Monday, June 10, 2024

 Lies and Liars 

   “When he lies, he speaks in accord with his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” (John 8: 44)

   This scripture refers specifically to the devil, calling him the father of lies.  But it is not only Satan who is a liar but also his followers in this world.  Anyone who is of the devil is also a liar and a child of the father of lies.

   We currently have a president who often speaks of himself as a faithful Catholic.  Yet he also supports abortion and euthanasia.  His bishop has a responsibility to advise him that the two are incompatible.  He cannot be Catholic and support the taking of innocent life.  Perhaps the bishop has had this conversation with him, it’s not for me to know.  But if he has, then the president has ignored him.

   Even worse, we have some who are ordained as priests who also support evil.  They wish to bless homosexual relationships as if they were a legitimate marital relationship.  The pope needs to have a conversation with them explaining the heresy of their actions and, if ignored, laicize them.

   Society cannot continue if there is no truth but only lies.  Truth is shunned as hate speech, threatened with legal action while lies and destructive behavior is overlooked and tolerated.

   Our education system has, in large part, become an indoctrination system designed to foster the lies of Satan starting with grade school children.  Parents are condemned and threatened if they complain or question such indoctrination in evil.

   Only the truth can save us, but the truth is becoming harder and harder to find.  It’s inconvenient to those who would live life according to the will of Satan and is therefore stifled and pushed aside.

   “And the judgement is this: the light came into the world, but people preferred darkness to light because their deeds were evil.” (John 3: 19).  Those who walk in darkness will stumble and fall.  A society that rejects the truth cannot survive.


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