Monday, June 24, 2024

 Worship God 

   “You have a duty to worship God, not because He will be imperfect and unhappy if you do not, but because you will be imperfect and unhappy. (Archbishop Fulton Sheen). 

   We have a responsibility to worship our Creator.  If God had not chosen to bring us into existence we would not exist and if He were to cease to desire that we exist we would no longer exist.

   By worshipping God we are not giving Him anything He needs, He needs nothing.  In no way can we add to or detract from Him, He is complete in every conceivable  way.  However if we fail to honor and worship Him we will never know the joy, happiness, and peace that God brings to those who worship and trust Him.

   When we choose to accept God into our lives and worship and serve Him we gain so many blessings.  We will see the small miracles that occur everyday that those who do not know God never recognize as miracles.  Our lives will be filled with an unending love that only the Father can bestow upon us.

   Even in the worst of times those who worship God have a strong and loving hand to help them through.  God reaches out to us and offers comfort and peace regardless of the nastiness and evil of the world about us.

   Those who worship God will come to understand that we are in exiles in this world.  Just as the Israelites were not an home during their exile in Babylon we are never at home in a world where evil seems to be the dominating force.  And as the Israelites rejoiced when they were released from 70 years of exile we will rejoice when we are released from the exile of our mortal life.

   Worshipping God is not a burden and not a chore.  It is the best part of life, an opportunity to know the Lord in this life and join Him in His holy kingdom in the next.

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