Friday, June 30, 2023

 Christian Revival 

   There is a revival needed in Christianity.  It has become common for some to pick and choose which of God's truths they will accept and which ones they will ignore, as if they, not God, determine what is right and wrong.

   “Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.” (St. Augustine).  Society today almost wants to determine right from wrong by a popular vote.  Whichever gets the most votes is right.  If the majority approve of murdering an innocent baby in the womb, then it becomes a “right” rather than an abomination.  If most people think it’s OK to euthanize Grandma because they say she no longer has “quality of life” then it’s fine to commit that murder.  I’m not sure where we got the idea that we are the arbiters of which life is of value and which is not, but it’s not true.  Life, all life, is precious from conception to natural death.

   To revive Christianity we must return to the truth of the gospel and the words of Christ.  Those who would soften or even revise those facts are confusing the laity and the laity is responding by leaving the church.  Those who want to pick and choose which truth to accept are only fooling themselves; Christianity is not a buffet, but a way of life.  We can either accept Christ and all He taught, or we can reject Him.  What we can’t do is redefine Him and His truths to suit our desire.

   We cannot be the “Church of Nice”, never confronting evil, with our priests never warning us of the wages of sin, all in the name of “tolerance” and fear of offending those in the pews.  We all need to be offended at times to help us see the evil of our ways and repent.  Christ warned, “How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to life.  And those who find it are few.” (Matt 7: 14).

   The final revival will come when Christ returns in all His glory and makes all things new.  It is up to us to revive Christianity as best we can until that day comes.

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