Thursday, October 31, 2019

Waiting for the Lord

   “Obedience to God means, first of all, waiting, having to wait, sustine Dominum – waiting for the Lord.” (Thomas Merton, “A Year with Thomas Merton: Daily Meditations from His Journals”)

   I am impatient at times; I want things done when I want them done, not at the pleasure of another.  This is one my weaknesses that I strive to overcome.  I suspect there are many others who suffer from this desire for immediate gratification.

   This, like so many other things of God, goes back to our misunderstanding of time.  We put everything on the clock, watching anxiously to see how long we must wait.  But time applies only to us, not to God.  He is forever present, yesterday, today and tomorrow.  What we consider a long time is the eternal now for Him; a concept we will never understand in this life.

   Obedience to God means that I must always trust in His will and accept His plan and His perfect timing.  Without always understanding why, I must have faith in Him.  When a loving parent tells their preteen that they can’t drive the car it’s not a forever answer, it is “not yet.”  Sometimes our loving Father will answer us the same way.  If a child asked for something harmful that same parent would say no out of love and protection for the child.  When God says no to our prayers it is because He loves and cares for us.

  Trust God in all things.  Trust in His ways and pray for His guidance.  Accept that we can’t fully know God or His plan in this life.  Give Him praise in all things.  In these ways we are obedient to God.

Father, I place all my trust in You.
Accept my love for You.
Strengthen my faith in You.
Make me always obedient to Your will.


Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Trust in God

   “But God wants from us as it were a down-payment of trust.  He says to us: ‘I know you don’t understand me yet.  But trust me: believe me when I tell you that I am good and dare to live on the basis of this trust.’”  (Pope Benedict XVI)

   Trust is a strange thing.  We trust in things that don’t deserve our trust and fail to trust in those that do.  We trust the government to take care of things even though their motive is far too often selfish rather than for the good of all.  We trust the news media even though they often report only what they want and in the way they want it reported.

   Our spouse, our parents, our friends, our priests and many others are deserving of our trust.  Yet even there we find some who may abuse that trust.  Those closest to us sometimes betray us just as Judas betrayed Jesus.

   We trust many who are not trustworthy and yet we fail to trust the one who is always faithful; God.  God will never betray our trust; His only desire is our well-being.  Still we sometimes find it hard to trust Him.  We know from experience that we can’t always trust others and that may lessen our trust in God.

   As Pope Benedict says above, we don’t understand God.  We will never understand Him in this world.  When something we see as a tragedy or evil happens it is very hard to trust that God’s will is always good.  Simply stated, we can’t see the big picture; only God can.

   Like many others I struggle to trust in God when tragedy strikes; when my heart is torn apart and my world is in turmoil.  And yet I know, though I don’t understand, that all things will be for good in the will of God.  That is the down-payment of trust Pope Benedict speaks of; to trust even when I don’t understand.

Lord, You are a mystery.
I can’t truly know You in this life.
I can’t always see the good in Your plan.
Help me trust in Your eternal goodness.


Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Jesus Changes Things

   When Jesus enters our life He changes things.  Things that held importance for us before are now considered of little if any value.  These changes normally don’t happen in an instant but over time as we begin to know Jesus and to allow Him to know us.  If we want to be with Him in eternity we must begin by giving ourselves to Him in this life.

   When we ask Jesus into our life our lives will change in many ways.  In fact, we should pray for those changes since our desire is His will, not ours.  We must also be aware that some of the necessary changes will not be easy.  We’ve been told that we must deny ourselves and take up our cross if we are to follow Him (see Luke 9: 23).  Those crosses may, at times, be very difficult to bear.

   As we become more and more intimate with Christ we will find that certain things and even people must be put aside.  We can no longer travel in the company of those who flaunt the will of God in their words and actions.  We can no longer take pleasure in the earthly pleasures; those offered by the evil one in his temptations.

   We can never doubt that Satan will continue to tempt us with doubts, fears and desires.  He will do most anything to take us away from God.  But we must take heart, Jesus is there to help us as we give more and more of our life to Him.  The Holy Spirit will guide us, and Jesus will strengthen us in our efforts.  When we fail, which we will, He will forgive us as He forgave those who nailed Him to the cross.

Lord, I beg You to change me.
May I love only You and Your way.
Make me holy.
Make me a saint.


Monday, October 28, 2019

The Constant Battle

   I woke up this morning at about ten minutes past six.  My twelve-year old Dachshund had gotten me up about midnight with an urgent need to go outside.  Other than that I had slept well and felt rested.

   However, as soon as I woke up I was reminded that the dog had interrupted my sleep so maybe I hadn’t slept as well as I thought.  There was no real reason to get up so why not just sleep a while longer.  It all seemed to make sense at the time.

   Then it occurred to me; this was Satan already waging war within me.  I routinely go to daily Mass on Monday at 8:30 in the morning.  If I were to have time to get ready, take care of the dog and get to Mass I needed to get up and get moving.  Thanks to God Satan lost that battle.  I got of bed and started my day as I should; praising God at Mass and receiving the Body and Blood of my Lord in the Eucharist.  Not only did I receive the blessings of being at Mass, but it also gave me the opportunity to share a few minutes with some of my best friends.

   There is a constant war within me.  The forces of good and evil are fighting for my soul.  I know that God’s good can always overcome Satan’s evil but I also know that I am a sinful man and the evil one wins a battle from time to time even though I try to fight it.  As St. Paul said, “For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do.” (Romans 7:10).

   The battle continues to rage within; I win some and Satan wins some.  No matter how hard I try I can’t always reject him.  But I know that even when I fail my God loves me.  Though I sin He forgives me when I come to Him in sorrow and repentance.  Therefore I am confident of the outcome of this battle.  Jesus assures me, “In the world you have tribulation; but be of good Cheer, I have overcome the world.”  (John 16: 33)

Lord I fight the battle as best I can.
But I am weak and sometimes lose.
I pray for Your mercy and forgiveness.
I ask for Your strength to fight Satan ever harder.


Sunday, October 27, 2019

God’s Call

   “Lord, while I was still far away from You, You coaxed me in a great many ways to hear You from afar and be converted to You and call upon You.  (St. Augustine, “Confessions” 13, 1)

   When I was much younger I thought of God’s call as applicable only to those who were called to the priesthood, the deaconate and the religious life such as monks and nuns.  The rest of us were just there to support their efforts.  Maybe we would sing in the choir, help in the Mass or maybe participate in a ministry such as visiting the sick or others.  We could contribute, but we weren’t really called.

   I’ve come to realize that, like St. Augustine, we are all called.  God has a plan for us and will lead us in that plan if we allow it.  There are many ways we can serve God and His calling other than formal religious life.  He wants us all and He will continue calling as long as we are alive.  Even when we reject Him, God still calls.  He urges us to turn back to Him and serve Him in the manner He has planned for us.

   He calls us but God will never demand that we follow, the choice is ours.  But I believe that within us all is the knowledge that God is calling and unless we respond we will never know true happiness and contentment.  There is a need within that only He can fill, and we remain partially empty until we allow Him to fill us.

   If we are to find Him we must to turn to Him and listen for His call.  He may speak clearly, or we may have to struggle to hear Him but hearing Him is the first step on the road to heaven.  Open your heart and let Him fill it with His will.  Answer His call and journey with Him to eternal life.

Lord, You call each of us.
So many times we don’t listen.
Open our hearts to Your word.
Let us hear Your call and answer.


Saturday, October 26, 2019

Judas and Forgiveness

“In these days he went out to the hills to pray; and all night he continued in prayer to God.  And when it was day, he called his disciples, and chose from them twelve, whom he named apostles;” (Luke 6: 12 -13)

   There is no mention of how many disciples of Jesus there were when He chose the twelve, only that these twelve were called to be apostles.  They would be the leaders of His church on earth.  I’ve often thought of Judas and why Jesus chose Him.  It was necessary that one of the twelve would betray Jesus as foretold in the Messianic prophecies, but why Judas?  Did Jesus know it would be him when He chose him?

   The fact that Judas, or one of the twelve, had to betray the Christ has always made me wonder about the culpability of Judas.  Did he have a choice or was he destined to be the one?  If he had no choice, was it truly his fault?  Tough questions, at least in my mind.

   I think Judas’ greater sin was his refusal to return to Jesus, confessing his sin and seeking forgiveness.  If I am to believe that God forgives all sins I must believe that even the betrayal of Christ would have been forgiven if sought in sorrow and repentance.  Judas apparently chose to believe his sin was unforgivable, killing himself rather than seeking God’s mercy.

   I also think that in many ways I am very like Judas.  I can’t live a sinless life regardless of how much I want to or how hard I try.  When I sin against God is it any less than Judas’ sin against Jesus?  I don’t know, but I do know that when I sincerely seek forgiveness it is there.

   It seems to me that I can, like Judas, fail to seek forgiveness or I can fall to my knees in sorrow and repentance and receive it.  I pray that I will always rest in the certainty that my sins, no matter how grievous, will be forgiven when I sincerely repent and seek the healing of my Lord.

Lord, I am a sinner.
I have failed you many times.
I come in sorrow, seeking your forgiveness.
Help me as I try to sin no more.


Friday, October 25, 2019

The Father's Will

   Our prayers at times may not be in accord with the teachings of Jesus.  He taught His disciples the prayer we call the Lord’s Prayer or the Our Father.  All prayer should be based on this simple prayer since everything we need is contained within it.  We may ask in many ways and words, but all we ask should be in harmony with God’s will.

   We must keep in mind that we are mostly ignorant of God’s will.  He will always do what’s best for us even when we don’t and can’t understand.  His ways are far beyond our ability to know in this life.  All we can do is accept that He wants to give us only what is best and that His plan is always the right plan.  In that acceptance is our faith and love for the Father.

   A friend whose boyfriend had left her told me that she prayed everyday for God to change his mind and bring him back.  What she failed to understand is that God knows far better what will bring her happiness.  Perhaps the young man would have brought her nothing but pain and suffering had he returned.  God protected her by sending him away, saving her for the joy He has planned for her.

   Turn to God in prayer often and always remember that His will, not ours, is what we should be asking for.  Even Jesus, when faced with death, asked that the cup of suffering be removed, but only if it were the will of the Father. “My Father, if it is possible, let this chalice pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.” (Matt 26: 39)

   Regardless of what we ask in pray, we must always pray that God’s will, not ours, be done.

Father, I ask many things of You.
Let none of them be other than Your will.
You know and love me completely.
In Your will is my joy and salvation.


Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Present

   When most people think of a present they think of something someone has given them; a birthday or Christmas present.  We all look forward to getting presents, especially from those who love us.

   Giving another a present can be as joyful as receiving one.  We take a lot of pleasure in giving something to those we love and care for and greatly enjoy their happiness at receiving them. 

   Present has a different meaning when we apply it to our faith.  It is the very moment in which we live.  It doesn’t include yesterday and can’t include tomorrow.  This small bit of time is truly all we have in this world.  But it is one of the greatest presents we will ever receive.

   Worldly presents don’t last.  They break, become lost or simply quit working due to age.  Only the love with which they were given lasts.  That love is the true value of the present, rather than its' cost.

   The moment in which we live never loses its value though we too often waste it.  We let the moment pass without telling our loved ones how much we love them.  We look forward to tomorrow as if tomorrow were guaranteed when even the next second is not a certainty.

   God has given us this moment and there is no way of knowing if He will give us the next.  It is our choice to use however we will.  If we waste it, it’s gone forever.  If we give God’s gift of the moment back to Him in thanks and praise it can help us receive the greatest gift of all; salvation and eternal life with our Lord.  Pray to God in thanks each day for the moments He has given you and those He will give.  To live each moment for God is the most wonderful of gifts.

Lord, my life is short and uncertain.
I thank You and praise You for each moment.
May I live each second for Your greater glory.


Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Why Pain?

   “God whispers in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pain; it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” (C.S. Lewis, “The Problem of Pain”)

   It’s easy to drift along paying little or no attention to God when things are going well.  The days are enjoyable and there is nothing bothering us.  In these times many seem to push God out of the way as if He might interfere with their pleasure.  They want to focus on how well things are going rather than give Him the praise for their happiness and peace.

   Without some pain and difficulty in our life we think we can manage quite nicely on our own; we don’t need God’s constant presence.  Oh, we still go to church, but even then we are many times focused on our plans for the day rather than the blessing that is before us in worship.  As our focus on God lessens our sinfulness increases.

   God takes notice of our growing sinfulness and speaks to us through our conscience, reminding us of His will and the fact that we are moving away from it.  If we listen to Him we will repent of our sins and ask forgiveness.  But we also must determine to change our life and try our best to avoid sin going forward.  Our conscience is a blessing of God to help guide us along the way.

   Even with our conscience nudging us we may continue to drift from God.  Satan tells us that God knows we aren’t perfect.  Even He expects us to fail every now then.  It’s no big deal so don't worry about it.

   When we ignore His whispers in the good times and pay no attention to His voice in our conscience, God may shout to us in our pain.  Our pain is in a way one of God's greatest gifts.  If in our pain we turn to Him, He will help us bear our burdens.  He longs to give us His love and mercy.  He will answer when we call.

Lord speak to me in my pain.
Let me know of Your love and mercy.
Give me Your peace and comfort in pain.
Bring me to Your place where pain is no more.


Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Here Am I

   “And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’  Then I said, ‘Here am I!  Send me.’”

   When studying the prophets there is a common thread; they were not born prophets, they were called by the Lord.  In some cases they even fought the call.  Some where unsure of themselves, some were probably just scared since being a prophet many times meant persecution and death at the hands of those one was sent to help.  Still they answered the call.

   Who are the prophets of today?  Some would say that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a prophet and I would agree.  He spoke of equality and the value of all God’s children, a principal and truth needed to be spoken and certainly God’s will.  St. John Paul II could be numbered among the prophets.  Throughout his papacy He spread the word of God in countries all over the world, speaking of and sharing God’s love and mercy wherever he went.  

   I believe all Christians are called to be God’s prophets and evangelists.  And I think the most effective means of living up to this calling is found in the way we live our life.  How we interact with others, the love, the compassion shown and the sharing of the many blessings of God all minister to others and spread the love of God.  A priest friend once said that he would much prefer to see a homily in action rather than hear it from the pulpit.  Don’t just talk about it, live it so everyone can see it.

   There is no greater calling than to serve the Lord.  Though I am unworthy He calls me.  I will answer “Here am I!”

Lord, make me your prophet.
May I live as a child of God.
Let Your light shine through me,
That others may see and seek You.


Monday, October 21, 2019

Pursuing Nothing

   "And I will say to soul, Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; take your ease, eat, drink, be merry.  But God said to him, ‘Fool!  This night your soul is required of you; and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?’  And so is he who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God.” (Luke 12: 19 – 21)

   No matter what I accumulate in this world it is nothing.  It has no value in eternity and can only draw me away from God.  No matter what I accomplish who will remember me twenty years or even two years after my death?  It is of no consequence to my soul whether I die wealthy or in poverty; hungry or well-fed.  All that matters is that I be filled with God.

   There are many desires but only one is of value; the desire to know God and to live in His will.  All else is nothingness waiting to happen; it will all be gone in the blink of an eye.  Only God and my relationship with Him has any real worth.

   Many will throw away their eternal soul in search of earthly wealth, fame and fortune.  They worry about so many things when only one thing matters.  Their gods are man-made things of no worth in eternity.  Earthly pleasures are their desires rather than eternal joy in the kingdom of God.  They claim they want to be taken to heaven, but they are pursuing the things of the world.

   Life is short; a life into the 90's or beyond is as a grain of sand.  Eternity is everlasting; there is no beginning and no end.  I will seek the eternal rather than pursuing the nothingness of this world.

We chase so many worldly pleasures.
Things that have no eternal value.
We seek so many things that don’t matter.
May we seek only You.


Sunday, October 20, 2019

Holy Matrimony

   Marriage is by far the most common analogy offered in the bible to understand what our relationship with God is to be.  God is the Bridegroom and His people the bride.  God wants us to join with Him in Holy Matrimony.

   Sadly, marriage is on the decline.  More and more people are divorcing or choosing to live together in a “marital” relationship without benefit of marriage.  At the same time the number of those who consider themselves Christian is declining.  I believe there is a direct correlation to the disrespect shown to the marriage covenant and the lack of respect for the spiritual covenant.

   Marriage is so much more than two people living together.  It is a giving of one to the other in such a way that the two become one physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  The vows of marriage are a covenant with one another blessed by God.  A sacramental marriage is a covenant between not two, but three; the husband, the wife and God.

   Our relationship with God is similar.  He has given Himself to us completely and without reserve, sending His only Son to die, giving us the chance of salvation.  We are to return His love with a love as complete as is humanly possible.  We can never approach the depth of love that God has for us, but we can give all we are capable of giving.  In this way our marital covenant with God becomes irrevocable.  It has always been that way for God, He will never abandon His covenant with us.  But we must choose to make it permanent in our life.

Husband and wife; God and His people.  Even those who forego earthly marriage can understand this relationship.  Those who choose celibacy or consecration to God also enter into a holy marriage.  They have no earthly spouse but are forever married to the Lord.

   Whether married or unmarried we need to understand and honor the importance of a sacramental marriage in this world.  This is our destiny as Christians; we are the bride and God the Bridegroom.

Lord, make me worthy of being Your bride.
Make me Holy, make of me a Saint.
Let me joyfully enter into Holy Matrimony with You.


Saturday, October 19, 2019

End Times

   It’s always interesting when someone begins talking about the end times.  Some want to look at the world situation and try to fit events into what they believe are end of the world prophecies.  They see wars and rumors of wars; persecutions; nations rising against nations and think the end is near.  They see the desecration of holy places and organized efforts to destroy Christians and Christianity.  Some believe Jesus foretold the signs that would occur at the end of the world in Matthew, chapter 24.

   They forget that the one definitive statement Jesus made concerning the end of the world is also found in the same chapter, “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.” (Matt 24: 36).  It is not for us to know when the end is coming.  Be it tomorrow or a thousand years from now only the Father knows.

   I choose to take Jesus at His word and refuse to worry about the end of the world.  After all, all the things Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24 have been on-going since the time He said it.  There have been and continue to be wars and persecutions.  There have been and continue to be efforts to eliminate Christians and Christianity.  They have been happening since Jesus said these things over two thousand years ago.

   I think it is a trick of Satan to get us to focus on when the world when end when our focus should be on when we will end.  Our life may end at any moment bringing our personal end of this world.  Rather than concern myself with when the world will end I will live as if my life will end this day or even this minute.  I look forward to the end of the world and Jesus’ return in glory and prepare myself for that glorious event.  I will prepare for my death, my end of this world, by striving to do all in God’s will.

Lord, only You know when the end will come.
I don’t even know when my end will come.
May I be prepared for Your coming.
Whether in my death or the end of the world


Friday, October 18, 2019

The Perfection of Creation

   I am always in awe of the perfection of God’s creation.  Today I watch as the clouds begin to gather, expecting rain to follow.  I’ve no idea where the water in the clouds originated.  I live in Florida so perhaps it evaporated from the Atlantic Ocean or the Gulf of Mexico.  Then again it could have been gathering as the weather pattern crossed the country, bring water from far away.  Neither the wisdom of today’s meteorologists nor the superstition of ancient man can create the rain; only God.

   I see the live oak tree in my yard.  Its’ leaves provide cooling shade during the heat of the day.  It is a counterpart of a kind to humanity.  Humans need the oxygen the tree produces and releases into the atmosphere and the tree needs the carbon dioxide released by humanity.  Together they both survive.  Its’ branches provide a home for the birds and the squirrels and the acorns which drop every year feed the squirrels and offer the potential of more live oak trees.  We can plant the seed, but we can’t create the tree; only God.

   Look in the mirror and God’s glory is evident.  I have two eyes that can detect the slightest variation in color and shade.  At night they can detect the light of the Andromeda Galaxy over 2.6 million light years away.  I have ears that feel the slightest vibration and translate them into sound.  The May, 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens was heard from as far away as 140 miles.  My tongue can detect the taste of an incredible number of foods, helping me decide which I like and which I don't.  Man cannot create any of these organs; only God.

   I’m always amazed at the explanations offered to try to explain away God’s hand in creation.  When scrutinized they raise more questions than they answer.  If there was a “big bang”, who lit the fuse?  If creation is just a function of nature, who created nature and programmed it to accomplish its’ function?  There are many answers proposed; the only right answer is God.

Father, I see perfection in Your creation.
Your love is evident in all.
Make us good stewards of all You have provided.


Thursday, October 17, 2019


   “And Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.’” (Luke 23: 34)

   Our Lord’s teachings on forgiveness are perhaps some of the most difficult to live out in our lives.  When someone hurts us our natural reaction is to strike back, harm them as we feel they’ve harmed us.  But if we are truly following Jesus that can’t be our response.  We must forgive them.

   Think of the one person who has hurt you the most.  Of all the people you’ve known this is the one you wish you had never met.  Everything they did was hateful and full of spite.  Now imagine that this person is the first to greet you in heaven.  This is the teaching of Christ, “for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world.” (John 12: 47).

   As hard as it is to forgive those who hurt us it is sometimes harder to forgive ourselves for our failings and sinfulness.  We can’t imagine that God would forgive us for what we’ve done.  I believe this reaction is due, in large part, to the fact that we can’t or won’t forgive others.  If they don’t deserve our forgiveness how can we deserve the forgiveness of God?

   The truth is we don’t deserve His forgiveness, but He forgives us anyway because He loves us.  We must try to see those who harm us as God sees them, weak human beings stained by original sin, but also His children whom He loves.  We may not think they deserve our forgiveness, but we must give it anyway.  If not, we have failed as Christians.  Jesus said, “If you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father also will forgive you; but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespass.” (Matt 6: 14 – 15).  Clearly if we don’t forgive others we will not be forgiven.

Teach us Your mercy Lord.
Help us forgive those who hurt us.
They too are Your children.
They, like we, need forgiveness.


Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The River

   I am standing at the edge of a great river.  I can barely make out the other shore; it’s so far away.  I can’t see what's there, it seems wrapped in a cloud or in fog.  Still, I somehow know that I want to be there; it is where I belong.

   Suddenly there is a man standing at my side.  He wasn’t there a moment before, and I have no idea who he is.  “The river looks scary, doesn’t it?” he asks.  “But everything on the other shore is beautiful, filled with love, mercy and peace.  You should swim to the other side.”

   I know that I could never swim that far.  Besides I can see the current running very fast and there are things in the water.  I can’t quite make out what they are, but somehow, I know they aren’t good.  I can sense the evil in them.

   Turning to the man I answer, “I don’t swim very well, how could I swim across this river?  Besides there is a very fast current and there are things in the water that I think are evil.  Who are you?  I don’t know you, why are you here and where did you come from?”

   “I am the messenger sent to encourage you to cross the waters to the other side.  The current is indeed fast and even dangerous.  Yes what you see in the river is evil.  But you are called to swim to the other side.  Trust in the One who sent me, and He will see you safely across.”

   Looking at the waters I'm confused and unsure of what to do.  How can I trust this stranger who claims to be a messenger?  Whose messenger?  How can whoever sent him protect me from those things in the water?

   He seemed to know my thoughts and questions, “What you see are the sins of this world.  In these waters are lust, hatred, pride and every evil act the world would press upon you.  The danger is even greater due to the current which could carry you far away with no hope of return.  But I tell you, I am the messenger of the Almighty One.  In Him there is hope; He will see you through the sinfulness of this world.  But you must trust Him and never doubt Him.  Just as Peter could walk on water only when focused on Christ, you can safely cross this river only if you trust and have faith in God and His love for you.  Take the risk; trust in God; cross the waters to eternal life.”

   With love, faith and trust, I jump into the dark waters, knowing that my Lord and my God will save me from the dangers.

Father, so many evils come at us.
We are weak and cannot defeat them all.
With faith and trust in You, we can overcome.
Give us the courage to always trust in You.


Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Come With An Empty Heart

   “God wants to give us something, but cannot, because our hands are full – there’s nowhere for Him to put it.” (St. Augustine)

   We are a greedy people.  We want, want, and want more, leaving no room for what matters.  A small child on their birthday or Christmas will grasp at everything at the same time trying to have it all.  Rather than put something down before trying to take something else they just grab.  They can’t enjoy what they have because they are always reaching for something more.

   As adults we have changed very little.  Our desires far exceed our needs and yet we continue to want more.  Once we get it we quickly lose interest, going on to the next thing that catches our eye.  Living this way our hands, our hearts and our minds are always full.  There’s no room for God to give us the blessings He wants us to have.  For the temporary joy of earthly pleasures we forfeit the eternal joy of God’s love for us.

   I hear people talk of their “bucket list”, that list of things that they want to do before they die.  Most of what they have on their list are of very little value in the bigger picture.  How many include a personal, devoted relationship with our Lord on their list?  God really doesn’t care how many mountains you’ve climbed or how many airplanes you’ve jumped out of.  He cares about how many hungry you have fed and the sick you’ve visited.  He looks to see if you are sharing the blessings He has given you with those who are needy.

   Martha was working hard to serve Jesus in her home while her sister, Mary, sat at His feet listening to His word.  When Martha complained to the Lord that Mary should be helping, Jesus replied, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things; one thing is needful.” (Luke 10: 41 – 42).  One thing outweighs all other concerns and that is our relationship with the Lord.  Enjoy life, have fun, but always remember to leave space for God.  He is all that truly matters.

There are so many distractions Lord.
Sometimes we feel like we want it all.
Help us to focus on what truly matters.
You and Your love for us.


Monday, October 14, 2019

Let Go and Let God

   People many times roll their eyes when they hear an old, worn-out cliché.  In a lot of cases that is probably the best reaction.  Many seem over-used and with very little meaning.  However, most have some truth and wisdom in them.  That is why they become clichés.

   This one has much wisdom within, and we would all do well to consider the lessons it has for us.  If we take the time to really examine what is being said and how it can impact our lives we will find the value of putting it to use in our life.

   Let go of earthly desires.  We spend so much time seeking those things that don’t really matter while we ignore those that do.  Place confidence in God; know that He will watch over you and take care of you.  This doesn’t mean that you will get all you may want, but God will see that you have what you need.  We rarely know what is best for us but God does.  Let Him lead you where He will.

   Let go of anxiety and worry.  If you can make a positive change take action.  But most of what we are anxious about is beyond our control.  We can’t change the world, but we can change our lives.  Let it go and ask God to act in your life; the change will always be for the better.

   Let go of sadness and pain.  This is perhaps the hardest thing to let go of and let God handle.  We don’t like pain, nor should we.  Pain can destroy us physically, emotionally and spiritually.  That is why it is also the thing above all that we need to relinquish to God.  He is there, He knows of our pain and He will provide comfort.  But don’t think pain will never be a part of life.  Even the Son of God knew pain; how can we expect to avoid it?

   No matter the issue, no matter the problem, let go and let God.

Father You desire to help me in all ways.
Let me turn to You in good times and bad.
I offer You all my joy and all my pain.
Help me to let go and let You help me.


Sunday, October 13, 2019

Filled With the Lord

   I shall be filled with the Lord.  I will open my heart, my soul, and my mind to Him, and He will fill me with His love, His mercy and His strength.

   The sorrows and pains of this world will not defeat me.  Christ stands with me to see me through the hard times.  He reminds me that He has overcome the world.  He promises me peace and comfort.  I will take courage from Him in all things.

   In joy I see Him; in happiness I experience Him.  There is not a part of my life that does not benefit by His presence.  In the love of family and friends He is there.  In the beauty of creation He is there.  He fills me with thanksgiving for His many blessings.

   He promises me a better way.  He leads me to eternal happiness and joy.  His will is the moving force of my life.  In everything and for everything I seek Him and the path He puts before me.  There is no other way.

   In this life I will find trials and struggles but He is always with me.  He gives me hope for the life to come.  He has conquered evil and Satan shall be cast out.  I live to spend eternity in His presence.

   I shall be filled with the Lord.

Lord, You have blessed me in so many ways.
Even in sorrow You are there to comfort me.
I turn to You in all things.
Jesus fill me to overflowing with Your presence.


Saturday, October 12, 2019

Under God's Protection

   “When we pray, Satan cringes.”

   I wrote those words a few years ago in my second book, “The Narrow Gate”.  I believed them to be true then and I am even more convinced of their truth today.

  Prayer is so much more than just words said or thoughts in our minds.  If we are truly God’s child our life becomes a life of prayer.  Even when we aren’t aware the communication lines remain open and our soul communes with God.

   I believe that I am truly safe from the evil one when I am in communion with God.  In prayer I’m protected from Satan and his evil temptations.  I can envision being surrounded by angels whose purpose is to shield me from Satan and his demons.  Perhaps Michael, who led the heavenly battle that resulted in Satan and his followers being cast out, leads the angelic troops surrounding me as well.  Michael and his angels are the warriors who protect me when in prayer.

   My Blessed Mother is another warrior in my defense against the devil.  Just the mention of her name is enough to send him and his demons screaming from me.  When tempted I call to her and evil flees.   I turn to Mother Mary and Satan is powerless before her.

   My loved ones who have gone before me in the grace of God also engage in the battle to protect my soul.  Those who are in the presence of our God intercede for me.  They pray to the Lord for His strength and protection in the fight to protect my soul.  They too drive Satan away.

   The Virgin Mary, angels and archangels, those loved ones in His presence and all the saints in heaven are the prayer warriors who fight the battle with me.  When they are called upon the is no force that can overcome.  God has given me such a powerful army of warriors to help protect my eternal soul.  I am blessed indeed.

Lord, You are my strength in all things.
You send Your holy army to watch over me.
I am safe in their blessed care.
