Thursday, May 21, 2020

Defending the Faith

   “Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope, but do it with gentleness and reverence,” (1 Peter 3: 15 – 18)

   St. Peter’s words are quite clear.  As a Christian I have a responsibility to defend my faith to those who may have questions.

   There are three responsibilities that go along with Peter’s charge.  First, I must be willing to answer and defend my faith.  Polite society tells us we should never argue religion.  But if we don’t how are we to defend our faith?

   Second, I must be knowledgeable in the faith and doctrines of the Church.  I must be able to provide a reasoned answer based on fact rather than opinion.  If I don’t know the answer I must admit it and ask for the time to research it.  I can never answer with a “best guess” response.  It is my responsibility to study and gain the knowledge of my faith so that I can answer correctly.

   Third, I must answer with gentleness and reverence.  Disrespect or off-handed responses will only drive people away.  If someone is asking the question I must assume they have an interest and treat their interest with respect.  To argue the faith does not mean to belittle or condescend to the one who is questioning but to respond clearly, politely, and lovingly to their question.  I am not trying to win an argument but perhaps to save a soul.

   Many people who leave the Church do so because they don’t understand the doctrines and beliefs we teach.  Bishops and Priests obviously have a responsibility to properly educate their flocks, but they can’t do it all.  We, as Christians, must also be ready to answer.

Father teach me Your ways.
Help me to share with those who ask.
Give me reverence and respect for their questioning.
Give me the knowledge to answer correctly.


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