The Tree of Death
“And the Lord God commanded the man, ‘You may eat freely of every tree in the garden; but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die.” (Gen 2: 16 – 17)
I was
reminded of this verse on my way home from shopping yesterday. I drove past an open field and noticed two
trees less that fifty feet apart. One was
beautiful, healthy, green, and full of life.
The other was covered with vines or maybe Spanish Moss. The limbs were bare, the vines or moss draped
over them nearly hiding the tree within.
It made me
think of a life full of God and one full of sin. A life which includes God is a beautiful life
regardless of the earthly circumstances.
The love of God nourishes, blesses, and cares for that life. That life will know the joys of heaven.
A life of
sin, on the other hand, is a life robbed of beauty by the evil within. Satan winds his vines, like parasites into its’
very soul, draining it of any loveliness.
There may be what the world sees as happiness and joy, but it is only an
illusion. A mirage that will die with the mortal life of the sinner, leaving behind
a soul destroyed by sin.
The tree of
knowledge of good and evil became the tree of death. In their pride our first parents wanted to be
like God, defining good and evil for themselves. A look at the world today is all the evidence
needed to prove their mistake; only God defines good and evil.
The wood of
the cross on which our Lord was crucified is the tree of life. From that tree came the blood and water from
the side of Jesus pouring out His love and mercy, forming His Church. From His death on the cross Jesus arose,
promising eternal life to all who would believe and trust in Him.
We can choose to take from the tree of life or the tree of sin. The tree of sin may seem to offer joy and pleasure. but it is the path to everlasting death. The tree of life will include some pain and suffering but will lead to eternal life in the presence of God.
Each day I must choose.
Fruit from the tree of life or from
the tree of sin.
One leads to eternal life, the other
to condemnation.
Help me Lord, to choose wisely.