Tuesday, June 4, 2024

 He Knows Me 

   “O Lord; you have examined me and you know me.  You know when I sit and when I stand; you perceive my thoughts from a distance.” (Psalm 139: 1 – 2) 

   The Lord God knows me, and He knows you.  Whether we want to admit it or not, nothing is hidden from Him.  He knows us not as our friends, our family, or even our spouses know us.  He sees the deepest and, perhaps darkest, side of us.

   If I have an evil thought, He knows.  If I lose my temper and swear at another, He knew it even before I said it.  Before a word is formed, He knows my thoughts.  No matter what, He knows even before me the good or the evil that I do.

   When I think of the fact that nothing is hidden from God it is both wonderful and terrifying.  My hope is that He sees the love I have and that I want to share it with others.  But I know that He also knows my biases, prejudices, even hatred if it resides within me.  This fact compels me to monitor closely not only my words and actions, but even my thoughts and opinions.

   My prayer is that this knowledge will prompt me to recognize my faults and my sins more readily, turning quickly to the Lord seeking His forgiveness and strength to help avoid them in the future.  My recompense is the promise that He will forgive, He will strengthen me when I come before Him in sorrow and repentance.

   “Examine me , O God, and know my heart, test me and understand my thoughts.  See if I follow an evil way, and guide me on the way to eternity.” (Psalm 139: 23 – 24).


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