will be partners in life caring for the good of the family.  The government must start encouraging the traditional family rather than destroying it.

   The family, including fathers, is the building block of a healthy society.  Without it society will collapse and this nation will cease.


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