Christian Fellowship
afternoon and evening I spent time with friends from Church. We have these potluck dinners monthly, getting
together to share our fellowship and love of God. These are some of my best times.
In a world gone crazy it’s important to separate oneself
from the world. To draw strength from others who are faithful and striving
to live as God would have us. It is a bulwark
against the evil that comes at us from all sides.
When my friends
and I meet we share our struggles and our joys in Christ. The conversation is always enlightening and
lively. We talk of many things, but usually
within the framework of how it affects our faith, and the growing evil in the
world. Though we recognize that there is
little we can do to change things we also know that God hears the prayer of
those who love Him. Prayer may not make things
right overnight, but our prayers will not go unanswered. In the end He will make all things new.
would most likely look at us as “religious fanatics” but for those whose faith is
strong that is not an insult but a confirmation that we are living as we should,
trying to follow the will of God in our life.
devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the communal life, to
the breaking of the bread and to the prayers.” (Acts 2: 42)
In some small way these monthly get-togethers are our way of carrying on
the ways of the first Christians, of separating ourselves from the world at large. These special times help us withstand the evil of a broken world.
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