Saturday, June 8, 2024

 No Turning Back 

   I hear of people who say they have lost their faith.  They claim that they were devoted Christians but are no longer.  I’m amazed by such a claim.  I simply don’t understand how someone who knows our Lord could then turn from Him.  Did they ever know Him at all or were they deluding themselves?

   When we surrender ourselves to God He will consume us with His love.  Our heart will no longer have room for our biases and hatreds, they are anathema.  Even when life is hard, we trust in the Lord and understand that we will never understand all that happens to us and why.  That is why we must submit our will to His.

   If we are honest with ourselves we know that often we make a mess of things when we try to run our life.  We don’t see the big picture; we only see a small portion one day at a time.  It’s only God who sees all and know all.  I used to see a bumper sticker that said, “God is my co-pilot.”  If so you are in the wrong seat, God must be the pilot.  Only He knows the path we must follow if we are to join Him in heaven.

   “To fall in love with God is the greatest romance; to seek Him the greatest adventure; to find Him, the greatest human achievement.” (St. Augustine).  When we fall in love with God, seek His will in all things, and finally find Him there is no turning back, we can only grow in our faith and love of God.


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