Friday, July 31, 2020

Trust In the Lord

   “Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will act.” (Psalm 37: 5)

   How am I to trust in the Lord when I see the evil and immorality that is so common in society?  Does He allow these evils?  If so, for what purpose?  We are to believe that nothing happens that is not a part of God’s ultimate plan, but how does the slaughter of innocent babies in the womb serve His purpose?

   When the Israelites were freed from the slavery of Egypt and led to the promised land they rebelled against God every step of the way.  They built a molten calf to worship, a false god rather than the one true God.  They complained against the God who fed them with manna and gave them water from a stone.  Because of their actions they were punished in many ways; they suffered because they did not trust in the Lord.

   Nothing has changed much in the past two thousand years.  People still reject the God who has given them life.  They ignore the many blessings given them and complain at the least inconvenience.  They slander the Son of God who gave His life in payment for their sins.  Nothing seems to satisfy them and they blame God for everything.  They worship the false gods of money, fame, sex, and fortune rather than the one true God.

   Are the evils affecting our nation and our world like those brought against the Israelites when they failed to trust in God?  I suspect we suffer because so many have turned from God, rejecting His ways.

   If we are to overcome the sinfulness and immorality that plagues us we must turn to God, seeking His guidance and help.  He will act in our favor if we will only give Him our love and our trust.  The longer we delay the worse the world will suffer.

Lord there are many evils in the world.
Sin and immorality are everywhere.
Give us the strength to resist evil.
To trust in You and Your love for us.


Thursday, July 30, 2020

The Early Hours of the Morning

   “But I, O Lord, cry out to you; in the morning my prayer comes before you.” (Psalm 88; 13)

   I was never a morning person.  If an alarm wasn’t set I didn’t wake up until mid-morning and I despised the alarm.

   These days I’m up between five and five-thirty in the morning.  For a while I tried to resist, thinking it was far too early to get up, wanting to stay in bed a while longer.  I’ve discovered that getting up when I first wake up is a blessing.  I also believe it was Satan urging me back to sleep.

   The morning is now my favorite time of the day.  Early, before dawn, while the world still sleeps is a perfect time for prayer and communion with God.  There are few distractions and little noise to interrupt my thoughts and prayers.  It’s quiet and peaceful as I begin my prayers in my favorite chair.

   Then it's time for a morning walk.  Still dark, the sky is beautifully decorated with the moon and stars.  Even the birds are usually still asleep or just beginning to waken.  I hear their song as they begin their day.  Occasionally I hear owls nearby.

   Most mornings I see the sun beginning to rise, turning the dark to the most beautiful shades of pink and red.  Once again, God’s creation begins a new day.  To be there and witness the glory of the new day beginning is a blessing.

   I feel as if I am where God wants me to be in the early hours.  It is a time of prayer, wonder, and love of God.  His majesty is on full display as His creation comes to life for another day and I am blessed to witness it.

Lord, in the mornings I find You.
In the quiet You are with me.
Fill my heart with love for You.
Lead me always closer to You.


Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Martha and Mary

   “Now as they went on their way, he entered a certain village, where a woman name Martha welcomed him into her home.  She had a sister named Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to what he was saying.  But Martha was distracted by her many tasks; (Luke 10: 38 -40)

   Martha and Mary both served the Lord, but they represent two quite different spiritual paths.  Martha, the active and Mary, the contemplative.  Both are necessary and both are of value in serving our Lord.

   For some, like Martha, the active life is where they blossom.  It is where they best serve our Lord.  In feeding the hungry, clothing the naked and sheltering the homeless they serve Jesus.  Martha might express her spirituality in organizing and running a shelter for the homeless, feeding them and seeing to their needs.

   Mary represents the life of a spiritual contemplative; one who devotes their life to prayer and listening to the word of God in the scripture and in His creation.  Mary would do well as a sister in a cloistered order, spending her life in silent prayer and contemplation of God, seeking an increase of His kingdom here on earth.

   Some serve best by choosing either the active or the contemplative way.  Others strike a balance between the two.  They are active in their contributions of time, talent, and treasure, but also establish a prayer life that incorporates the contemplative, taking time for silent communion with the Lord.  When we sincerely seek God, He will lead us in the way that is best for us.

There are many ways I can serve You.
I can’t do them all.
Show me the way that is best for me.
Let me serve You as You will.


Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Be Holy

   “For I am the Lord who brought you up from the land of Egypt, to be your God; you shall be holy, for I am holy.” (Leviticus 11: 45)

   We are meant to be holy.  Just as God brought the Israelites through the waters of the Red Sea to free them from the slavery of Egypt, He brings us through the waters of Baptism to free us from the slavery of sin.  As He chose them to be His people He also chooses us as His people.  If we will allow, He will make us holy.

   Some think holiness can be obtained through their own desire and actions.  They think that if they give to the church it will make them holy; if they donate to a food bank their holiness is increased.  Some think that simply going to Mass and receiving the Sacraments on a regular basis will make them holy.  The truth is none of these will make us holy.  They are wonderful things to do and certainly may be indications of holiness, but they cannot make a person holy.

   The things that we might do to make us holy are many times a sign of our own pride.  We point to what we have done and feel satisfied that only a holy person would do such things.  But holiness is not of earth but of Heaven.  Only God can make us holy, only He can truly make us His people.  It is only by His grace that we may become holy.

   How, then, can we become holy?  We must reject self and give ourselves over to God.  We must forget our own wants and desires and desire only His will.  Our Blessed Mother taught us how to become holy when she said, “Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word.” (Luke 1: 38).  Seek only the Lord and He will make you holy.

Lord, I want to be holy.
I want to be Your child.
I offer all to You.
I beg of You, make me holy.


Monday, July 27, 2020

Conversion Is A Process

   “We often think of a conversion as a single decision or event, when the reality is that we are called to continuous conversion.” (Matthew Kelly, “I Heard God Laugh”)

   My conversion began shortly after my marriage.  Previously I had no relationship with God.  I had married a cradle Catholic for whom Sundays and Holy Days meant going to Mass.  As her husband I went with her even though I wasn’t even sure what it meant to be “Catholic”.

   It didn’t take long for me to realize that I needed God in my life.  Seeing my wife practice her faith and experiencing it with her drew me to Him in a way I’d not known before.  I was baptized at the Easter Vigil in 1971 and received my first Holy Communion.  My conversion journey had begun.

   At first we were like many Catholics, we went to Church when we should and received the Sacraments but weren’t actively involved with the many ministries available to us.  Over the years our faith continued to grow and we both benefitted greatly from a deeper, more active relationship with our Lord.  We became involved in several ministries which furthered our conversion journey.  We were blessed with a growing, deepening relationship with God.

   Now my wife is gone but my journey continues and has grown deeper still.  I am confident of her presence in heaven and my greatest desire is to join when my life is over, together to give God all praise and glory for all time.

   I recall a few times when someone from a local church would knock at our door and ask, “Are you saved?”  They seemed to think of salvation as a one-time event.  In my mind the correct answer to their question is, “Yes, I have been saved, I am being saved, and I will be saved.”  Salvation is a lifetime journey that doesn’t end until this life is over.

Father, I am on my journey to You.
It can be long and arduous at times.
Only with Your help can I succeed.
Make my journey a fruitful one.


Sunday, July 26, 2020

To Serve the Lord

What do You want from Me?
I will give You all.
Do You want my heart?
It is Yours.

Do You want my soul?
That too is Yours.
Do You want my Life?
I give it gladly to You.

I pray for wisdom.
To better know Your will.
I pray for strength.
To persevere in Your ways.

I pray that I may serve You in all I do.
Show me the path I should walk.
I ask for Your guidance.
Show me the way to You.

Make me holy Lord.
Regardless the cost.
To spend eternity with You
Is all I truly desire.


Saturday, July 25, 2020

Created In Love

   “So God created humankind in his image.  In the image of God he created them, male and female he created them.  (Genesis 1: 27)

   When I consider the majesty of God and all He has created I can’t help but question why?  Why did He create the world and all that is in it?  Why did He create me, one who has disappointed Him in so many ways?

   I’ve come to believe and understand that He created simply because of His great love.  The love shared by the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit is absolute.  Nothing was needed, nothing could be increased or decreased by creation.  He created simply because He is Love.  No other answer seems to make sense.

   It was His love and His desire to share that love that resulted in all we see and all that is.  He wants, but doesn’t need, our love for Him.  There is nothing that we or anything else in creation can offer that can make Him more that He already is.

   I look in the mirror and I see a sinner who wishes He could do better at avoiding sin.  I see one who has, on many occasions, betrayed the love and mercy of God by my actions.  Yet I also see a creation of God.  A creation that came about from the pure, never-ending love of the Almighty.

   Though I’m an imperfect man I am forgiven my failings, again because of the incredible love of my Creator.  His only Son chose to suffer incredible anguish, pain and suffering to give me the opportunity of salvation and eternal happiness.  The blood He shed, the pain He endured, the death He suffered was the greatest act of love that has ever been.  By His passion and death and resurrection He paid the price for my sins and offered eternal life.

Lord, You are pure love.
Out of love You created me.
Out of mercy You forgive me.
Set my heart afire with love for You.


Friday, July 24, 2020

The Sower, the Soil, and the Fruit

    The parable of the sower can be found in Matthew’s Gospel, chapter 13.  It talks of a sower who sowed his seed and the results that came from his efforts.  Some seed fell on rock and was immediately eaten by birds.  Some fell on shallow soil; it quickly took root but at the first sign of difficult it withered and died.  Some fell among thorns where it took root but was choked out by the by the thorns of life.  Finally, some fell on good soil and brought forth an abundant harvest.

   The sower is God, the seed is the Word of God, and we are the various types of soil on which it is sown.  Some will pretty much ignore it; some will accept it but only until some difficulty arises.  Others will take it to heart, but it will be overwhelmed by the cares and concerns of the world.  A few will accept it, embrace it, and do all in their power to let the seed grow and produce the intended fruit.

   What kind of soil am I?  There are times when I feel like I fit into all the categories of soil.  There were times in my life when I was ignorant of God and His Word.  At times I’ve let the cares and concerns of the world smother the seed planted in my soul.  My prayer is that I have become good, fertile soil for God, soil that allows His seed to grow and produce good fruit.  But if I am now good soil, it is only by the grace of the Lord.  I am nothing without Him and any good found in me is the gift of God.

   The most I can do is offer myself to Him, seek His will in all things, and pray for His help.  The world tempts me, troubles me, and tries to draw me away from God.  I am certain that I can’t resist such attacks alone.  I can only reject Satan with the help of God.  Only by His grace can I be the good soil and produce the fruit He desires.

You have planted Your word within me.
May Your seed take root.
May I be the good soil.
The soil that produces good fruit.


Thursday, July 23, 2020

Why Me Lord?

   “Why me Lord?  What have I ever done to deserve even one of the pleasures I’ve known?  Tell me Lord, what did I ever do that was worth loving you or the kindness you’ve shown?”  (“Why Me Lord”, Kris Kristofferson)

   I’ve often asked the Lord why He loves me.  I’ve done nothing to deserve His love.  In fact I’ve done much to warrant condemnation rather than love and forgiveness.  Why does He still love and forgive me?  Why does He desire that I share eternity with Him?

   When God looks at me does He see Himself within me?  Is that why He loves me and forgives my sins?  Does He recognize me as one of His children, even though I may have gone astray?  Perhaps He continues to love me even in my sinfulness to teach me that His love is eternal and nothing I can do will cause Him to abandon me.

   St. Ambrose wrote, “I will glory not because I am righteous, but because I am redeemed; I will glory not because I am free from sins, but because my sins are forgiven me.”  How can I not try harder to please the God who made me, who loves me, and who calls me His own?

   The final verse of Kris Kristofferson’s song goes like this: “Lord help me Jesus, I’ve wasted it so.  Help me Jesus, I know what I am.  Now that I know that I’ve needed you so, help me Jesus, my soul’s in your hand.”

Lord I place my soul in Your hand. 
Guide me, teach me, make me yours.
Father, I want to love You more.
Fill my heart with love for You.


Wednesday, July 22, 2020

The First Evangelist

   “But go to my brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to my Father, to my God and your God.’  Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, ‘I have seen the Lord.’  And she told them that he had said these things to her.” (John 20: 17 – 18)

   We all know of the great evangelists, Peter, and Paul and all the apostles of the Lord.  Since Jesus’ time there have been a multitude of those announcing the Good News of our Lord, encouraging the faithful with the hope and promise of His resurrection.

   But before these was Mary Magdalene.  Upon His resurrection Jesus chose to appear to her first.  Mary Magdalene, from whom he had cast out seven demons, was chosen to announce His resurrection before all others.  She was the first evangelist.

   When I consider this event it reminds me that no matter my past sins, if I have turned to Jesus for forgiveness they are as nothing.  Even if I were possessed by demons, Christ would cast them out and perhaps use me for such a mission as He did Mary Magdalene.  She was unworthy, I am unworthy, all of us are unworthy, but through the love and mercy of our Lord He makes us worthy and uses us to further His word.  We cannot do this ourselves; it can only be done by the Lord.

   Jesus selected Mary to be the first to announce His resurrection.  The sinful one who had been possessed by demons, the one who had followed Him in love and thanksgiving, devoting her life to Him was His first spokesperson after He rose from the dead.  It makes one consider what He might have in mind for those who love as she did, who give their lives to Him.  From the lowly He sometimes selects His saints.

Lord, great love is what You desire.
May I love You as Mary Magdalene did.
Increase my desire to serve You.
Take me to You when this life is done.


Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The Anxieties of Life

   “Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.”  (1 Peter 5: 7)

   I look around at this nation and everywhere I look I see discord and hatred.  A nation of laws is quickly becoming a lawless nation.  Unless things change I don’t see any way for the United States to continue as the country I have known and loved.

   I look at my Church and see discord and perhaps heresy from some those are supposed to provide support and guidance in our spiritual life.  A rebirth is needed both in the clergy and the laity.

   Still, we are to cast our anxiety on the Lord.  He cares for us and He will see the faithful through this test as He has the many tests that have come before.  The test may be difficult, and many may simply give up in frustration.  But there have been worse times and the faithful and the Church have survived.  We must place our trust in the Lord to see us through again.

   There are ways to navigate the dangerous waters of our present situation.  First and foremost is trust in God and His plan.  Prayer, talking to God about our worries and concerns and listening for His reply, provides comfort.  Daily Mass is a blessing and any who have the opportunity should try to take advantage of the graces available.

   St. Peter not only tells us to cast our anxieties on God, he warns us of those who are striving to take us from God, “Like a roaring lion your adversary the devil prowls around, looking for someone to devour.”  (1 Peter 5: 8).  The term “devour” used here is very appropriate.  If allowed, Satan will devour our peace, our happiness, and our relationship with our God.  We must be strong, look to God and resist the evil one.

We worry too much about worldly matters.
Our only concern should be Your will.
The world will pass away.
You are eternal.


Monday, July 20, 2020

A God of Purpose

   “The human mind may devise many plans, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will be established.”  (Proverbs 19:21)

   There is nothing that does not fulfill the purpose of God.  To believe otherwise is to deny God’s ultimate wisdom and His plan.

   Everything that occurs was known to God before the world began.  The play was written, the actors chosen.  We come upon this earthly stage at the proper time and we come to fulfill the purpose of God.  If we accept our role in His production we will be blessed even when we suffer, even when we can’t understand the “why”.  In fact, I believe that our greatest blessings come when we accept God’s plan when it is the most difficult and even when it is the most painful.

   The situation we find in the world makes this kind of faith difficult, but it is the faith that God asks of me.  There is an old saying that says, “It’s not for me to question why, it is for me to do or die.”  If I choose to question or dismiss God’s wisdom I am rejecting Him and all He has done.  By rejecting God I am condemning myself to eternity without Him.

   Many will turn from His plan, refusing the purpose for which they were created.  Satan was the first to do so, resulting in the downfall of him and all his followers.  We are constantly tempted to join in his rebellion.

   Rather, let’s look to the example of our Blessed Mother, the Apostles, martyrs, and saints who accepted God’s plan even when it was most difficult.  When we do, we can join them in the eternal bliss God has prepared for those who believe.

It is not mine to question.
It is mine to follow.
Give me strength.
Increase my faith.


Saturday, July 18, 2020

A Day in the Life

   Each day is a struggle.  A struggle to live according to God’s will.  A struggle to not allow the evil so prevalent in the world to steal my peace of mind.  A struggle to reject Satan and his evil ways.

   Each day is also a blessing.  Another day to share life with friends and family.  Another day to seek God in all things, knowing that He will always be there.  Another chance to serve Him better than I did yesterday.

   I am faced with a choice.  I can allow the struggles to overwhelm me and become discouraged and disheartened.  I can give up and quit even trying to follow God’s will.

   On the other hand, I can reject the world and its’ evils, turning to God for His strength and support.  I can rely upon the Holy Spirit and allow my life to be guided aright.  I can place my hope and trust in God who can do all things.

   I will choose God; I reject Satan.  I will strive to live with Jesus as my guide, following Him all the way to heaven.  I will understand that this world is not my home, it is not my final destination.  Only with God, can I reach the promised land.

   When this life is nearing its’ end I pray that I will be able to honestly say, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Tim 4: 7)

In You there is strength.
In You there is hope.
May I have the strength to follow You.
May my hope in You come to be.


Friday, July 17, 2020

Mainstream Christianity

   “And this is the judgement, that the light has come into the world, and people loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil.  (John 3: 19)

   I think one of the greatest dangers for Christians is the desire to be part of mainstream society.  It’s natural to want to belong but belonging to the wrong group leads away from Christ.  Mainstream society is flawed by sin and immorality.  It is the domain of Satan and we have no place there.

   I hear people say what they believe but then add the caveat, “but I can’t force my beliefs on others.”  This is nothing more than a cop-out, a way of trying to have it both ways.  Certainly, we can’t force our beliefs or anything else on others, but if we don’t stand up for them ourselves we are denying Christ.  We are admitting that they aren’t important to us after all.

   How many politicians have used their supposed Christianity as a political ploy, hoping to get the votes of Christians?  Over and over they claim to be pro-life but never really take any action on those promises.  They tell us they will stand up for the right to life, but thousands upon thousands of innocent babies are still slaughtered by abortion each year.

   We must remember that we, as Christians, have never been and were never intended to be part of the mainstream.  We are the people of God and God’s people have always been in the minority; ridiculed, rejected, and persecuted.  In our efforts to be an integral part of society we bring shame upon those who have stood strong for their faith, even dying if necessary.

   Society will never fully accept the Christian faith so we should expect to always be the outcasts, the oddballs in this mixed up, sinful world.  We must take courage and comfort in knowing that even our Lord, Jesus Christ, was denied and crucified by the society in which He lived.  We should expect no different today.

Society seems to be Satan’s domain.
Help us turn from him.
Our faith separates us from the mainstream.
May that faith bring us home to You.


Thursday, July 16, 2020

The Yoke of Christ

   “Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden light.” (Matt 11: 29 – 30)

   Few people understand the concept of the yoke.  Years ago, teams of oxen were yoked together to provide the strength needed to work the fields, pull wagons, and do many other chores of the land which required their pulling power.

   To properly yoke a team, one must know the capabilities of those to be yoked and the yoke must be customized specifically for that team.  One ox may be a bit shorter or the other a bit stronger.  The yoke is designed to take advantage of the individual capabilities of each while protecting both from harm and injury caused by a mismatch.

   Jesus implores us to take His yoke upon us.  We are to team ourselves with Him in this life.  The yoke we are to bear is customized by Christ who knows our strengths and weaknesses.  He is part of our team; His strength makes up for our weaknesses.  He will not push us beyond our limits and will always share the difficulties we may encounter.  He allows us to depend on Him and His strength, helping us grow in our own abilities.

   By being properly yoked with Jesus, we will have all we need to plow the field of our soul so that good seed can be sown.  We will have the strength to pull the harvester to collect the crop and the wagon that takes it to market.  In union with our Lord all things are possible.

   Our burden will be lighter when we trust in Jesus to help us carry the load.  Our heart can be at rest when we are confident and trusting in God and His eternal love and mercy.  When we join ourselves to Christ nothing can stop our journey to heaven.

Lord we are weak and troubled.
We come to You seeking Your help.
In You is strength, in You is peace of heart.
May we walk with You in all we do.


Wednesday, July 15, 2020

A Morning Prayer

Lord, let me walk with you this day.
Lead me on the path You have chosen.
I open my heart, my mind, and my soul.
Fill me with Your love, mercy, and guidance.

At times I feel lost Father.
I’m uncertain of which way to go.
But I know that if I trust in You.
You will show me the way.

This world is not my home.
It is an exile from You.
Let my exile come to an end.
Let me spend eternity in Your presence.

May Your Holy Angels watch over me.
May the Blessed Mother comfort me.
May all the saints pray for me.
May I be made Holy by Your grace.

When I lay down to rest this night.
I will pray that I have served You this day.
When I awake tomorrow morning.
I will pray that I may serve You even better.


Tuesday, July 14, 2020

The Instrument of the Lord

   “It’s His work.  I’m like a little pencil in His hand.  That’s all.  He does the thinking.  He does the writing.  The pencil has nothing to do with it.  The pencil has only to be allowed to be used.”  (St. Teresa of Calcutta)

   What a beautiful attitude!  If only more would see life in the way St. Teresa of Calcutta saw it, as service to God.  Any good we may achieve belongs to God.  He is the driving force and we are only the instrument in His hand.

   There are many things that need to be done in God’s will.  Many workers are needed to serve Him and His will on earth.  As Jesus told His apostles, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” (Matt 9: 37 – 38).  Over two thousand years later there is still a shortage of laborers for the harvest of God.

   It isn’t just up to the priests and bishops, it’s also the mission of the laity to serve God and to become a laborer in His harvest.  Volunteers are always needed and in short supply.  Some say the problem is that 80% of the work is done by only 20% of the people.  I think most Pastors would be thrilled if 20% of their flock would offer their help.  I suspect the actual number is closer to 10%.

   We need to step up, to seek to serve our Lord in some manner.  It doesn’t have to be something big or time consuming, just something that needs our help to be more successful for God.  As St. Teresa also said, “We cannot all do great things.  But we can do small things with great love.”

There is much to be done.
Bring Your people to Your vineyard.
Increase Your workers.
Help us reap a greater harvest in Your name.


Monday, July 13, 2020

Walk With the Lord

   “I shall walk before the Lord in the land of the living.” (Psalm 116: 9)

   Wherever I go, whatever I do, the Lord is with me.  I firmly believe this so it is my responsibility to seek His will in all I say and do.  I must question whether my actions will please Him or offend Him.  There is no hiding, there are no secrets; He is always there.

   There is peace and comfort in His presence; there is also the knowledge that He is aware of my every thought and action.  “You sift through my travels and rests; with all my ways you are familiar.  Even before a word is on my tongue, Lord, you know it all.” (Psalm 139: 3 – 4).  Nothing I do or say is hidden from God. His light illumines all.

   As I walk with God in this life there is struggle.  Satan tugs at my weaknesses and tempts me.  God awaits my decision; will I succumb to the evil one or turn to Him?  He will not stop me from sinning unless I ask, He will not force His will upon me.  Even when I sin, He is beside me still.  With sincerity of heart I seek Him, and He responds with mercy, love, and forgiveness.

   He will walk with me throughout life, He will never leave my side.  Though He will not turn from me, He will allow me to turn from Him.  Free will gives the decision to me alone.  Will I choose to follow His will or walk away from Him?

   Each day brings a new choice, the choice of good or evil.  Each day is a new opportunity; the opportunity to walk closely with God through all eternity.

Father, the choice is always before me.
You are with me; will I walk with You?
The temptations are great, and I am weak.
I rely on Your strength to see me through.


Saturday, July 11, 2020

Satan and Evil are Real

   I am greatly saddened today.  My Church, Queen of Peace Catholic Church in Ocala, Florida has come under vicious attack.

   On Saturday mornings I meet a few of my friends for daily Mass and, after Mass, we enjoy some breakfast, and fellowship.  It is one of the high points of my week.  This morning as I drove into the parking lot at church, there were several fire trucks and police cars present.  I was able to park and found a small group of others who were there for Mass and learned that someone, reportedly a man, had driven his van through the front doors, apparently poured gasoline or something on the floor, and set it on fire.  By the grace of God those who were in the Church at the time were able to get out without injury.  The Church, however, was seriously damaged.

   We see attacks like these all over the country these days.  Not all are directed at churches but more than a few are.  We see politicians refer to what is obviously terrorism as “protests”, some even joining with and encouraging those committing these crimes.  I place more than a little blame on those who support unlawful activity, allow riots, destruction, and anarchy.  They not only further the cause of those who hate this nation and seek to destroy it but also support Satan in his efforts to destroy Christianity.

   It was my Church in my home of Ocala Florida today.  It could be yours tomorrow.

Father be with us as we recover from this attack.
Give us Your peace, comfort, and strength.
May the one who did this see the evil he has done.
May he seek Your mercy and forgiveness.


Friday, July 10, 2020

The Miracle of the Consecration

   A protestant friend once asked why I had chosen to become Catholic.  I told him it was because of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist.  I believe that, at the Consecration, the veil is drawn back and all of Christianity is present on the altar.  It’s as if time is suspended and all of eternity opens.  When Jesus’ Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity enters the host and wine all the angels and Saints join us in singing praise and bowing before the Lord.

   I’ve always believed that and experienced it in my worship at Mass.  However, I have recently begun serving on the altar during Mass and to be present and assist when this great miracle occurs is a blessing far beyond what I had expected.  As the host is raised I sometimes feel as if I can actually see Christ entering it, making it the Body He offered to His disciples at the last supper.  In the same manner the chalice of wine is transformed into His blood.  They may appear the same outwardly, but their substance has been changed by our Lord.

   Most of my protestant friends don’t understand or believe in this miracle.  I can’t explain it to them, it is not understandable in this physical world.  It is a miracle, something that occurs outside nature, which can never be explained, only believed, and accepted.

   I am blessed and honored to have the chance to serve our Lord at His Holy Altar.  It is a grace from God to be present and assist in the incredible miracle of Consecration.  It gives me great joy and peace.

Lord, You have blessed me in many ways.
I am in awe when I serve at Your altar.
To assist in such a miracle is a gift.
May I always serve You in all I do.


Thursday, July 9, 2020

The Courage to Say Yes

   “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord.  May it be done to me according to your word.” (Luke 1: 38)

   Our Blessed Mother didn’t understand how she could become the mother of our Lord Jesus.  She was a virgin, having never known man.  When the Archangel Gabriel explained how such a thing could happen, she willingly accepted God’s will.  She said “Yes.”

   He calls us to do His will throughout our lives.  Sadly, we say no far too often.  St. Augustine struggled in saying yes to God.  In his autobiography Confessions he wrote that he would pray, “Lord, make me chaste – but not yet.”  Saying yes can be difficult and many never have the courage to say yes to God’s will in their life.

   Has God asked you to become more active in His Church; participate more at Mass; give more of your time, talent, and treasure?  Has he suggested that the movies and television shows you watch, the music you listen to, or the books you read are not proper feeding of your soul?  Has He asked you to study His word and learn more about His ways?

   Has He asked that you struggle to repair the difficulties in your marriage rather than choose divorce, trusting that with God all things can be made right?  Do you look to God for guidance when you choose who you will vote for?  Are your friends helping you say "Yes" or "No" to God.  Do you speak up for God’s ways even if it means offending those who reject Him, or do you simply remain silent?

   We have the choice each day to say “Yes” to God.  Sometimes it can be hard, but God will always support us when we support Him.  When this life is over, and Jesus tallies up the yeses and noes of our life will He be able to say “Yes” and admit us into His kingdom?

There are many ways to serve You Lord.
Many ways to do Your will.
Give us courage and faith.
Give us the strength to say “Yes”.
