Saturday, July 31, 2021

 Hope for the World 

   “To be in love with God is to be in love with the world.  To hope in God is to hope in the salvation of the world.” (Frances Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan, “The Road of Hope: A Gospel from Prison”) 

   I cannot say that I truly love God unless I make every effort to love all of God’s children.  I cannot say that I truly hope in God unless I pray for the salvation of the world.

   God is love.  Not love for just those who do His will but for all.  His desire is that no one perish.  We were created to be with Him, and the ultimate purpose of humanity is to exist in the love and mercy of our Lord.

   His love is so compelling that He sent His son, Jesus Christ to pay the price for my sins; a price I am not able to pay.  He was tempted just as I am, yet never sinned; he was reviled, yet never responded to the hatred.  In the end He was betrayed, abandoned, beaten, and hung on a cross to die for my sins.  Even then, His love knew no bounds, “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.” (Luke 23: 34).

   This world I live in was created by Him to be a paradise yet became tainted by the stain of sin.  Sin is all around us, but still God is with us.  His creation continues and, when Jesus comes again, will be made new.  What was created to be a paradise will be replaced by the true paradise that is heaven.

   Love, mercy, forgiveness, faith, and hope.  If we love Him, we must love our neighbor; if we ask His mercy, we must have mercy for others; if we desire forgiveness we must forgive; if we have faith, we cannot lose hope in God. 

You created out of love.

You sustain us with Your love.

May we share that love with others.

May we maintain our faith and hope in You. 


Friday, July 30, 2021

 The Carpenter’s Son 

   “Jesus came to his native place and taught the people in their synagogue.  They were astonished and said, ‘Where did this man get such wisdom and mighty deeds?  Is he not the carpenter’s son?” (Matt 13: 54 -55) 

   The people of His hometown, while amazed at His teaching, could not get beyond the fact that they knew Him and His family.  He had grown up there and they couldn’t accept Him as the Messiah.  “And they took offense at him.” (Matt 13: 57).  People who have done great things, not only spiritually but in business or other ventures are often rejected by those who knew them “before”.

   I wonder if the people of El Paso, Illinois, where Bishop Sheen was born and raised, marveled that one of their own could achieve all that he did.  After, wasn’t he just the first of four sons born to Newton and Delia Sheen?  How did he get to be so great?  Did they take offense at Him?

   Billy Graham was born in a farmhouse near Charlotte, North Carolina, the oldest of four children born of Franklin and Morrow Graham.  Did childhood neighbors and friends recognized him as the great defender of the faith, or did they question how he could have risen to such spiritual heights?  Were they offended at his success?

   Many people are filled with jealousy and greed.  People get offended at those who rise above the average.  Perhaps because they feel it should have been them or maybe just out of envy.  They ignore the fact that God chooses who He wills regardless their background.

   God isn’t interested in where we started, He knows where He wants us to go.  He makes saints of sinners, and it is His will that we all become sanctified and holy. 

Lord You choose who you will.

You make saints of common folk.

Sanctify me I pray Lord.

Make me Holy. 


Thursday, July 29, 2021


   “The deeds you do may be the only sermon some people will hear today.” (St. Francis of Assisi) 

   It can be quite easy to evangelize in the world today, and there is certainly no shortage of people who need to see Christ in the world.  All it really takes is a willingness to let our faith be evident in public, to live with love for all as Jesus did.  It may seem difficult at times to publicly display our faith and we might get some odd looks or even a few insults, but it is what we are called to do.

   In a society that seems to want to push God as far away as possible, boldness in living our faith is vital.  Simple things such as saying grace before a meal in a restaurant attracts attention.  It may even cause others who would say grace at home to have the courage to carry their faith into the public arena.

   A sincere thank you to those who have served you, whether in stores or in restaurants can go a long way to show Christian love for others.  The wait staff in restaurants certainly get enough complaints, so a thank you and a compliment on their service will be noticed.

   It’s amazing how just a smile can light up someone’s face, especially if they have been having a bad day.  I’ve seen check-out clerks get yelled at for a simple mistake or for something that wasn't their fault and never say a word.  A smile and a compliment about how they helped that person even though they were rude can make their day.  One of the things I’ve hated most about the masking dictates of recent times is no one can see the smile that you want to share.

   There are a great many learned people who do a wonderful job of evangelization and I thank God for them.  But most of us aren’t qualified to that degree.  However, a smile, a thank you, a kind word is a beautiful way to share of love of God. 

Help me to Love others.

Let me show my faith in my life.

Let other see You in me.

That they may come to know You. 


Wednesday, July 28, 2021

 Seeking Perfection 

    “For there is no distinction; all have sinned and are deprived the glory of God.  They are justified freely by his grace through the redemption in Jesus Christ.” (Romans 3: 22 – 24) 

   I believe that the pursuit of perfection is my responsibility as a Christian.  I also believe that it is a pursuit that can never be achieved in this world.

   Since I know that perfection is not possible in this life, I must accept the fact that no matter how hard I try or what I may accomplish, I will fail in my pursuit.  Perfection is of God and only in the life to come can it be realized.

   That does not mean, however, that I should just give up and not continue to seek perfection.  I believe my Lord wants me to do the best I can in this world even though it will always be flawed.  He knows that I can never be perfect but asks that I continue to try.  He will support me in those efforts and forgive me when I fail.

   When asked which commandment was the greatest, Jesus replied, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.” (Mark 12: 30).  But He didn’t stop there, he added, “The second is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. (Mark 12: 31).

   To love God as Jesus commanded and to love my neighbor as myself is as close as I will ever come to perfection in this world and even in that I will fail.  But I must try. 

No one is perfect but You Lord.

My life is one of sin.

I desire to be perfect but can’t.

Lead me to the perfection that is You. 


Monday, July 26, 2021


   “Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11: 1) 

   My faith is the most important part of my life so I would like to be able to explain faith easily and competently to those who do not have it.  But how am I to explain something that can’t be proved but must simply be accepted?

   The peace I have in my heart and in my soul wasn’t there before I came to know my Lord and placed all my trust and faith in Him.  I know that my life is much happier and joyful through my faith.  In faith, I know there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome.

   My faith isn’t something that I learned by studying, though reading scripture, the lives of the saints, and of those who have lived their life in faith has increased it.  When I read of those who willingly gave their lives rather than deny their faith, I desire that I may have so great a faith.

    Faith isn’t something that can be gained through science or technology although the science of the world speaks boldly and unquestionably of the God who created all.  The complexity of the human body, the majesty of the universe and even the simplest microscopic creatures are proof of a God worthy of all faith.

   My faith is what gives me the desire to get up in the morning.  It is what refreshes me when life seems to be getting me down.  In faith there is hope and help through the trials and tribulations of this world.  No matter the difficulty, in faith there is hope and help.

   When all is said and done, I understand that faith isn’t something I can achieve on my own; it is a gift from God, given freely to those who seek it.  

Lord increase my faith.

Remove all doubt and question.

Fill me to overflowing with Your love.

Lead me always nearer to You. 



Sunday, July 25, 2021

 Make Me Your Own


I come to You this day.

Fill me with Your love.

Have mercy on me.


Make me holy I pray.

Make of me a saint.

That I may live eternally with You.


Take from me earthly desires.

Let me desire only You.

Let me die to self and live for You.


I give myself to You.

Take me for Your own.



Saturday, July 24, 2021

 Nothing New 

   “A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him saying, ‘You are mad, you are not like us.’”  (St. Anthony of the Desert, circa 350 AD). 

   I always find it interesting when I come across quotes like that above.  As early as 350 AD it was evident that a madness was coming that would attack those who were not mad, probably meaning those who believe in Christ.  It was real then, and it is just as real today.

   Society has, in many ways, gone mad.  And, as Anthony predicted, they see those who do not agree with them and indict them as the ones who are mad.  It’s been that way since Jesus walked the earth and it will continue until He comes again.

   Ecclesiastes tells us “What has been, will be; what has been done, that will be done.  Nothing is new under the sun.” (Eccl 1: 9).  So, the question becomes what can we do about it?  If the past will repeat; if the madness of generations past will continue into generations to come, how are we to combat the madness?

   Without trying to be flippant, we can ignore it and get on with our life with Christ.  If we try to fix all that needs to be fixed, we will become mad ourselves.  Only God can set things right and He will do so in His own good time.  Until then we can endure the chaos and live our life as he desires, knowing that in the end the madness will be overcome.

   There is great peace is acceptance; not of the madness but of the fact that it exists and there is little we can do to change it.  When we accept and acknowledge that only God can overcome the madness we can place our frustrations and heartaches in His merciful hands and live in the peace of His love and mercy. 

The world is a maddening place.

We see it everywhere we look.

Only You can overcome the insanity.

Give us the serenity to place our trust in You. 


Friday, July 23, 2021

 Good Soil 

   “And some seed fell on good soil, and when it grew, it produced fruit a hundredfold.” (Luke 8: 8) 

   Anyone who has farmed, raised a garden, or even maintained house plants knows the value of the soil in which they are planted.  Soil lacking in nourishment or other nutrients will not support the plant’s growth. 

   Once planted the soil must be tended to produce the desired results.  Weeds than can choke out the plant must be uprooted.  Fertilizer may necessary, more so in some soils than others.  But what type of fertilizer can be used on the heart?

   For me, the Mass and the Sacraments of the Catholic Church are the best fertilizers for my spiritual growth.  They strengthen me in my faith, urge me to try my best to avoid sin, and offer me forgiveness when my efforts fail.  I look to the Eucharist, the body, blood, soul, and divinity of my Lord Jesus Christ as the ultimate source of nutrition for my soul.

   Other sources of enrichment of soul are readily available as well, holy scripture, the writings of the saints and great theologians, and, most importantly, prayer.  Without prayer the seed planted in my soul will surely die; it is the sunshine and rain that nourishes me and the word that lives within me.

   Accepting Jesus as my Lord is not an event, it is a process. It is a journey from earthly desires to those of heaven.  It is a tending of the word planted within.  When the soil is good, the fruit will be plentiful. 

Lord fill my soul with Your word.

That I may tend the garden You plant.

Nourish me with Your blessings.

That I may produce the fruit You desire. 


Thursday, July 22, 2021

 Who Do You Say That He Is? 

   “But who do you say that I am?” (Matt 16: 15) 

   The question Jesus asked His disciples is just as relevant today as it was when He first asked it.  If I am to follow Him, I must answer that question.

   Many who refuse to accept Christ as the Messiah say He was a good teacher, an honorable person, or some other watered down version of who He truly was.  They will even accept Him as a great moral teacher, but still refuse to acknowledge Him as God.

   Apostles would not have gone to all parts of the known world preaching the coming of a great moral teacher, a nice guy.  Martyrs would not have willingly given up their life because they liked Him; it took great love and faith to accept death rather than refuse their faith in Jesus and Him resurrected.

   We hear much talk about a “personal” Jesus these days.  And there is some truth there, Jesus wants to be our personal savior.  He wants a very deep personal relationship with us.  However, I think many do not want that personal connection with Christ; rather they want to define His person for themselves.  They want to make Him into who they want Him to be.

   John clearly defined Jesus for all time, “In the beginning there was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”  (John 1: 1 – 2).  Jesus is the Word of God, He is God, no other definition will suffice.

   If I am to follow Jesus, I must answer as Peter did, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” (Matt 16: 16). 

You are God,

You are beyond human definition.

You are the Messiah.

You are the Savior of the world. 


Wednesday, July 21, 2021

 A Promise of Peace 

   Life is going great.  Everything is as it should be, no problems, no worries, not a care in the world.  Then it hits; the illness, the financial crisis, the marital problems, whatever the dilemma, our peace is ruined.

   Jesus told us many times that life would not be easy.  “Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself.  Sufficient for today is its own evil.” (Matt 6: 34).  But when we place our trust in the Lord, we have a friend who is with us always.  He will never abandon us though at times we may think He has.  Ask and He will help, even carrying us upon Himself when it is more that we can bear.

   The most cursory look at history will tell us that peace has been in short supply in this world since the fall of Adam and Eve.  The paradise we were intended to inherit was lost due to their sin of pride.  Humanity would suffer for their sin but was never abandoned.  A promise was made to Satan, “I will put enmity between your offspring and hers; They will strike at your head, while you strike at their heel.” (Gen 3: 15).  That promise was fulfilled on a hill outside Jerusalem; death was overcome by the Son of God on a cross.

   Jesus doesn’t promise we will never suffer trials and tribulations; in fact, He warns us that these will surely come when we follow Him.  What He does promise is His peace in our heart; a knowledge that no matter the difficulties that come our way He is with us.  He promises us His peace and that promise will be fulfilled. 

We face difficulties.

There are trials to be borne.

In You there is peace.

Comfort us in times of trouble. 


Tuesday, July 20, 2021

 Light From Light 

   “For with you is the fountain of light, and in your light we see light.” (Psalm 36: 10) 

   If you place a lit candle on a table in a dark room it brightens the room.  Everyone in the room can then light a candle from the first candle, but it will never dim.  As the light is shared the room becomes brighter and brighter with each candle that is lit.

   The light of Christ is similar, it is unquenchable.  It can be shared by anyone who chooses to accept Him into their life.  His light is not dimmed when He shares it with us, its brilliance is unchanged.  When we share His light with others, our light does not dim, it becomes even brighter.

   Faith acts in the same way; it can be shared with all without ever reducing the faith of the one sharing it.  In fact, sharing our faith usually increases our own faith.  We see the good that it brings to others, helping us better understand and appreciate the blessing of faith that God grants to us.

   When our Lord comes again, the light will finally destroy the darkness.  All who are of God will live eternally in the light and those who refuse will go into the darkness.  The choice is clear, eternal light or darkness; no other option is available. 

   “And this is the verdict, that the light came into the world, but people preferred darkness to light, because their works were evil. (John 3:19). 

Lord, You are the light.

Let Your light shine on us.

Let us share Your light with others.

That the world may overcome the darkness. 


Monday, July 19, 2021

Home is Where the Heart Is 

   For the last few days I’ve been in San Diego visiting family.  It is a beautiful city with great weather, although terribly expensive.  I’ve enjoyed my visit but am also looking forward to returning home.

   My life has been a series of journeys, I’ve traveled all over the world and seen many wonderful places as well as some that were quite desolate and uninviting.  I’ve enjoyed my travels, and I thank God for the opportunities to have seen so much of this world He created.  Still, wherever I went it was always good to get back home.

   Home means many things to many people.  It may mean where they were born and grew up or where they are now living.  Some say home is where the heart is, and I believe that is maybe the best definition.  Where the heart is becomes what is most important in our lives.

   If my heart’s desire is the treasures this world has to offer, my home is here and now.  However, if the desire of my heart is eternity with my Lord and my God this life is one of exile.  There may be much happiness to be had in the world, but it is all short-lived and temporary.

   Wherever I live, wherever I travel, I know that I am not truly at home.  I love life and all the blessings God has given me but the blessing I desire most of all is the pure love and happiness that is to come. 

Lord, I’ve seen many things in this world.

Your creation speaks to Your majesty.

But this is not my home.

Bring me to my eternal home with You. 


Sunday, July 18, 2021

 Come Away with Him 

   “He said to them, ‘Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest for a while.”  (Mark 6: 31) 

   The gospels record that Jesus went away by Himself on many occasions for prayer.  It’s important to our spiritual well-being that we do the same.  We need to find a quiet place where we can be alone with our Lord.  A time to thank Him for all He has done for us and to seek His guidance.  In the silence we can better hear His voice in our heart and in our soul.

   The early Desert Fathers left the cities and journeyed into the wilderness to be alone with God.  They lived in caves, small huts, or even in the hollows of trees.  Alone, away from the distractions of daily life, they found peace with God.  We need to do the same from time to time.

   We may not be able to move to the wilderness, but a silent retreat is a wonderful way to put the world at bay and focus on God.  At one retreat house I attended was a sign that said, “Remember, silent and listen contain the same letters.”  When we are silent, we can better listen to God.

   Even in our homes it’s important to have a special place to be with the Lord.  It doesn’t have to anything special, just somewhere we can make our “desert” and be alone with the Lord.  Perhaps in the evening after others in have gone to bed or early in the morning while they are still sleeping.  It’s amazing what just a few minutes of silence with God can accomplish in our life.  They can make the good times more joyful and the difficulties easier to bear.

The world is full of chaos.

Evil and sin abound.

Let us sit quietly with You.

Fill us with Your love and peace. 


Saturday, July 17, 2021

 Trust in Christ 

   “And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be. (John 14: 3) 

   I have two choices; I can accept the bad with the good knowing that all is according to God’s will, or I can complain and grumble about the difficulties in life.  I choose to maintain the peace in my heart by accepting, even when times are rough.  I know that my fate was determined by Jesus’ death on the cross.  If I place my trust in Him, the troubles don’t seem so bad.

   There are so many today who choose to grumble and complain rather than look ahead, thankful for God’s love and mercy.  To use a golf analogy, some see the beauty of the green ahead and others only see the sand trap.  I’m certain that those who focus on the beauty of the green enjoy their game much more than those who constantly worry about the sand trap.

   The same is true in life.  Those who place their trust in God can weather the storms of life, knowing that the future will bring the joy and happiness of heaven.  Those who chose to always complain may also come to enjoy heaven, but the journey through this life will be much more difficult to bear.

   The storms will pass, and the sun will shine brightly.  The winds will abate, and the seas will calm.  Life will always have its difficulties, but the war has been won; good triumphed over evil on the cross at Calvary over two thousand years ago. 

We complain about the woes of life.

We let them overshadow your blessings.

Let us instead trust in You.

Let us live in the hope you promise. 


Friday, July 16, 2021


   “Who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped.  Rather, he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance, he humbled himself, becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross. (Phil 2: 6 – 8) 

   When I read these words describing the humility of our Lord Jesus Christ, it encourages me to try to make humility part of my life.  The Son of God gave up His glory for a while to offer salvation to me and to all the world.  How can I not humble myself before such love and self-sacrifice?

   Throughout His earthly life Jesus was the perfect example of humility.  He chose to be born of our Blessed Mother as an infant, totally dependent upon another for His very life.  He chose Joseph, a simple carpenter, as His earthly father.  He lived His life as any other child, obeying His parents, depending on them for His well-being.

   In adulthood He did all He did with love and humility.  He decried sinfulness but never attacked the sinner, only offering them forgiveness.  Before the Sanhedrin He subjected Himself to lies and false accusations, never defending Himself or returning the attacks. 

   Before Pilate He remained silent, never rebuking those who had accused Him, only assuring Pilate that His kingdom was not of this world.  Finally, on the cross He accepted a horrible death to pay the price for my sins and the sins of the world.  Even on the cross His concern was not for Himself, but for those who persecuted and crucified Him, praying, “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.” (Luke 6: 23 – 24).

   I can never live my life with the love and humility with which Jesus lived, but I can pray that He grant me the grace of humility and love for all. 

Lord, grant me humility.

Make me gentle.

Make me loving.

Let me never grow proud. 


Thursday, July 15, 2021

 There Is a Reason 

   So many things happen that I don’t understand.  There is beauty, joy, and happiness in this world, but there are also troubles, trials, and tribulations in this life.  Sometimes I can make no sense of either.

   God, of course, knows why all things happen.  I just sometimes wish He would share with me His reasons.  But I must always remember that He is the Almighty, He is God, not me.  From me He desires trust, faith, and hope.

   Trust that even when I don’t understand, I will accept.  His reasons are far beyond me, and I’m not expected to know them.  But I am expected to trust that whatever occurs is best because it is God’s will.

   I must place my faith in Him.  I must recognize that He knows better than I what is best for me.  I think of St. Joseph; he accepted the pregnancy of Mary because an angel told him how she had become pregnant.  He didn’t question, he took her into his home.  He watched over and protected her and our Lord as God asked.  He had faith that what he had been told was true and acted accordingly.

  My hope is in the Lord.  No matter the problems of this world, He is in control.  He may allow me to suffer the consequences of my sinfulness, but He is there to forgive and take me into His loving arms.  But I must ask, I must sorrow for my sins, and I must determine to do better in the future even though I will fail again.  And when I fail again, He will still be there to forgive.

   Life is not always easy.  Trust, faith, and hope require effort.  I must always remember He is God, and His way is always the right way. 

Lord there are difficulties in life.

Our life can be hard.

But in You is hope.

May I always trust in You. 


Wednesday, July 14, 2021

 In His Eyes 

   In the eyes of the Lord there is no difference in His children.  All were made in His likeness.  Regardless race, color, nationality, or any other difference that make exist we are all children of God, and all deserve to be treated with the love and respect due sons and daughters of the Lord.

   Sadly, this approach to our fellow human beings has never been prevalent.  We have always feared those who are unlike us in whatever respect.  Those we consider “others” have been treated and are still being treated with hatred, bias, and disdain.  I suspect this will never be completely overcome; our sinfulness and pride won’t allow.

   In this world we see the differences, in the next we will see the beauty that God created within us.  In this world there is hatred and fear, in the next there will be only love.  Society will never see all as equal and treat them as such, in the next all will be seen in the light of God.

   We can never fix all that is wrong with society, but we can try to overcome the temptation to attack and distrust those who may be different.  We can at least make the effort to see others, regardless of any differences, as children of God, worthy of love and respect. 

There are many differences in Your people.

But You see them all as Your children.

Regardless our differences.

We are all brothers and sisters in You.


Tuesday, July 13, 2021

 A Light Silent Sound 

   “There was a strong and violent wind rending the mountains and crushing the rocks before the Lord – but the Lord was not in the wind; after the wind, an earthquake – but the Lord was not in the earthquake; after the earthquake, fire – but the Lord was not in the fire; after the fire, a light silent sound.” (1 Kings 11 -12) 

   This is one of my favorite passages of scripture.  It reminds me that God is not always easy to hear or recognize, He sometimes comes in quiet unassuming ways, such as a light silent sound.

   Over time I’ve grown to love silent time with the Lord.  Time spent in prayer or perhaps in silence, contemplating all He has given me in this life.  Time to thank Him and remember that I am not worthy of His many gifts, but He gives them out of love.

   Too many times I think we want the Lord to speak loudly to us, to shake us up and make us listen.  I believe that occurs sometimes, but I think more often it is far less obvious.  I must listen closely to hear the Lord and learn His path for me.

   It’s important for me to remember that all I do, for the Lord or against Him is a choice.  I must decide and should I decide wrong God will let me know, but He will never demand that I change.  Again, I must listen closely, He speaks to the heart not the ear.

   When I pay close attention, when I block out worldly concerns and desires, in the quiet I can hear the light silent sound of God. 

You speak in whispers.

I must listen closely.

Guide me on the right path.

Open my heart to hear You. 


Monday, July 12, 2021

 Not of the World 

   “If you belonged to the world, the world would love its’ own; but because you do not belong to the world, and I have chosen you out of the world, the world hates you.” (John 15: 19) 

   These words, spoken by Jesus to His disciples, are just as applicable to all who are His disciples today.  We will never be accepted by the world just as our Lord and His followers were not accepted.  I don’t believe I should even desire worldly acceptance.  My sole desire is to be acceptable to God.

   History has repeatedly demonstrated the truth of His words.  From even before the Church was formed, while Jesus still walked among us, the majority rejected Him.  The religious leaders of his time appeared more concerned with their own position and well-being than with welcoming their Savior.  Some religious leaders of today suffer from the same sense of pride and self-importance.

   I do not expect worldly acceptance of Christianity to ever take place.  We will remain in the minority and will forever be the pariahs of earthly society.  We are to accept that rejection with the same love and mercy that Jesus showed in all He did while alive in this world.

   The cost of Christianity has always been rejection and hatred by the majority, at times resulting in persecutions, and martyrdom.  It still is today and will continue until Christ comes again in glory.  These are not reasons for despair, but for rejoicing and great joy; to suffer these things is evidence that we truly are not of this world. 

We are not of this world.

We belong to You.

Let us not seek worldly approval.

Let us seek only Your approval. 


Sunday, July 11, 2021

 All Powerful God 

   “Ah, my Lord God!  You made the heavens and the earth with your great power and your outstretched arm; nothing is too difficult for you.” (Jeremiah 32: 17) 

   When I see all that God has created and all He has done I am amazed.  I’ve even more amazed that some seem to think the difficulties or trials they face are beyond His power to resolve.

   Anyone who has faced serious turmoil in their life readily understands that there are some things beyond their ability, they simply can’t cope.  Those who don’t often become depressed and despondent, unable to deal with their problems. 

   My life, like most others, has seen times of trouble and great difficulty.  I don’t even want to consider what the outcome would have been had I not turned to God, seeking His help.  He will never refuse to help one who comes to Him, He is a God of mercy and love.

   We may sometimes feel that He has deserted us in our time of need, but it’s never true.  He will take us by the hand and lead us if we allow.  When we feel abandoned, it is most often because we have let go of His hand and pridefully tried to resolve our problems without Him. 

In times of trouble You are there.

You take my hand, You support me.

Your help and Your mercy is eternal.

Let me rest in Your love in all things. 


Saturday, July 10, 2021

 Just in the Eyes of God 

   “For it is not those who hear the law who are just in the site of God; rather, those who observe the law will be justified.” (Roman 2: 13) 

   If I go to Mass every Sunday but don’t put the truths I hear into practice, I am not just in the eyes of God.  If I listen closely and understand the words and their meaning, but don’t put it into action, I am not deserving of His justification.

   I can read and understand how to prepare a certain recipe, but if I never actually cook it, its’ very unlikely that I will become a good cook.  The same applies in my spiritual life.  If I read that I am to love God and neighbor, but don’t put those words into action, I’ve gained nothing spiritually.  Knowledge does not bring justification in God’s eyes, living according that knowledge is necessary if I am to be just.

   Justification, I believe, is a process not an event.  In baptism I was justified, original sin as well as all personal sins were washed away.  But that was not the end of my journey.  As I grow in knowledge of the faith I must also grow in my practice of the faith.  If not, my actions are not what God is asking of me.  To be just in God’s eyes I must live my faith.

   I can never fully live according to God’s will; I am human and have all the failings and weaknesses of all humans.  But if I don’t try my best to do so, I am failing my Lord and I don’t deserve justification. 

Lord, You are just in all things.

You see into my heart and know my will.

May I always seek to please You.

May I find justification in You. 


Friday, July 9, 2021

 The Peacemakers 

   “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God. (Matt 5: 9) 

   Our faith is under attack all over the world and the attackers are becoming bolder and more determined to eliminate God and Christianity from public view.  We must confront such evil, but we are also to be peacemakers.  How do we make peace with those who would destroy the faith that strengthens us and leads us to God?

   When attacked are we to return the attack?  Jesus said we are to love even my enemies, so how are we to rebuke those who attack us?  If we follow the way of Christ, we must return evil with good, hatred with love.  If we return evil with evil, we are no different than those who are attacking us.

   There are church leaders who have turned from the truths of Christ, misleading and harming those who look to them for guidance.  Some choose to refer to them hatefully, using disgusting name-calling.  I understand the frustration, I am also frustrated, but if we are to be peacemakers should we not defend the faith with love and respect, praying for them rather than condemning them?

   Social media is particularly virulent.  Those attacking Christianity do so with vile rants, condemning all the faithful in their hatred.  I would expect this from Satan’s warriors, but it concerns me that many who claim to be Christian respond with the same viciousness and cruelty.  Should we not respond with a strong, but respectful defense of our faith.  If we become like those who attack us how will that make us peacemakers?

   It’s hard to accept the hateful assault of those who would destroy our faith, but we cannot allow Satan to tempt us to become like the attackers.  We must turn to God and seek His strength and do all we can to bring peace through His love and mercy. 

Lord, Your Church is under attack.

Satan and his forces are strong.

May we rebuke them with love and caring.

May we be the peacemakers. 


Thursday, July 8, 2021

 Poor in Spirit 

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (Matt 5: 3) 

   I sometimes wonder exactly what “poor in spirit” means.  I don’t think it has much if anything to do with financial wealth.  It can’t mean a poverty of spirit within because I can’t see how that would lead to the kingdom of heaven.

   For me, poverty of spirit means not being caught up in the ways of the world.  I need to set my priorities above earthly things and not become enthralled with the pleasures of this sinful world.  My sights need to be not on this world so much as the next.

   But it also means that I must recognize that all I have in this world is a gift, a gift that I am not worthy of.  My loyalty can not be to the gift but to the one who gave it, God.  Should I lose everything today, my life would still go on and my soul would still be in the care of a merciful God.

   In a prayer I often say there is the line, “Whatever I have or possess You have bestowed upon me:  I give it all back to you and surrender it wholly to be governed by Your will.  Give me love for You alone along with your grace, and I am rich enough and ask for nothing more.”  If I can sincerely mean those words, I believe I will be poor in spirit. 

Lord, thank You for Your many blessings.

I am unworthy of Your love and Your gifts.

Make me poor in spirit.

Let me know in that in You alone are true riches. 


Wednesday, July 7, 2021


   In Benedictine Abbeys there is a position known as the Monastery Cellarer, or steward.  This monk is charged with the administration of the belongings of the monastery.  He is expected to treat the properties of the monastery, right down to a simple spoon or fork in the kitchen, as if they were the sacred vessels of the altar.

   As one who is aspiring to become a Benedictine Oblate, I am to emulate, as best as possible, the ways of the Abbey in my personal life.  When reading about the cellular and his responsibilities I began to apply these qualities to life in my home and in the secular world.  I am to treat those gifts God has blessed me with as if they are the sacred vessels of the altar.

   This means that I must care for my finances, my home, my belongings, my car, everything I have with great respect.  If I allow them to deteriorate or ignore their proper care, I am not the steward of God’s gifts that I should be.

   Not only must I care for properties and material things, but I must also care for others.  If married I must treat my spouse with respect, love, and devotion.  I must be a loving parent to my children.  I must treat my friends with the love they deserve.  I must see everyone as they are, children of God and treat them as such.

   I believe this also applies to all of God’s creation.  If I cause waste, misuse, or damage to it, I am failing as a steward.  I must look for ways to protect this earth and all within it.  If that means using less, so be it; if it means trying to conserve rather than exploit the blessings of God’s universe, I must do that as well.  In other words, I must look at all I have and all that is in the world as the gifts from God that they are.

   God has blessed me in so many ways.  Now it is up to me to be thankful for all He has given me.  I must be a good steward. 

All that exists is by Your will.

All I have is from Your love.

Help me to honor You.

To properly care for all You have given me. 


Tuesday, July 6, 2021

 Crucify Him 

   “And this is the verdict, that the light came into the world, but people preferred darkness to light, because their works were evil.” (John 3: 19) 

   When Pilate gave the Jews the choice of saving Jesus or Barabbas, a known murderer, they chose Barabbas.  As I look around the world today, I wonder what the answer would be if the choice was between Jesus and the local abortionist.  I suspect many would choose to save the abortionist and again crucify our Lord.

   The priests, Pharisees, Scribes, and Sadducees rejected Christ and his teachings, and incited the crowd to demand His death.  Some church leaders today seem to be very much like those religious leaders of Jesus’ time, again rejecting the truths He taught.  If He were here today, would they encourage those who look to them for spiritual guidance to join them in their rejection of Jesus and the truths He taught?  Would they urge the crowds to again demand His death on a cross?

   There have always been adversaries of the Lord and His people, but there have also been those who will not be swayed, who will not ignore the Lord and His teachings.  Faithful Christians who, in many cases, faced persecution and even death for their faith.  There are still those who recognize that salvation can only be found in Jesus and that salvation is worth whatever the cost may be.

   When we stand before Christ at our judgement will we stand with those who cried for His crucifixion or will be among the ones who, through the grace of God, remained faithful regardless the cost?

You are under attack.

Many reject You and Your ways.

Give me the strength of faith.

Let me never abandon You. 


Monday, July 5, 2021

 Serving God 

   “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine you did for me.” (Matt 25: 40) 

   How am I to serve a God who needs nothing?  What can I give to a God who created all things including myself?  I want to serve Him but there’s nothing He needs and certainly nothing I have that He needs.

   I can serve Him by serving others.  From the many blessings He has given me I can give to others in need whether it be food, clothing, or money.  I may not be able to do great things to help others, but I can certainly do what I am capable of with love and because they too are a child of God.  As St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta said, “It’s not about how much you do, but how much love you put into what you do that counts.”

   In serving Him I must also keep in mind that I am not to serve myself in the process.  To me this means that whatever I do cannot bring credit or glory to myself.  If I do it to seek recognition or praise, I’m doing it for myself, not for God.  Jesus said, “When you give alms, do not blow a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets to win the praise of others.  Amen, I say to you, they have received their reward.” (Matt 6: 2).

   The more I read scripture, the more I contemplate serving my God, the more I come to understand that it is in loving that I can best serve Him.  He has no need of anything, but I believe He is pleased by a heart full of love for Him and the least of His brothers. 

Your love is the greatest gift.

Help me share that gift with others.

Fill me with love for You and for all. 


Sunday, July 4, 2021

 Independence Day 

   “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people chosen as his inheritance.” (Psalm 33: 12) 

   Today we celebrate the independence of the United States of America, a nation founded on the premise “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”  How we need to revisit these statements and renew them in our nation.

   We are endowed with unalienable rights.  This means that no one has the right or authority to take these rights from us.  Among these are life.   Yet over 66 million babies have been deprived of this right through abortion.  And more and more of the elderly are being deprived of this right through euthanasia.

   We are endowed with liberty.  But we are called to task if we allow our religious liberty to interfere with societies call to accept sinful behavior.  If we dare to question or refuse to support the abominations that society is supporting, we may be vilified, persecuted, and possibly deprived of our business and our personal liberty.

   We are endowed with the pursuit of happiness.  Pursuit of happiness does not guarantee that we will achieve it, it simply means we can try to be happy in our lives.  But this pursuit is denied when we cannot openly and publicly declare our faith and object to those things which offend God.

   Have we always lived up to these founding principles?  No, we have not.  Like all things human there have been and will continue to be failures.  Does this mean we should no longer strive to live up to these ideals?  Of course not!  I believe the great majority of Americans are decent people who want to live by these standards.  We should never forget the failures, but we should never give up trying to do what is right.

   On this Fourth of July let us make a promise to ourselves and to God to try harder to live up the principles upon which our nation was founded, Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. 

Lord, we are a sinful people.

We often fail to live according to Your will.

Help us in our efforts to improve.

And God, please bless America. 


Saturday, July 3, 2021


   “God is faithful, and by him you were called to fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” (1 Cor 1: 9) 

   We are called to fellowship with our Lord, to trust in Him and seek His will in our lives.  We are also called to fellowship with others in this world, to share His love and speak of our faith and trust in Him.

   There is a small group of us men who meet at daily Mass each Saturday morning and then go to breakfast and spend time together discussing many things, maybe something from the homily at Mass, perhaps the good or difficult happenings in our lives; asking and offering prayers for each other.  Sometimes just enjoying each other’s company, discussing whatever comes up.  These meetings are one of the greatest blessings God has given me.

   We may not always agree on everything but hearing different opinions and idea concerning our faith helps us expand our thoughts, giving us incentive to spend more time with the Lord considering His word and what it means to us today.  Don’t misunderstand, we do not try to reinterpret His word or conform it to what we might want it to be, but maybe one has grasped an underlying truth that may not have occurred to the others.

   Afterwards we go our own ways refreshed in both body and soul.  I’m sure the others do the same as me and sometimes spend quite a bit of time in prayer and thought about what we have discussed.  It is a beautiful means of expanding our love of God, His word, and the teachings of Jesus.

   Our fellowship is so much more than some guys getting together to discuss sports or cars or whatever happens to be in the news, it is an opportunity to grow in love of our Lord and of each other as fellow Christians; it is a means of increasing our faith and trust in God. 

Lord, You have blessed me with faithful friends.

They are a tremendous joy in my life.

Keep us always in Your love.

Guide our fellowship to bring us always closer to You. 
