Profound Faith
The universe continues to expand. We have not seen and may never see the outer
reaches of God’s universe. Scientists
continue to revise their estimates of the number stars and planets that may
exist; they simply don’t know. Some have
begun to concede that such expansion and preciseness in the expanding universe
may point to an intelligent design. Christians
have known that for years.
Even on our own planet there are things that remain unknown
despite technological and scientific advances.
There are areas of the oceans where the bottom has never been seen; the
actual depth isn’t known. Each time new technology
allows exploration at greater depths never before seen life forms are discovered. Animal and plant life in environments once
thought to be uninhabitable. Our
knowledge continues to grow but remains incomplete.
Faith, like the universe, continues to expand in those who
seek a deeper, life-changing relationship with God. The depths of the oceans are nothing compared
to the depth of faith that one can achieve.
Such faith does not usually just occur; it comes to those who seek
it. Those who continually
strive to learn more of God, to love Him more deeply and serve Him more faithfully
will find that there is no limit to faith.
Just as the love of God is limitless, faith also knows no bounds. Faith can only be limited by choosing not to
give oneself completely to God. Once we
make the choice that God is all we need and all we seek, faith becomes a
life-long journey that never ends; an unfathomable source of God’s grace and
Father, I seek
faith as deep as the seas.
limitless as the universe You created.
Give me
that faith and take all else I have.
Let me
continue to grow in unending faith.