Tuesday, June 25, 2024

 Peace of Soul 

   “The secret of peace of soul is to combine detachment from evil with attachment to God.” (Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen) 

   We all seek peace of soul.  Even those who don’t know God seek this peace though they may not associate it with God.  But true peace comes only from God, so without Him the search for peace is futile.

   We cannot find peace of soul simply by turning from evil though we must do so if we want that peace.  We must also turn to God and fill the emptiness left by the rejection of evil with love of God.  Our soul will be filled with the turmoil of evil or with the peace of God for it cannot be empty.

   The peace we find when we fill our soul with God is a peace beyond anything this world can offer.  It’s a peace in times of trial, help in times of sorrow and pain, and a comfort in all things.  Try as we may, we will never find this peace except in God.

   “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you.  Not as the world gives do I give it to you.” (John 14: 27).  Satan and the world offer many things that may mimic peace, but they are a pale imitation of the peace Christ offers.  Money, fame, and all the lures of the world are lies that will disappoint.

   Only in God, only by rejecting evil and filling our heart with His love will we ever know the joy and peace of soul promised by our Lord.


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