Friday, March 31, 2023

 Battling Satan and Winning 

   “Abandon yourself to God and fear not, because if he puts you in the battle, he certainly will not leave you there just so you can fail.” (St. Augustine, “Confessions”) 

   We take great joy and have celebrations when a difficult battle is won.  Whether it be on the sports field, climbing the ladder of success in our chosen profession, or in the horror of war.  When we win, we celebrate.

   Our battle against Satan should be no different.  We know that we are tempted by him every day in his efforts to turn us from God.  When we reject those temptations, when we rebuke the devil and drive him from us the battle we have won is far greater than any mortal battle.  The battle against Satan and his evils is a battle for our soul and eternal life in God’s kingdom.

   We need never fear when we feel we are unable to overcome the temptations, we have the help of God.  When we call upon Him in our fight against evil our battle will be won.  We may think of Satan as powerful, but the only power he has is to tempt, he cannot impose his evil upon us.  When we call upon the name of God, Satan must flee.

   Perhaps the most perfect defense against the evil one is found in the words, “God, come to my assistance.  Lord, make haste to help me.”  With His help the battle will be won.  And when it is won, let us celebrate and give all praise and glory to God.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

 A Wonderful World 

   “I see skies of blue and clouds of white.  The blessed bright day, the dark sacred night.  And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.”  (“What a Wonderful World”, lyrics by Louis Armstrong) 

   Negativism is a disease, and it is very contagious.  Too often I find myself guilty of overlooking the beauty and seeing nothing but the ugly.  In truth, it really is a wonderful world.  It is full of God’s majesty and His creative beauty.

   “God saw all he had made, and indeed it was very good.” (Gen 1: 31). To overcome evil we must turn to God and trust in Him.  We have to reject Satan’s urging to see only the evil and ugliness in the world.  We must see the beauty of this world and the beauty within each of us as children of God.   

   No doubt there is evil in the world, we see it everywhere we look.  But the good is still there if we will just open our eyes and look for it.  The problem is we allow ourselves to become jaded and pessimistic.  We start to believe the lie that evil is winning and there is nothing we can do about it.  While we may not be able to change the world, we can change our outlook and find peace within.

   Negativity infects us all at times and I am no exception.  It can be difficult to avoid focusing on the evil that appears to dominate the world.  We sometimes have to look very hard to see how wonderful this world really is.  I pray that I can take my own advice and focus on what is good and leave the rest in God’s hands.  Regardless of how bad it may seem, in the end, He wins.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

 We Become What We Glorify 

   “And this is the verdict, that the light came into the world, but people preferred the darkness to light, because their works were evil. (John 3: 19) 

   As individuals and as a society we become what we glorify.  If we glorify evil we will become evil; if we glorify God we may become saints.  This truth seems to be lost in our nation today.

   I am in my mid 70’s.  When I was growing up mass shootings were unheard of in this country.  It wasn’t because there were fewer guns, and it wasn’t because guns weren’t readily available.  High School parking lots were full of pickup trucks with gun racks in the cab holding a rifle or shotgun.

   What has changed?  We have chosen to glorify evil and violence, it has become entertainment.  Think Dirty Harry, Rambo, the Die Hard series and other movies where the hero kills and maims as many people as possible.  Cable TV is filled with guns and violence.  One of many examples is Dexter, the story of a really great Dad who just happens to be a serial killer by night.  Video games give points based on how many you kill before you are killed.  The more you kill the more bonus points you get.

   In addition, the sexual revolution began in my teen years.  It is now acceptable and even encouraged to engage in sex of any kind, at any time with anyone we choose, male or female or both.  Pregnancy is considered an inconvenience and therefore babies are disposable through abortion.  The blessing of marital sex and procreating new life are now seen as nothing more than a means of self-gratification.

   We have become a nation of narcissists caring only for ourselves.  Whatever we want to do we consider our right no matter the harm and damage it may do to others.  It permeates our society in every aspect of life.  Nothing is off-limits if our only concern is self.

   Society is sick and getting sicker by the day.  We no longer look to God for guidance, only our pride and ego.  If my thoughts on this matter offend anyone – good!  As a Navy retiree, I have watched this nation that I love and served deteriorate into one I no longer recognize.  It has become a place of evil, getting worse by the day.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

 The Great Liar 

   “He was a murderer from the start; he was never grounded in truth; there is no truth in him at all; when he lies he is drawing on his own store, because he is a liar and the father of lies.” (John 8: 44) 

   The voice of Satan is always the voice of a liar.  Even when he seems to be telling the truth, he is twisting it to his own desires.  He may speak sweet words and lovely thoughts, but they are lies designed to turn a soul from God.

   When I am most at rest in God, when I am at peace within, Satan strikes me the most.  He may not directly attack my faith, but instead will try to raise questions within me.  Am I doing enough?  Is what I’m doing the will of God or my own will?  Am I truly the child of God that I desire to be?  Questioning may lead to doubt and doubt to despair.  If I am in despair my soul is at risk because I am now questioning the promises of Christ.

   I take great comfort in the words of Saint Padre Pio, “Have courage and do not fear the assaults of the devil.  Remember this forever – it is a healthy sign if the devil shouts and roars around your conscience, since it shows that he is not inside your will.”  He has no need to continue attacking those he already owns, taking those who belong to God is his goal.

   When he comes with his temptations and lies, as he certainly will, I must turn to the words of St. Peter, “Be calm but be vigilant, because your enemy the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.  Stand up to him, strong in the knowledge that your brothers (and sisters) all over the world are suffering the same things.” (1 Peter 5: 8 – 9).

Monday, March 27, 2023


   When most people think of sainthood they think of those whom the Church has declared as saints, such as St. Augustine, St. Teresa of Avila and others.  But the term saint simply refers to one who is holy, who is known for his or her heroic sanctity and who is thought to be in heaven.  By that definition all of us can, by the grace of God, be saints.

   I want to be holy, I want to be sanctified, I want to be a saint.  Ironically I must give God my permission to make me holy, he will not impose sainthood on me, I have to agree.  I must respond as our Blessed Mother responded to the archangel Gabriel when told she was to be the mother of our Lord; “May it be done to me according to your word.”

   There is no checklist to sainthood, no balance sheet that magically opens the door to heaven.  Even if I do enormous good in the world but do it in order to bring glory to myself rather than to give glory to God, it will bear little fruit in my life.  To become a saint, I must love God and strive to do His will, to give Him all praise and glory.

   St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta said, “Not all of us can do great things.  But we can do small things with great love.”  Unless God so decides I will never do anything great in this life, no one other than family and friends will know my name.  But if God knows me and knows that I love Him and want to serve Him above all else, I can become a saint.

Sunday, March 26, 2023

 Listening to God 

“You can’t hear God speak to someone else.  You can hear Him only if you are being addressed.” (Ludwig Wittgenstein) 

   God has a plan for each of us.  He speaks to us individually; the message He gives is intended for us and for none other.  If we try to hear God in what He he is saying to others, we will likely not hear what He wants to say to us.  We are each different and what God is saying to one may be of little help to another

   When three or four people gather in faith and fellowship it’s very likely that none are in the same place spiritually.  One may be in a state of wondering while another is full of confidence and hope.  One may be filled by the Holy Spirit in virtually all they do while another may struggle to hear and follow the Spirit's guidance.  God speaks to each of them and guides them on their path, but the guidance each needs may vary greatly.

   “God has infinite attention to spare for each of us.  You are as much alone with Him as if you were the only being he had ever created.” (C. S. Lewis).  Our human minds can’t comprehend such a fact; it is beyond our understanding.  But that makes it no less true.  God can be and is in all places and all times.  The time He spends talking to me does not lessen the time He has to speak to others, nor does their time detract from mine.

   We are special to God, He loves each of us as if there were no one else to love.  He speaks to us as if there were no one else to speak to.  We must listen to what He says.

Saturday, March 25, 2023


   “No man can master the wind so as to hold it back, nor control the day of death.” (Eccl 8: 8) 

   We go through life with many expectations.  Things we are confident that will happen if we properly plan and prepare.  However, the only sure thing, the only thing we know without doubt, is that this life will end at a time we do not know.  Shouldn’t we therefore plan and prepare for the one certainty of life?

   Life brings many surprises.  The one who expected to achieve great success in their chosen field fails miserably while another is surprised by unexpected success.  Some expect that in the normal course of things they will marry and be happy though many marriages are far from happy and often in divorce.  IRA’s, 401K’s, and savings plans of many kinds are used to ensure we have a comfortable retirement even though many will never reach retirement age.

   It makes perfect sense to prepare for what we hope to find in life.  Without proper preparation and planning nothing of value can ever be achieved.  Most try their best to take those actions they hope will make their life easier and more enjoyable and rightfully so.

   The question becomes are we planning and preparing for the one and only thing we know will occur in our life; standing before Jesus for judgement after our death.  No matter what we have in this world, nothing goes with us but our love of God.  We can’t buy our way into heaven, we must follow the path the Lord puts before us; there is no other way.

   Life is full of surprises and expectations that never come to fruition.  Eternal life is full of love, joy, and happiness in the presence of God.  If we want to realize those hopes of heaven, we must properly prepare ourselves for eternity.

Friday, March 24, 2023

 Why Are We Here? 

   “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” (St. Augustine, “Confessions”) 

   Why are we here, why did God make us?  The Baltimore Catechism tells us He made us, “to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him in this world, and to be happy with Him forever in Heaven.”  While the words offer a simple explanation, they also contain all that is needed to understand why we are here.  If we know Him we will also love Him and by extension, our neighbor; if we love Him we will desire to serve Him; and if we know, love, and serve Him in life, we will be with Him in His heavenly kingdom.  In a nutshell, that is why we are here.

   C. S. Lewis wrote, “Human history is the long terrible story of man trying to find something other than God which will make Him happy.”  Mankind has tried forever to define and find happiness but have and will continue to fail.  Refusal to acknowledge that happiness can only be found in God blinds society to the truth.  Money, fame, enjoyment of an earthly nature will never explain our purpose or bring us happiness, they only cloud our thinking.

   We may find some pleasure in the world, but it is temporary and often sinful in nature.  We may find some joy, but it also will not last.  Unless we look to God as the source of all joy and happiness, the cause of all inner peace and comfort, we will never know why we are here.

Thursday, March 23, 2023

 The Peace of Christ 

   “Peace I bequeath to you; my own peace I give you, a peace the world cannot give, this is my gift to you.  Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” (John 14: 27) 

   I can’t help but believe that the world would be far better off if people sought the peace Jesus wants to give them.  People get upset about so many things that are, in the long run, of very little importance.  They can’t be at peace within themselves because they are seeking peace in a world wrought with sin and evil; one that doesn’t even know the true meaning of peace.

   There are some who almost seem to search out things to be upset about.  They don’t like the way things are politically so they complain about those in office as if their complaints will matter to the one they are complaining about.  Politicians historically care about only one thing – reelection.  Our opinions and thoughts matter little to them unless they are accompanied by a large donation.

   Perhaps they take offense at something a Bishop or the Pope has said, never stopping to consider if they were accurately quoted or used to promote a favorite cause of the reporter.  Bishops and Popes and all other religious leaders are humans, subject to human errors and mistakes.   Jesus said, “And know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time.” (Matt 28: 20).  There is no one who can thwart the will of God.

   When we turn to God we will find the peace that cannot be found in the world.  Only then will we find what we seek; the peace that Jesus Christ bequeathed to us as His gift.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

 The Most Important Choice 

   Atheists claim there is no God and by extension I would assume they also do not believe in an eternal soul.  It must be hard to be an atheist.  They can never consider if their choice might be the wrong one.  If they question, they must consider that God may exist which makes them agnostic, not atheist.

   The same inability to wonder and even question things of God does not apply to the Christian.  I can, and sometimes do, wonder at the purpose of God’s will and how it is implemented in my life.  I never question His love, or His will to make me holy and bring me to His heavenly kingdom, but sometimes I question the methods.  Yet I never doubt that His purpose is always for my good; to bring me even closer to Him.

   Each of us makes a choice in life.  We bet our soul on our decision about God.  I suppose a true atheist has no issue with this since they must believe that everything ends at death.  In their mind there is no eternity to concern them.  Life is all there is and then it ends.

   Christians on the other hand believe that death is simply a passing from this life to the next.  We believe that the way we live this life will determine whether we spend eternity in heaven or hell.  Even when we are confused and wondering we never doubt that all is in God’s hands, and all will be done according to His will.  His love and His mercy are never questioned.

   One thing that is true for all; choices have consequences.  If I am wrong I’ve lost nothing, I’ve spent my life trying to love others and, with the grace of God, to do some good in this world and gain heaven.  However, if the atheist is wrong they’ve lost the very soul they don’t believe in.  At death all they may have gained in life is gone and all eternity holds is sorrow and agony.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

 Proof of God 

   Proof of God is everywhere.  All of creation speaks to His glory.  Those who say they can’t find God need to consider the evidence.

   When I see a sunset I am reminded of the crucifixion and death of our Lord, Jesus Christ.  The Light had come into the world and people refused to walk in the light, preferring the darkness that satisfied their own ego and desires.  When Jesus was crucified and died darkness covered the land.

   At sunset darkness covers the land.  Many crimes are committed, and many sins occur under the cover of darkness.  Sunset reminds us that it's harder to find our way in the dark; we need the Light of Christ to guide us.  John warns us of the darkness of the world in His gospel, “And this is the verdict, that the light came into the world, but people preferred the darkness, because their works were evil.” (John 3: 19).

   At sunrise, the light returns to chase the darkness of the night away.  Just as Jesus rose from the dead and ascended into heaven to overcome the darkness of sin and death in the world.  This is the Light that shows the way to God, the Light that will lead us to our heavenly home.  Jesus said, “I am the light of the world, whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. (John 8: 12).  Each day at sunrise I am reminded of the Light that I must follow.

   Sunrise and Sunset.  So common that we often pay them little attention except to notice the beauty.  Sadly, the beauty we recognize is often just the worldly beauty, not the spiritual truth and beauty each represents.  If we look at them with an open mind and an open heart, we see the proof of God.

   I would remind those who say they can’t find God in this world that He is everywhere.  But in order to see Him you must open the eyes of your heart and seek Him.

Monday, March 20, 2023

 St. Joseph 

   Today we celebrate the Solemnity of St. Joseph.  While there is not a single word of his recorded in scripture but his actions speak volumes.

   Joseph was chosen by God to be the foster father of His own Son, Jesus Christ and the spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  It was a calling that Joseph answered with humble obedience.

   When he found that his betrothed was pregnant, “…since he was a righteous man, yet unwilling to expose her to shame, decided to divorce her quietly.”  (Matt 1: 19)  Then an angel appeared to him saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife into your home.  For it is through the Holy Spirit that this child has been conceived in her.  She will bear a son and you are to name him Jesus, because he will save his people from there sins.”  (Matt 1: 20 – 21).  When he awoke he did as the angel had said and took Mary, his wife, into his home.

   After the birth of Jesus, Herod, crazed by his fear and hatred of anything that might challenge his rule, sent soldiers to Bethlehem with orders to kill all male children under the age of two.  Again, Joseph obeyed the angel's warning, took up his family and went into exile in Egypt, a journey of over 400 miles.

   Throughout Jesus’ childhood, Joseph watched over him and loved him.  He taught Him the Torah and trained Him as a carpenter.  He never questioned, never doubted, he accepted God’s choice of him as the foster father of the Savior of the World; he fulfilled the Father's will in his life.

   We know nothing of Joseph’s death.  It seems that He most likely died before Jesus began His ministry.  How blessed he was to be honored by God to be the foster father of the Son of God.  Without doubt he heard those words we all long to hear, “Well done my good and faithful servant…..Come, share your master’s joy.” (Matt 25: 21)

Sunday, March 19, 2023

 To Follow Christ 

   “Enter by the narrow gate, since the road that leads to perdition is wide and spacious and many take it; but it is a narrow gate and a hard road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” (Matt 7: 13 – 14) 

   Throughout the gospels Jesus called many to follow Him.  Some listened, many did not.  Today He still calls many to follow Him and still many ignore His call.

   Following Christ is not always easy, nor is it intended to be.  When I consider what it is to follow Him I must look at His life and the way He lived it, trying my best to live by His example.  Jesus did all for the glory of God.  His life was dedicated to obeying the will of the Father.  This is what I must strive for.

   Trying to follow Jesus’ example in my life means to see each day and all that it may bring as the will of God for me at that moment.  Whether it be happiness and joy, or pain and sorrow, I must accept it, confident that all God sends me is for my good.  It’s not necessary that I always understand, just that I accept and give God all praise and glory.

   Ultimately following Jesus may mean suffering rejection, betrayal and persecution just as He did.  It may also mean following Him all the way to Calvary, suffering death rather than deny Him.  Many martyrs have chosen that path, going to their death confident that heaven awaited them.

   To follow Him may not be easy; it may be extremely difficult at times.  But to follow Him is to enter through the narrow gate that leads to the kingdom of God.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

 The Mercy of God 

   “The tax collector stood some distance away, not daring even to raise his eyes to heaven; but he beat his breast and said, ‘God, be merciful to me a sinner.’” (Luke 18: 13) 

   Every time I consider the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector I am reminded that I, like the tax collector, am a sinner and at the mercy of God.

   It’s quite easy to look at ourselves as the Pharisee in this parable did, confident and prideful of how we live our life for God.  But like the Pharisee, we are looking to ourselves and the good we may do rather than realizing that only by the grace of God can we do any good at all.  Left to ourselves we will let our pride, and the whisperings of Satan, mislead us into arrogance and self-aggrandizement.

   We, like the tax collector, must recognize that regardless of how much good we can do we are still sinners and need the mercy and forgiveness of God.  We must give God the credit for what good we are able to do and ask His help in doing all for the love of Him, not expecting credit and reward in this life, but in the life to come.

   Jesus tells us in the parable that the tax collector went home justified while the Pharisee did not.  In one sense perhaps the Pharisee was not praying to God so much as he was putting himself in the place of God.  Claiming the credit for himself rather than giving all glory to God for whatever good he may have done.

Friday, March 17, 2023

 Discerning the Spirit 

   “There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone.” (1 Cor 12: 4 – 6) 

   To build a house we need many people with many different talents.  We need those who can level the ground, those who can lay a solid foundation to build on.  We need carpenters, plumbers, electricians, painters, roofers, and many others to properly construct our house.

   The kingdom of God on earth is similar.  Many workers with many gifts of the spirit are needed to grow His kingdom on earth.  Not all are called to the same task and not all are given the same gifts, but each according to God’s will.  The spirit, if we listen, will guide us in how best serve God’s kingdom in this world.

   However, there are many spirits that may come to us.  Some are from God, but some are from Satan.  The evil one can come to us in many forms, speaking sweetly.  With his lies and promises he led our first parents to sin, bringing death into the world.  Through his promptings he convinced the religious leaders of Israel put the Son of God to death on a cross.

   In St. John’s first letter he wrote, “It is not every spirit, my dear people, that you can trust; test them to see if they come from God; there are many false prophets, now, in the world.” (1 John 4: 1).  We must prayerfully seek the guidance of God and the Holy Spirit in all things.  If we do this we will be led on the right path, the path God has chosen for us.

Thursday, March 16, 2023


   “Father, forgive them; they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 22: 34) 

   We live in a world that seeks to repay for the slightest offense or harm done.  Anger rises quickly and dies slowly in the hearts of mankind.  But that is not how it is supposed to be.

   As He was dying on the cross, Jesus prayed for the forgiveness of those who were crucifying Him.   His example is meant to be the way we are to forgive as well.  Sadly, we often fail miserably in those efforts.

   We often hold grudges against those who we feel have harmed us, sometimes for years on end.  We often look for a way to repay the damage we believe done to us.  Someone once said that holding a grudge is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.  Our anger, our desire for revenge, doesn’t hurt the one for whom we hold the grudge, but it can destroy us and our spiritual life.

   Jesus taught, “If you forgive others their transgressions, your heavenly Father will forgive you.  But if you do not forgive others, neither will your Father forgive you.”  (Matt: 6: 14 – 15).  Very clearly then, if we wish forgiveness, we must give forgiveness.

   Forgiveness is an incredible gift of God.  In His love, Jesus took it upon Himself to forgive our sins and our failings.  He was willing to die a horrible death to give us those gifts.  If we are to claim that forgiveness, that salvation, we must also learn to forgive.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

 The Home We Seek 

   “For there is no eternal city for us in this life but we look for one in the life to come.” (Hebrews 13: 14) 

   We expect our home to be one of love, joy, and contentment.  A place of safety and rest.  We may see glimpses of what a home should be in this life, but we see only bits and pieces of what awaits us in our true home.

   St. Paul wrote, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the human heart conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him.” (1 Cor 2: 9).  That is the home we seek, the home we long for.  We spend this life trying to find it, but in a world full of sin and evil, it cannot be found.  It exists only in our heavenly home, the kingdom of God.

   I believe God gives us occasional visions of what our true home will be like to heighten our hopes of what awaits us, to strengthen us for our journey.  He gives us signs and indications of what we can expect.  In the love of a man and a woman whose marriage is based not only on the love of one another but the love of God we can know in life what awaits in heaven.  But even this love is only a hint of the love that is to come.

   In the love and caring for others, whether in our home or elsewhere we can begin to understand what a world of love and concern for all is to be.  There are hints and indications of what is to come but we can never know the fullness of what awaits us in until we come to our true home with God.

   We to make this earthly home as near as possible to the heavenly home that awaits, the home He has prepared for us.  To do that we must have Christ in our hearts, we must give ourselves over entirely to God, confident in the promise of the eternal home we seek.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

 Love One Another 

   “This is my commandment; love one another, as I have loved you.  A man can have no greater love than to lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15: 12 - 13) 

   Jesus spoke these words to His apostles at the last supper.  He says the same to us today.  The words of Christ are not just something said to a few thousands of years ago.  Their truth, their meaning does not change with time.

   These words of Christ were a commandment, not just something I should do but something I must do.  If I am to obey His command, I must love my neighbor and I must love them as Jesus has and continues to love me.

   The love of Jesus is eternal and unconditional.  His love led Him to live a life of rejection, betrayal, pain and suffering.  He willingly and lovingly accepted the horrible death of crucifixion for me, to offer me redemption and forgiveness.  This is the kind of love with which I am to love others.

   The words Christ spoke are living words.  They are just as relevant, just as essential to us today as they were when He first said them.  Jesus, and the truths He taught, is the same today and will remain the same for all eternity.  I must strive to live by His truths in all that I do.

Monday, March 13, 2023

 Who Do I Say He Is? 

   “When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi he put this question to his disciples, ‘Who do the people say the Son of Man is?’  And they said, ‘Some say he is John the Baptist, some Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.’ ‘But you,’ he said, ‘who do you say I am?’” (Matt 16: 13 – 15) 

   I try to read scripture as if God is talking directly to me; to place myself in the scene and experience it in a more personal way.  I know how St. Peter answered the question above, but how do I answer it?  That is question Jesus is asking and He is asking it of me.

   Many today would say that Jesus was a great morale teacher, or a prophet, or religious leader.  Some would say, as the religious leaders of His time said, that He was a charlatan and a fake, seeking His own glory.  In his book “Mere Christianity” C. S. Lewis wrote about Jesus, “Either this man was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse… You can shut Him up as a fool, or you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God”.

   In Caesarea Philippi He was asking His apostles who they say He is.  Today, in Ocala, Florida, He is asking me the same question, and I must answer.  Is He exactly who He said He was, or He is a liar and a fraud?

   My answer is that He is my Lord and my Savior.  He is the Son of God.  He is the way, the truth, and the life.  He is the path to heaven.  I fall upon my knees and worship Him.

Sunday, March 12, 2023

 The Will of God 

   “And the world and its desire are passing away, but those who do the will of God live forever." (1 John 2: 17) 

   I believe that following God’s will means looking to each day as a gift from Him and recognizing that whatever comes that day is His will.  I may not always understand it, but I must trust in His wisdom and not try to outguess His purpose.

   Understanding the will of God can be difficult.  I see everything through the eyes of a man, but God’s will is so far beyond my understanding as to be nearly impossible to know.  Still, following His will is what I must do, even when I can't understand.  If I open my heart and turn from self to seek God He will lead me even when I am not aware of being led.

   “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord.  For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55: 8 – 9).  His ways are often far beyond my ability to grasp.  Trying to reconcile how pain and suffering may, at times, be His will for me is difficult.  But I must accept that it is and that His purpose is always for my good.

   Whether this day brings joy or sorrow, good health or bad, blessings or woes, it is all part of the will of God.  It is all intended to in some way bring me nearer to Him.  It’s not necessary that I always understand, only that I accept and follow the will of God.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

 Confronting Evil 

   “In the end, God wins.” (Pope Benedict XVI) 

   We live in a time when few people are willing to confront evil.  A time when it seems easier to live our own life and let others live theirs.  The problem with that attitude is it allows evil to spread more and more throughout society.

   To speak up against evil in today’s society is viewed as impolite and interfering in the right of others to do as they desire.  We are told that we have no right to tell others what is right or wrong and so the words have lost all meaning.  To kill is wrong, unless it’s a baby in the womb or an elderly person whose quality of life has deteriorated.  In those cases abortion and euthanasia are accepted and even encouraged.

   In other things as well, society is turning more and more to evil.  We are not only expected to accept the perversions and abominations but to also celebrate and defend such activities.  To do otherwise is deemed offensive and we are considered to be “out of step” with the real world.

   The truth is that the real world is out of step with God.  They have turned from Him, ignored Him, pushed Him out of the public square and are trying very hard to make it punishable by law to live according to our Christian faith in public, in our schools or in our businesses.  Persecution is on the rise and gaining momentum.

   If we, as Christians, refuse to rebuke the evil it will continue to grow.  If we do not have the courage to stand up for God and His truths we are not worthy of being called Christian.  “For it is not against human enemies that we have to struggle, but against the Sovereignties and the Powers who originate in the darkness in this world, the spiritual army of evil in the heavens.” (Eph 6: 12)

Friday, March 10, 2023

 Living For Each Day 

   “So, do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (Matt 6: 34) 

   I try to look at each day as a gift from God.  Whether it be filled with blessings or with troubles and worries doesn’t really matter; it is accepting the will of God that matters.

   Yet, sinner or saint, we all have troubles virtually every day.  Even the greatest of saints were not immune and I’m certainly not saintly, though I hope that with God’s grace to become one.  The point is no one is exempt from the troubles of life.  If we are to accept God’s will we must accept the bad as well as the good.  We must somehow reconcile that mystery, one that is beyond our human understanding.

   The troubles of this world lead me to better understand my own weaknesses, that I can do nothing without God.  They also teach me humility by the fact that there is no resolution except through His love and mercy.  They remind me that this world, with its evil and sin is not my home, I am in exile here until I can go to my true home in God’s heavenly kingdom.

   I also believe that my pain and suffering can come to some good.  When I look at the troubles, the pain and suffering Jesus endured I see that through those evils came the greatest good of all, redemption and eternal life for those who would believe; death was overcome.  Perhaps by offering my troubles, my pains to Christ they can somehow be used by Him to benefit mankind in some way that I will never know in this lifetime.

   So, I try to focus on each day as it comes, accepting the bad with the good, trusting that all is in God’s hands, and all will eventually lead me home.

Thursday, March 9, 2023

 The Example of Jesus 

   “Who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped.  Rather, he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness;” (Phil 2: 6 – 7) 

   Jesus could have come as a king, someone of authority and power in the world.  Instead, He chose to come as an infant, a baby reliant upon Mary and Joseph for His very life.

   From birth until He began His ministry Jesus lived what we might consider a normal life.  As he matured he would have become an apprentice to Joseph, learning the skills of a carpenter.  Perhaps He would have known the tiresome daily routine that we also know.  He may have had days when He didn’t feel well.  In other words, He would have lived those years much as we do.

   Even in His ministry He knew the hardships of life.  He knew the temptations of Satan, just as we do.  He spent long days on the road walking from place to place, sleeping wherever He happened to be when night came.  He felt the pain of rejection from those who He had come to save.  He knew the pain of the scourging, the crown of thorns and finally the horror of death on the cross.  His was not an easy life even though He was and is God.

   If we are to truly know Jesus we must know Him not only as the Son of God and our Savior, but also as a man.  A man who knew the trials and difficulties of life just as we do and rose above them. His humanity presents us with the example of how we are to live our lives, placing all our trust in God and seeking His will in all things.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

 In Weakness There is Strength 

   “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Cor 12: 9) 

   Like many other concepts of Christianity, these words from Christ to St. Paul seem to make little sense to our human understanding.

   When we feel empowered we tend to feel we no longer need to turn to God in our lives.  Our pride says we have it all under control.  But a big part of Christianity is realizing that we never really have it under control.  Things may go our way for a while and, if so, it is not by our own strength but through the grace of God.

   Once tragedy strikes, however, we again are reminded of how weak and out of control we are in this world.  Where our pride says, “I can do it”, our humility reminds us that only with God can it be done.  Sometimes God allows us to go down the path of our pride, bringing us to confusion and dismay in order to once again remind us that He is God and we are not; we need Him in all things.

   This life will always be full of difficulties, and we may be called to bear many crosses.  We must always keep in mind that God is in charge and when we place our trust Him we can overcome whatever mountain we may be asked to climb.

   St. Paul wrote, “I will rather boast of my weakness, in order that the power of Christ may dwell in me.” (2 Cor 12: 9).  When I am at my weakest Christ is at His strongest within me.

 Soft Christianity 

   “People are turning away from Christianity today not because it is too hard but because it is too soft”  (Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen) 

   After Vatican II many priests quit wearing their clerical garb in public.  Many religious orders relaxed the wearing of habits and robes choosing instead to “fit in” with society by dressing like everyone else.  Almost immediately the Church began to experience a shortage of both priests and religious.  Trying to be part of society rather than being an example of Christian faith failed miserably.

   Jesus never said that Christianity would be easy, only that it would lead to eternal life.  He very clearly warned that it would, in fact, not be easy.  “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.” (Mark 8: 34).  Though there were and still remain many crosses to bear, Christianity grew and spread throughout the world.

   In today’s Church we rarely hear of bearing crosses and suffering for Christ as He suffered for us and sin is rarely mentioned.  Instead we are treated to mild-mannered homilies designed to keep the flock happy though not necessarily on the road to salvation.  And people are leaving the Church in droves.  It’s estimated that for every one who joins the Church, six leave.

   Look around and it becomes evident that those churches who preach the truth and warn of the wages of sin are the ones that are growing and expanding.  People do not expect life to be easy all the time.  They certainly don’t expect the Christian life to be an easy one.  Churches that try to conform to society rather than the truth of God are faltering, and so they should.

   Following Christ will not always be easy, and it was never intended to be.  The journey may be difficult but the destination is great beyond all imagination. 

Monday, March 6, 2023

 Time Away 

   “He said, ‘Come away by yourself to a deserted place and rest a while.’” (Mark 6: 31) 

   It seems more and more I hear these words in my heart.  A desire to go away and leave the day-to-day routine behind for a while.  I need some time to be with my Lord, to pray, to contemplate, and most important of all to listen.

   I have often gone on retreats, some directed, some not.  Times that took me “off the grid” if you will.  Even if the internet was readily available, to set it aside and focus exclusively on my relationship with God.  I always return from these retreats refreshed, both physically and spiritually.

   And now I’m hearing that call again.  I’ve begun considering how best to answer and to take the time I need to regroup, to clear out the worldly and refocus my life on what’s truly important – eternity.  For me a retreat is somewhat like a spring cleaning; clearing out all the cobwebs and putting my spiritual house in order.

   I’m don’t think how I choose to answer is as important as answering.  I’ve considered various opportunities and am continuing to sift them in my mind and in my heart.  I know the decision is coming, I’m just not sure exactly when or what it will be.  I sometimes wish I could find a deserted island and just be a castaway for a time.  Or maybe a long sea cruise going nowhere in particular but enjoying the immensity of the sea.

   My heart is growing restless, I need the time alone with God.  I hear the call and I will answer.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

 God’s Will 

   When I wake up each morning I thank God for bringing me to another day, asking for His strength and guidance to live this day according to His will.

   I used to think of God’s will in terms of the rest of my life forgetting that this day may, in fact, be the rest of my life.  Therefore, it is enough to seek His will for this day and no more.  If wake tomorrow I will again seek to serve Him for that day.

   As well as desiring to serve God’s will I also pray that I might know His will for me.  I rarely know exactly what God’s will is for me other than to accept it.  But if I don’t know what it is how can I accept it?  Trying to figure this out is like the hamster running on the wheel in its cage; I really don’t get anywhere.  It’s better to just accept it as it comes, knowing His will is always for the best.

   I have recently been reading a book that has helped me better understand how I am to follow God’s will.  It is the story of a priest who was imprisoned, mistreated and abused for many years in Russian prisons during World War II.  He, like me, struggled to understand God’s will.  What he came to realize is that God’s will is to accept each day as it comes, with all the blessings, trials, and troubles it may bring.

   For me too, it makes sense that whatever occurs during this day is always a part of God’s will just like all things are a part of His will.  I don’t always understand and I’m not sure I’m meant to understand.  It takes a strong faith to accept whatever may come and accepting the hardships, even giving thanks for them, helps to increase my faith and my trust in the Lord.

   I try to look at each day as God’s gift to me no matter what it brings.  Whether today brings blessings, sorrows, or both they are a part of God's will.  I pray that I may always accept His will, confident in His love and mercy.

Saturday, March 4, 2023

 Saint Joseph 

   Not a word of St. Joseph’s is recorded in scripture, but his actions speak volumes to those who would listen.  Quietly and without question or doubt St. Joseph accepted all that God asked of him, following His will in all things.

   When I became a Oblate in the Order of St. Benedict at Clear Creek Abbey last October I chose the name of a saint as my monastic name.  I chose Joseph.  My decision was made after much time spent in prayer and contemplation.  Choosing my patron was very important to me, something not to be taken lightly.

   I considered the life of St. Joseph and his part in Christ’s mission.  While little is said of him in scripture, the early church fathers wrote volumes about him and the importance of his acceptance of God’s will in his life.  In the end, I could think of no one I would rather emulate in my that the foster father of my Lord, Jesus Christ.

   The angel of the Lord appeared to our Blessed Mother at the annunciation, and we celebrate her “Yes” to God to bear the savior of the world.  Joseph was also visited by an angel of the Lord calling him to God’s will.  “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife into your home.  For it is through the holy spirit that this child has been conceived in her.” (Matt 1: 20).  Joseph, as Mary had before him, said “Yes” to God’s call.

   Twice more the angel visited Joseph.  Once to warn him of the danger to the baby Jesus, telling him to flee with his family to Egypt (Matt 2: 13) and again when it was safe for them to return to Israel (Matt 2: 19 – 20).  In each case, Joseph quietly obeyed the word of God given to him through the angel.

   Joseph led his life in humble obedience to God’s will.  He did not question, he did not doubt, he simply obeyed.  This is the example on which I wish to model my own life; simple, unquestioning obedience to my God.

Friday, March 3, 2023

 The Peace of Christ 

   “Peace I bequeath to you, my own peace I give you, a peace the world cannot give, this is my gift to you.  Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” (John 14: 27) 

   When I begin to feel a lack of peace in my heart I know that I’ve allowed something to interfere with the peace that Christ has given me.  It’s time to stop and regroup; to put my spiritual house in order and understand what is truly important.

   The world destroys peace; it has done so consistently throughout history.  Greed, hatred and all the sins of humanity create an environment of war in this world.  Even when there is no physical war, which is rare, there still remains the hatred and distrust between peoples and nations.  It is not meant to be that way.

   This world is a fallen, sinful place.  A place where God is more and more not welcomed but pushed aside.  In a world that refuses to acknowledge God and His truth there can never be peace.  To expect otherwise is foolishness.

   If I have Christ in my heart and in my soul the world can never steal my peace.  The peace of Christ is everlasting and overcomes the world and all the evil that is within it.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Questioning God’s Purpose 

   “Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundations?  Tell me, since you are so well informed!  Who decided the dimensions of it, do you know?  Or who stretched the measuring line across it?  What supports its pillars at their bases?” (Job 38: 3 – 5) 

   Like Job and his friends, we sometimes question God and His purpose in our life and in the world.  We act as if we should be part of His inner circle, that He needs to explain Himself to us.

   When Job attempted this attitude toward God, he was told,  “Brace yourself like a fighter; now it my turn to ask questions and yours to inform me.” (Job 38: 2).  In the verses that followed God reminded Job in no uncertain terms that he was not qualified to question the Creator of all.  Job was not part of the planning committee, and neither are we.

   Job got the message.  His response to God’s educating him on how things really are was, “I know that you are all-powerful; what you conceive, you can perform.  I am the man who obscured your designs with my empty-headed words.” (Job 42: 2 – 3).  This is the lesson we need to learn as well; He is God, we are not.

   God’s design is perfect and is not subject to our approval or even our understanding.  We are to trust in His wisdom, His power, His love, and His mercy.  Rather than question God and His purpose let us say, “Though I don’t understand, I will not question.  Though I am unsure, I will trust in You.  In all things, Your will be done.”

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

 Past, Present, Future 

   I sometimes find myself reliving many memories of the past.  Mostly they are good memories of the wonderful times my wife and I shared.  Since her passing, these memories bring me great joy, but also sorrow that we can make no more memories in this life.  I look forward to spending eternity with her in God’s kingdom.

   I also relive past sins at times.  These memories are never good and often bring shame and great regret.  I’ve no doubt that my past sins are forgiven through the mercy of God, but they still trouble me at times; I wish I could undo them but of course that isn’t possible.

   On the other hand, the memory of past sins helps me understand how weak I am and how much I need God and His strength if I am to avoid sin and know eternal life with Him.  These sins, while painful to recall, teach me humility and remind me of how merciful and forgiving the Lord is.

   The present is all I really have.  The past is gone and unchangeable and my future on this earth is unknown to me.  Therefore, I must live as if today were the last day of my life.  I must look to God and seek His will this day and every day that He chooses to give me.

   While my future in this life is an unknown, my eternal future is, in many ways, up to me to define.  I can live for the joys and pleasures of this life, or I can live for the greater joy and pleasure of eternal life in God’s heavenly kingdom.  Common sense tells me that no matter what I gain or have in life, it will all be gone upon my death; I can take nothing with me.  However, the treasure I lay up in heaven is, like my soul, eternal.

   “What profit would there be for one to gain the whole world and forfeit his life?” (Matt 16: 26)