“If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand.” (Mark 3: 24 -25)
Many seem to see the
teachings of the Church as mere suggestions which they are free to
accept or reject on their own authority.
I once had someone tell me that she was a “pro-choice Catholic”. She got terribly upset when I replied that
there is no such thing as a pro-choice Catholic, since the two are totally
incompatible. Division over such an
obvious evil as taking the life of an unborn child is the work of Satan.
There have been heresies and divisions in the Church since the beginning, and the battles continue today. The concept of relational morality is a
heresy that continues to grow in society and within the Church. This error says that what is right for you
may not be right for me and vice versa.
In other words, there is no certainty of right or wrong, it all depends
on human opinion. Satan loves it when we
assume we know better than God what is right or wrong.
Modernism is
another form of division among the faithful.
Some feel the Church needs to “fit in” with modern society. They even go so far as to suggest scripture
must be revised to reflect the modernist view of Christianity; in their view, even Doctrine and Dogma must be changed. They refuse to accept the truths of God, truths
that are eternal and not subject to change.
By nature,
people seek the easy route. If it’s too
hard, they look for another way and Satan is always there to show them an easier
road. Christ said, “Enter through the
narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction,
and those who enter it are many.” (Matt 7: 13). The narrow gate may lead to a harder road,
but that road is the one that leads to heaven.