Wednesday, August 31, 2022


Family Reunions 


 “See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.” (1 John 3: 1)


Anyone who has attended a family reunion knows of the joy that is evident in faces of people when they see a favorite uncle or aunt that they haven’t seen for a long while.  The laughter of children running around with cousins they may have never met fill the air.  Great family recipes provide a variety of wonderful foods, and the desserts are plentiful.

It can be a day filled with memories of past times, both the good and the not so good.  Perhaps even a reconciliation with a relative with whom we’ve not spoken for years.  So long ago, in fact, that we can’t even remember what caused the separation.

It can also be a day to pay tribute to those who are no longer alive and remember them and the joy they brought to the family.  Somehow at times like these even those who weren’t very popular when they were living are remembered fondly.

Imagine the reunion that will take place when we join our heavenly family in God’s kingdom.  I believe that day will be a day of joy such as we’ve never known.  The family will not be just our earthly family, but all the children of God.

Jesus said that he has gone to prepare a place for us.  The Father’s house has room for all who believe in Him.  We are the children of God; Jesus’ adopted brothers and sisters.  If we have lived in faith, seeking His will and His way, we can be part of that heavenly gathering.

On that day the reunion will never end; it will continue forever in the glory of God the Father.

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