Defeating Temptation
“Finally, draw your strength from the Lord and his might power. Put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the devil.” (Ephesians 6: 10 – 11)
There isn’t
a day that goes by when I am not tempted by Satan. He
is always near urging me to do or say something that shouldn’t be done or said. I need the armor of God if I am to have any
chance at all of defeating the evil one and the evil desires he tries to put
within me.
But where do
I find the armor of God? Where is it kept
and how do I access it? All I need to do is
ask and God Himself will provide it. In
the words of scripture, in the writings of the early Church Fathers, and in the
lives of the Saints are the weapons needed to defeat Satan.
I once wrote
that when I pray Satan cringes. I believe
that to be true. When I pray, when I
call on God and all His strength, Satan knows that he has lost that battle. God will never ignore the pleas of the
faithful, He will always be with me in the fight.
I can call on
Michael the Archangel to do battle with me.
He who battled Satan and exiled him and all his followers from heaven is
an opponent Satan can never overcome. He and his angels are a bullet proof vest against the slings and
arrows of the devil.
I can turn
to the Blessed Virgin Mary. She who gave
birth to the Messiah is a mighty warrior against evil. I believe that just the name of Mary sends Satan
away. When Jesus looked at Mary from the
cross and said, “Woman, behold your son.” (John 19: 26) He wasn’t referring just to the apostle John, but to all Christians throughout time. We are her children; she will never abandon
us, and she will defend us with all her might.
I can never
defeat Satan by my own efforts, that is an undeniable fact. But with the armor of God to protect me Satan
can be overcome, his temptations resisted.
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