Friday, June 21, 2024

 A Bucket List 

   “The days of mortal man are like grass: he flourishes like a flower in the field.  The wind sweeps over him, and he is gone, and his place never sees him again” (Psalm 103: 15 -16) 

   Bucket lists were all the rage a few years ago.  Things that one wished to accomplish before leaving this world.  Most were very much earthly wishes, even selfish desires.  Some were silly and even dangerous.

   We don’t hear much of bucket lists these days, but I think as Christians having a spiritual bucket list is important.  We need to always be searching for ways to grow closer to God; to prepare ourselves for the transition from this life to the next.  A few options might include:

   Commit to spend an hour a week in Eucharistic Adoration, giving Him thanks for His many blessings, and lamenting the times we’ve failed Him through our sinfulness.

   Choose to serve in a ministry, offering our time and talents to the Lord.  Every church has many areas where help is always needed.  Do it for the glory of God, not to gain recognition for self.

   Donate to a worthy charity.  There are many worthy choices which give an opportunity to love our neighbor. “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brethren of mine, you did for me.” (Matt 25: 40).  When we serve others, we are also serving Jesus.

   Speak out against abortion and euthanasia.  The murder of innocents is an abomination before the Lord.

   Be bold, let faith be evident in everything we do.  Let others see our love for the Lord in the way we live our life.

   Most importantly, do all these things for God, never seeking credit for the good we may do but giving all recognition and praise to God.


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