Thursday, June 30, 2022

 Tolerating Sin 

   “America, it is said, is suffering from intolerance – it is not.  It is suffering from tolerance.  Tolerance of right and wrong, truth and error, virtue and evil, Christ and chaos.  Our country is not nearly so overrun with the bigoted as with the broadminded.”  (Bishop Fulton J. Sheen) 

   There are some truths that must be accepted, without which there can be no salvation.  The problem we face is a society that wants to redefine or eliminate those truths that offend them.  In the name of tolerance and a misguided attitude of love for all, many choose to remain silent rather than speak up and risk being considered close-minded or intolerant.

   “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6: 23).  Refusing to recognize and reject sin is the wide road to hell.  Society today would have us believe that sin is only opinion, open to debate.  What is evil in your opinion may not be in theirs.  Even worse, we are expected to tolerate the atrocities committed by this falsehood.  Toleration, acceptance and support of sinful acts is itself a serious sin.

   “I am the Way, the Truth, and the life.  No one can come to the Father except through me.” (John 14: 6).  There is no path to salvation that does not go through Jesus and the truths He taught.  Just saying I believe in Him does no good unless I follow His way, accept His truth, and live my life according to His will.  Christianity requires not just believe but action guided by that belief.

“If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself and accept his cross every day and follow me. (Luke 9: 23).  How many of us are willing to carry the cross?  There is no question that we will all face difficulties or crosses in life.  How we deal with those are what define as Christians.  We must pick up whatever cross we are called to bear and follow our Lord even if it leads to Calvary.

   We live in a world willing to accept and even support virtually any sin rather than upset or offend the sinner.  If we lack the courage to stand for what we know is truth, we are part of the problem.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

 Calming the Seas 

   “A windstorm arose on the sea, so great that the boat was being swamped by the waves, but he was asleep.  And they went and woke him up, saying, ‘Lord, save us!  We are perishing!’  And he said to them, ‘Why are you afraid, you of little faith?’  Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a dead calm.”  (Matt 8: 24 – 27). 

   The gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke all recount the calming of the seas.  This miracle was obviously important enough that each of them felt it necessary to include it in their writings.  But I think there is much more to this event than the physical act of calming the seas in order to save the boat.  Surely, our Lord would not have allowed Himself and His apostles to perish in a storm at sea before He had completed the purpose for which He came.

   There is a spiritual lesson to be learned from the calming of the seas.  There have been times in my life when something has occurred that threw my life into confusion; periods when violent winds and seas threatened to overwhelm me, making me question the purpose to my life.

   When my wife passed away I could see no way to move forward; I felt there was nothing left for me.  I was lost in a stormy sea of despair, doubts, and fears, seeing no way to go on in life.

   Jesus calmed the seas of my mind and my heart just as He calmed the seas for the apostles.  There was not an immediate calming of my soul such as the seas in the gospel account, but with His help I began a healing process .  Over the next weeks and months my Lord continued to calm the seas of my grief.  I fear to think where I would be today without the help, love, and mercy of my Lord.

   I know that I will never completely get over her loss and I still face the storms in my mind from time to time.  But He is with me, to rebuke the winds and bring calm to the seas of my heart and soul.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

 A Contrite Heart 

   “My sacrifice, O God is a contrite spirit; a contrite, humbled heart, O God, you will not scorn.” (Psalm 51: 19) 

   Psalm 51 is often called the sinners prayer.  It is the admission of guilt and pleading for cleansing and the forgiveness of sins.  In my opinion, the verse quoted above is the key to the whole psalm.  Without humility our sacrifice is unacceptable to God.  Without contrition there can be no forgiveness.

   In Genesis we read that Cain’s offering to God was spurned, while Abel’s was looked upon with favor by God.  This led to the first murder; Cain killed his brother Abel (see Genesis 4).  God doesn’t play favorites, He loves us all, so why was Cain's offering rejected?  Perhaps his heart was not humble and contrite.

   An offering to God is a good thing, but it must be offered properly.  It doesn’t matter if I give all I have to God if I do so to gain the recognition of others.  Looking around many churches I have seen stained glass windows, art, and statues with tags naming  those who made the donation.  They received earthly praise and recognition for their offering, they have gotten their reward.

   I can give all I have to God but if I do so while inwardly complaining my sacrifice is of no use.  I can’t give with my hands but regret in my heart what I have given.  If my gift is not from the heart, in recognition that all I have is from God, it will be unacceptable.

   There is nothing that God needs for He created all that exists.  We are called to make offering to God as a means of thanking Him for all He has given us.  But the first thing that must be offered is a humble, contrite heart.  Otherwise, our gifts, like Cain’s, may be spurned.

Monday, June 27, 2022

 Overcoming Darkness 

   “I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8: 12) 

   I enjoy being out early in the morning, just before dawn.  The night still rules, darkness is everywhere.  Slowly, but surely the sun begins to rise, overcoming the darkness.  In the space of a few minutes the darkness has gone, and the new day has begun.  The darkness has been banished for another day.

   The same occurs in our hearts and souls when we recognize Jesus within us and look to the true Son, the Son of God.  As we turn more and more to Him, the darkness within us begins to lessen.  It may sometimes take weeks, months, or even years, but if we focus more and more on the light of Christ we can banish the darkness within us.

   Especially in a world that seems more and more to live in darkness, it is vital that we look to the light and expel the darkness of the world that Satan tries to bring to us.  There is no way we can change the world, but we can change ourselves.  If enough people turn to God and live as the people of God, the world will change, but it takes courage and perseverance.

   Try as they may, they cannot extinguish the light of Christ.  They can try to hide it, force it from public view, but they can’t overcome the light.  If we allow the light of Christ to shine within us, they cannot stop that light from shining in the world.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

 Living Example 

   “Hyperichius said, ‘He who teaches others by his life and not his speech is truly wise.”  (“The Desert Fathers: Sayings of the Early Christian Monks.”) 

   If I want to teach others of my faith and what it means to me I am much better to do so by the way I live my life than by words.  Words far too often end up being angry and argumentative, particularly when it comes to religion.  But living a life of Christian love is hard to be misinterpreted.

   In an age where God is being pushed further and further from society, evangelization becomes more important than ever.  As Christians we are called to evangelize, to spread the word of God.  But words alone can’t be the solution; we must live our faith as an example to others.

   I cannot convert someone with my words, I’m not a theologian or apologist.  I can hopefully explain my faith and why I believe as I do but that alone will most likely not be enough to turn someone’s heart to God, especially if they don’t even believe that God exists.  My actions, rather than words, may be far more effective.

   If my goal is to love others as God loves me I must see Christ in them and strive to help them recognize Him within themselves.  Words alone are unlikely to accomplish that goal.  However, if my life reflects my faith and I approach everyone with the love of Christ in my heart it might cause others to see the inner peace God has given me and encourage them to search for the same.

   I don’t claim to be the perfect example, I am only a sinful man.  But I pray that others might see what joy Christ has given me and seek to find that joy for themselves.

Saturday, June 25, 2022

 Beyond Lukewarm 

   “I know all about you; how you are neither cold nor hot.  I wish you were one or the other, but since you are neither, but only lukewarm, I will spit you out of my mouth.” (Rev 3: 15 – 16) 

   For years I’ve heard self-proclaimed Catholics say that they are pro-abortion.  There are even some groups who claim to be Catholics for pro-choice.  There can be no truth to their statement.  The murder of innocent babies in the womb and Catholicism is totally incompatible.  In fact, by supporting abortion, they have effectively excommunicated themselves.

   I can’t help but wonder how these so-called pro-abortion Catholics are dealing with the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v Wade and send the issue back to the states.  Will they now fight within the states to continue to support this atrocity, or will they perhaps begin to realize the horror of what they are supporting.  I fear it will be the former.

   The arrogance of some Catholics and other religious who feel that they have the right to decide what is good and what is not goes beyond being lukewarm.  It is the same mistake made in the Garden of Eden, a rejection of  God who alone defines right from wrong.

   The truths of God are not negotiable; they do not change because society finds them inconvenient.  They have always been true, and they will remain true for all eternity.  We can either accept them or reject them, but we can’t change them. 

Friday, June 24, 2022

 Abiding in God 

   “Lord, who may abide in your holy tent?  Who may dwell on your holy mountain?” (Psalm 15: 1) 

   In my mind there is no more important question than that the psalmist asks in Psalm 15.  If I am to spend eternity in God’s kingdom it is vital that I understand what I must do to be granted the right to abide on His holy mountain.

   The rest of the psalm gives me plenty to think about and to meditate upon.  I am to walk without blame, doing what is right, speaking truth from the heart.  But I know that I don’t always do these things, so am I not to know the joys of heaven?

   I am not to slander another, harm a friend, or defame a neighbor.  In other words, I am to love my neighbor as myself.  But I am to love my neighbor as they should be loved, as a child of God.  If I truly love them I must want only good for them.  This kind of love may include encouraging them to turn from evil ways; if I love them I must want to help them avoid condemnation for their sins.  To do less is to love them less.

   To read psalm 15 is to gain some insight into the kind of man I must be if I am to enter the kingdom of God.  There are things I must do and things I must not do if I am to serve the Lord.  But I must always understand that I am imperfect in so many ways, so I must rely upon the Lord’s mercy and forgiveness when, in my weakness, I again prove myself unworthy of heaven.  In His love and mercy, He will heal me and forgive me.   On this truth I rest my hopes of eternal life in His kingdom.

Thursday, June 23, 2022


   “To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary.  To one without faith, no explanation is possible.” (St. Thomas Aquinas) 

   Trying to explain my faith in God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, to someone who doesn’t understand or have faith is like trying to describe the color blue to one who has been blind from birth.  It simply isn’t possible.

   Before I could come to know my Lord I had to have faith that He existed and loved me.  But placing faith in others is difficult for most people, even faith in God.  The faith we need is a gift from God; one that must be sought.  He will never deny us the gift of faith, but we must first ask for it and be willing to believe that it exists.

   God wants all of us come to faith and be saved from condemnation.  For this reason, He is exceedingly patient with us.  “The Lord does not delay his promise, as some regard ‘delay,’ but he is patient with you, not wishing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3: 9).

   My faith is what gets me through each day.  When I look at the troubles and turmoil in the world the day can easily become one of despair.  Then I remember that this world is not my home, but a state of exile from my true home in God’s kingdom.  Jesus said, “Do not let your hearts be troubled.  You have faith in God; have faith in me also.” (John 14: 1).  This is the faith that makes the woes of this world less troublesome.

   The path to heaven is a path of faith in God and all His promises; a faith of confidence and trust.  It is that kind of faith that will lead me home. 


   “To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary.  To one without faith, no explanation is possible.” (St. Thomas Aquinas) 

   Trying to explain my faith in God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, to someone who doesn’t understand or have faith is like trying to describe the color blue to one who has been blind from birth.  It simply isn’t possible.

   Before I could come to know my Lord I had to have faith that He existed and loved me.  But placing faith in others is difficult for most people, even faith in God.  The faith we need is a gift from God; one that must be sought.  He will never deny us the gift of faith, but we must first ask for it and be willing to believe that it exists.

   God wants all of us come to faith and be saved from condemnation.  For this reason, He is exceedingly patient with us.  “The Lord does not delay his promise, as some regard ‘delay,’ but he is patient with you, not wishing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3: 9).

   My faith is what gets me through each day.  When I look at the troubles and turmoil in the world the day can easily become one of despair.  Then I remember that this world is not my home, but a state of exile from my true home in God’s kingdom.  Jesus said, “Do not let your hearts be troubled.  You have faith in God; have faith in me also.” (John 14: 1).  This is the faith that makes the woes of this world less troublesome.

   The path to heaven is a path of faith in God and all His promises; a faith of confidence and trust.  It is that kind of faith that will lead me home. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

 Give Thanks to God 

   “Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his mercy endures forever!” (Psalm 107: 1) 

   Each morning when I wake up I take the time to thank God.  I thank Him for bringing me through the night and for the rest He has given me.  I thank Him for the new day, asking that He guide me through the day according to His word.

   There are times when it has been hard to thank God, times when I have suffered in life.  Those are the times I must remember that His ways are far above mine and even though I may be in pain He knows what is best for me.  I must somehow accept what He has given me, trusting in His love and mercy.

   The happy times, times of joy, should be the times when it would be easiest to thank God.  But I find that sometimes I simply accept the good times, forgetting that they are gifts from God, and failing to thank Him for His blessings.

   Most of all I give thanks to God for sending Jesus to rescue me from hell.  The pains, emotional or physical, that I may suffer are nothing compared to the suffering He endured for me.  In love, He paid the price, the price I could not pay, for the redemption of my sins.

   No matter the trials I may face in life, no matter the joys and happiness I may know, I owe all thanks and praise to God. 

   “Praise the Lord my soul; I will praise the Lord all my life, sing praise to God while I live.” (Psalm 146: 2)

Tuesday, June 21, 2022


   “Yesterday is gone.  Tomorrow has not yet come.  We have only today.  Let us begin.” (St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta) 

   As I was completing my walk this morning the sun was beginning to rise.  The sky was aflame with the rays shining through the clouds.  The day was beginning.  The question is, what will I make of this day?

   Will I serve God in all I do?  Will I turn to Him when tempted, asking for His strength to resist those temptations?  Or will I go through the day concerned with my own thoughts and desires?  Will I allow the worries and trials of the world to influence my thoughts and actions?

   I suspect it will be a little of both.  As much as I would like to say that I will always serve God and turn to Him and His ways, I know that I will fail at times.  This world and its sinfulness has a way of drawing me away from the truth that God is in charge.  I must remember that the world and all within it will pass away, only God is eternal.

   Yesterday is over and there is nothing I can do to change the things I did.  If they were good, I thank God for them.  If I committed any evil, I can’t go back and change that.  All I can do is ask for God’s mercy and forgiveness and try to do better today.

   Tomorrow has not yet come and may never come.  This world could end at any moment at the word of God.  My life could be over in an instance if God determines it’s time to call me home.  Putting off until tomorrow what I should do today means that it may never be done.

   Yesterday is done and gone, and there is no certainty that I will see tomorrow.  I must serve Him today because today is all I have.

Monday, June 20, 2022

 What No Eye Has Seen 

   “What eye has not seen, and what ear has not heard, and what has not entered into the human heart, what God has prepared for those who love him.” (1 Cor 2: 9) 

   My mind keeps going to heaven and what it will be.  Even though I can never know the answer as long as I’m alive, I can’t help but consider what heaven will be.

   One of the things I’ve missed most since my wife passed away is holding her hand.  Anyone who knew us could tell you that it was very rare to see us not hand-in-hand.  At home, in the car, in church, in restaurants; it didn’t matter, if our hands were free we were holding hands.

   I vividly remember sitting with her under a huge shade tree at her aunt’s farm in Kentucky.  I can almost smell the apple blossoms from the nearby orchard.  We weren’t talking, we really weren’t doing anything except being together and holding hands, feeling the love God had given us to share.  This is one of my fondest memories.

   In my mind I can picture us back on the farm, holding hands.  But this time it will never end, but last for eternity.  The two of us, simply holding hands and loving each other.  Most of all loving God who has loved us so much and blessed us so greatly.

   I can’t know what heaven will be, but I pray that it includes holding her hand.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

 A Drop in the Ocean 

   “What is man that you are mindful of him, and a son of man that you care for him?  Yet you have made him little less than a god, crowned him with glory and honor.” (Psalm 8: 4 – 6). 

   When I consider the billions upon billions of people who have lived on this earth it makes me realize my own insignificance in the world.  I am only one of so many.  And yet God loves me as if I were the only man ever created.

   “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have ever lasting life.” (John 3: 16).  Jesus came to offer salvation and eternal life to all, but He would have come even if I were the only one who needed His mercy and forgiveness.  That is how much God loves me and you and every person in the world.  Jesus became man, suffered, and died to save each one of us individually.  By His death and resurrection, we have hope for eternal life.

   I don’t need to be recognized in this world, but to be known to God as one who believes and tries to live according to His will.  I know, and God knows, that I will fail miserably in my efforts and will sin repeatedly.  Yet He also knows my heart, He knows my desire is to never sin against Him and I believe this pleases Him.  When I turn to him seeking mercy He is always there.

   In the eyes of the world I am no more than a drop in the ocean, known to only a few, and soon to be forgotten when this life is over.  But to God I am His child, created and loved by Him, intended to spend eternity in His kingdom.

Saturday, June 18, 2022


   “Consider each day your mortality.”  These words from the Rule of St. Benedict warn us that we do not know the day on which we will die, so we need to prepare as if it is today.

   Events sometimes occur that bring the fact of our mortality into focus, forcing us to recognize that we will, at some point, die.  It might be barely avoiding what may have been a deadly car crash, or perhaps a medical issue that has arisen.  Those in the military are aware that they have chosen to accept death if necessary to protect the country they love.

   But what is death?  I like to think of it as a passing through a doorway.  On this side is the physical life we live which must come to an end and on the other side is eternal life.  A simple way of thinking of it, but one I think is easy to understand and may help us to prepare for going through that door.

   When that day comes and we must pass from this life to the next there will only two paths, the one to heaven and the other to hell.  At that point there is no longer a choice; eternity has been determined by the way we have lived our life.

   Those who say this life is all there is and there is no heaven or hell, no God or eternal life, need to ask themselves a simple question; “What if I’m wrong?”  If we live as though there is no God, we can’t expect to be welcomed into His kingdom once we die, even if we didn’t believe that God and heaven exist.

   For those who have tried their best to live according to God’s will, the scene will be quite different.  They will hear those beautiful words of Christ,  “Come, you who are blessed by my Father.  Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” (Matt 25: 34).

Friday, June 17, 2022

 The Story of Our Life 

   “Your eyes saw all my days, each one was written in your book, complete before one of the came into being.” (Psalm 139: 16) 

   The story of our life was written before time began.  The number of our days, the day of our birth and death.  All that transpires in our life was written in the book; and the book was written by God.

   Whether we want to admit it or not we were born for a purpose determined by God before time began.  Each detail of our life was written down in His book, nothing was left to chance.  We were created to do God’s will and to join Him in the glory of His heavenly kingdom.  This is true for each of us, even though some refuse to acknowledge that God even exists.

   You might ask, if God wrote the story our lives, how is it that not all of us follow the story as it was written?  How can some follow the script and do God’s will while others ignore Him completely, choosing their own path?

   God wrote the story of our lives, but He also gave us unrestricted editorial rights when He gave us free will.  We are free to choose whether we will stick to the story as He wrote it or disregard His plan and strike out on our own, re-writing our story as we go.

   Some choose to ignore God’s plan and write their own life story.  God will allow us to change our story even though He knows what is best for us.  We have the option but the stakes are high.  When we choose our way, spurning the love and mercy God has for us, we have chosen hell over the joys of heaven.

   God has prepared a kingdom full of love, joy, and happiness for each of us, but He will not force us to accept it.  We can edit the story of our life, but we must accept the results.  Though heaven awaits each of us, we can choose hell; but why would we?

Thursday, June 16, 2022

 What About Him? 

   “Seeing him, Peter said to Jesus, ‘What about him, Lord?’  Jesus answered, ‘If I want him to stay behind til I come. what does it matter to you? You are to follow me.’” (John 21: 21 – 22) 

   Jesus had just told Peter to shepherd His sheep, commissioning Him to lead His church.  And still, Peter was concerned with worldly matters, wondering what Jesus’ plans for John were.  I find that I am sometimes like Peter; more concerned with what others are doing rather than simply following the Lord.

   God gives as He desires to whom He pleases.  His plans are His own and it’s not for me to question them.  I have been blessed in this life and I owe thanks to God for those blessings, not questions about the blessings He has chosen to give others.

   It can be especially hard to understand the success of someone openly opposed to God and His ways.  In fairness, shouldn’t those who believe and strive to follow His ways be the ones to reap those blessings?  But as for me, I am to be grateful for God's blessings to me and not concern myself with those He may have given to others.

   Pride and envy may drive us to question the many blessings evil persons sometimes receive in this life, but we must remember, “What profit is there for one to gain the whole world yet lose or forfeit himself? (Luke 9: 25)

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

 Be Not Afraid 

   “Do not let your heart be troubled or afraid.” (John 14: 27) 

   Throughout the gospels Jesus often tells others not to be afraid.  He uses many ways of saying it, but they all mean one thing; if we trust in Him there is no need to fear.

   Those who follow Christ see the immorality of our society growing stronger and stronger in so many ways.  There has always been decadence and sinfulness in society, and sadly, we have often ignored it.  Now, however we are expected to approve and support the immorality.  If not, we are subject to ridicule, our churches desecrated and attacked.

   Today, it’s more important than ever to understand that those who believe in Christ are seen as a threat to the ways of the world.  We stand against much of what society teaches and promotes, drawing the ire of many.  St. John told of this fact in his gospel, “And this is the verdict, that the light came into the world, but people preferred the darkness to the light because their works were evil.”  (John 3: 19).  It was true in the time of Christ, and it is true today.

   We cannot allow ourselves to remain silent, allowing evil to go uncontested.  We must be willing to stand up and witness to our faith.  We must remember and reflect upon the many times our Lord told His followers not to fear.  If we do not, we are ignoring His word and His promises. 

   “In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world.”  (John 16: 33).

Monday, June 13, 2022

 Peace and Happiness 

   “God can’t give us peace and happiness apart from Himself because there is no such thing.” (C. S. Lewis) 

   Peace and happiness are two of the most elusive goals in this world.  Everyone is searching for them, but few find them.  Looking for peace and happiness without looking to God is futile; there is no true peace and happiness without Him.

   It amazes me that in the most difficult of times some people remain at peace.  I read of the martyrs who were so brutally tortured and murdered and in each case they were at peace, even in their suffering.

   Some suffer greatly from serious illness or injury and yet maintain a joyful outlook on life.  They never despair or become depressed; they pass from this world peacefully.  They have the peace of God and the joy of knowing that the end of this life is only the beginning of eternal happiness.

   Peace is not found in money, some of the poorest people are the ones most at peace.  Happiness isn’t found in fame or fortune, most lives their lives in obscurity, but live happily.  I’ve never found more peace and happiness than in the monks in a monastery or Abbey.  They own nothing, they are not recognized in the world, but their peace is complete.  They have the peace and happiness of God.

   God promises peace and happiness to those who love Him; not just for today or a week or so but for eternity.  If we are not looking to Him, we will never find the peace we are searching for. 

   “Peace I bequeath to you, my own peace I give you, a peace the world cannot give, this is my gift to you.” (John 14: 27)

Sunday, June 12, 2022

 Seeing God 

   “My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.  When shall I come and behold the face of God?” (Psalm 42: 2) 

   I cannot see the face of God in this life.  I look forward to coming to see Him in the next life if I am worthy.  Even though I can’t see Him face to face, I do see Him.  I see Him in the wonders of His creation.

   I see God in nature, the yearly changing of the seasons.  I see Him in the seeds planted in the spring that will die and yet produce a great harvest in the fall.

   I see Him in the setting sun bringing darkness to the world yet also foretelling of the sun to rise again in the morning.  The sun that provides light, and warmth to all, encouraging the growth of the flowers, giving the world such great beauty and the crops that produce food for all.

   God is there in the incredible precision with which the birds build their nests, turning sticks, twigs, and string into a strong safe place to lay their eggs and nurture their young.  He is there is the hatching of sea turtles who know exactly where the ocean is and strive to get to it regardless of how far they have to go.

   Who could deny the presence of God in the innocence and joy found in young children?  Those who have yet to be influenced by the sinfulness of a fallen world.  Their laughter, their trust, their love shows us how God intended us all to be; innocent, joyful, loving, and trusting in Him.

   God is present in the conception of new human life.  A single cell from a man and a single cell from a woman combine to produce an entirely new and unique human.  One whose DNA has never existed before and will never be reproduced.

   When I look at this earth that God has created and all that is in it I am amazed that some refuse to give praise to the God whose will it was and is to create; whose love is eternal and whose mercy has no limit.  With open eyes and heart, they too can come to see God.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

 The Bucket List 

   A few years ago bucket lists were all the rage; things people wanted to do before they died.  Especially those who had been diagnosed with a terminal illness tried to do many things they had always wanted to do before their final days.

   Most of these lists consisted of fun and exciting things.  Things like sky-diving, climbing a mountain, perhaps learning to scuba dive.  While there is nothing wrong with any of these goals, they are of no use once this life is over.  We are not judged on how many items on our bucket list we completed, but how we lived our life as a whole.

   So maybe there should be a few things added to the bucket list that will help us as we pass from this world to the next: 

-      Reconnect with that parent, sibling or friend we’ve been holding a grudge against.  If we don’t love our neighbors we can’t love God as we should.  They may reject us, but at least we can try.

-      Look into our closets and donate anything we’ve not worn is six months to charity, clothing those who need to be clothed.

-      Volunteer in a soup kitchen, feeding those who are hungry.

-      go to confession and repent of our sins.  We cannot enter the kingdom of God with sins on our soul.

-      Never miss Sunday Mass.  Listen and take part at Mass rather than thinking about what all else the day may bring.  Try to add some daily Masses as well.

-      Most of all, pray, pray, and then pray some more.  Tell God of your fears and anxieties; He will give you comfort.  Tell Him you love Him and ask to be able to love Him even more.  Place your life and your death in His hands for you do not know when death will come. 

   Jump out a plane if you want or go climb that mountain.  But remember these will not get you into God’s kingdom.  Look to those things that will.

Friday, June 10, 2022

 The Good Shepherd 

   “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” (Psalm 23: 1) 

   The pleasures and enticements of the world are not what is being promised in this psalm.  I should care little for those things, focusing instead on what God wants of me.  He will set me on the right path and the trials and difficulties of this life will seem lighter and easier to overcome.  He will lead me to greener pastures and finally take me home.

   I look to Genesis, to Adam and Eve, when I consider the promises of the twenty-third psalm.  There was nothing they wanted, everything they needed was readily available to them.  I can’t imagine the joy of the personal communion they had with God.  And yet they threw it all away out of pride and selfishness.

   The Lord will provide what I need if I follow Him.  Not what I might think I need or what I want, but what I truly need.  His gifts are not gifts of this world but the gifts of love and mercy.  He gives me peace and the promise of eternal life.

   St. John warned the early Christians, “As you have heard the antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come.” (1 John 2: 18).  The world is full of antichrists, those who teach the ways of the world rather than the ways of God.  False shepherds are everywhere, in society, in politics and, worst of all, in the churches.  They would lead us down the path of destruction while promising all the best for us.

   There is only one Good Shepherd, Christ the Lord.  I must recognize His voice among those of the false shepherds of the world and follow Him where He leads.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

 The River of God 

   I stand before a river.  It’s quite wide and the current looks to be very strong.  As I stand on the shore I realize that I must decide; should I remain on the shore where I feel safe, or should I enter the water.

   Gently, I enter the water at its edge.  I feel the coolness washing over my feet and a gentle tug on my heart urging me to go deeper into the water.  Yet there is also something telling me that I’m not ready for the deeper waters and I should just go back to the shore and forget about the river.

   I take the chance and walk a bit deeper into water.  It’s now above my knees and the desire to go even further grows stronger.  But the voice telling me it’s not safe grows louder, telling me that I must go back to shore.

   Finally, I’m neck deep in the water.  The current is pulling me, and I can barely keep my feet on the sandy bottom.  A bit more and I will be in water over my head.  And yet, I’m becoming less afraid of the water and more confident that this is where I belong.  The voice warning me of the danger is still there telling me that I can’t swim in such strong current and will surely drown, but it doesn't seem quite as loud.

   As the waters grow deeper I abandon myself to the current, swimming with it and understand that I have made the right choice.  I am to allow God’s river to take me where it will until it brings me home to Him in my eternal home: a great peace overwhelms me.  The voice is still there, still tempting me to go back, but I ignore it and it fades away. 

          “So don’t you sit upon the shoreline and say you’re satisfied.  Choose to chance the rapids and dare to dance that tide.” (“The River – Garth Brooks.)

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

 I Am Yours 

There are some things I’d like to give You Lord.

Take my selfishness; give me charity and concern for others.

Take my impatience; help me to wait for your perfect timing.

Take my temper; give me love for all of Your children.

There are some things I ask of You.

Give me faith; never let me doubt You.

Give me direction; lead me on the right path.

Give me strength; that I might follow Your will.

I offer myself to You totally and completely.

Take my sinfulness that distances me from You.

Grant me blessings and grace which bring me closer to You.

I am Yours Lord, make of me what you will.


Tuesday, June 7, 2022


   When I wake up in the morning there are several choices that I will need to make throughout the day.  Some are easy, some are of no great importance.  Others will affect how I live my life, whether I am full of hope or despairing.

   I can choose to grab my phone or turn on the television and check out the news.  The problem with this choice is that the news is biased no matter who is reporting and is never good.  If it’s not bad news it usually doesn’t see the light of day.  The news is one of those things that will lead to despair, stealing the peace I seek.

   Instead, I can open the blinds and greet the new day.  Taking a long walk at dawn is a wonderful start to the day.  I can pray, I can think of God and all the many blessings He has given me.  As the sun rises I can enjoy the beauty of the new day, the brilliant colors cast by the sun through the early mist of a foggy day.  I can hear the birds waking up and greeting the day and see the squirrels beginning their daily search for breakfast or just chasing each other about as if playing.

   As the day progresses there will be many other choices to make.  I can choose to stay at home, doing really nothing with my day.  I can waste the day sitting in front of a television that brings every evil known to man right into my home.  I can spend the day doing nothing of value, just moving from sunrise to sunset in a stupor.

   Or I can live my day noticing the beauty and majesty of God’s creation.   I can go to Mass and worship my God and receive the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Christ in the Eucharist.  While there I can visit with friends who share my faith, friends who give me strength in living my faith.  I can be thankful for the good things He has given me rather than complain about the bad things of the world.

   The choices are quite clear.  I can live for God or for self.  Living for self brings pride, sinfulness, and despair.  Living for God brings joy, happiness, and eternal life.  The choice is simple, choose God.

Monday, June 6, 2022

 Let Christ Lead 

   “My child, permit me to do with you what I will, for I know what is best for you.”  (“The Imitation of Christ”, Thomas à Kempis) 

   It’s difficult to relinquish control of our life, even to Christ.  Our society, from our earliest years, teaches us to be self-reliant.  We are told to stand on our own two feet, to be true to ourselves.  The problem with this attitude is how very little we really know about what is best for us.  Like the blind leading the blind we will fall in a ditch.

   If I try to take the lead, I will become lost.  I will confuse things of little importance with those that are vital if I am to know eternal life in heaven.  Standing on my own two feet, I sometimes feel as if I’m standing in quicksand rather than on solid rock.  Christ is the rock on which I must stand, the rock that is always strong and steady.

   My wisdom is that of a man, not of God; I must seek His wisdom.  In order to become holy, to reach God’s heavenly kingdom, I cannot lead the way, I must follow Him. 

   “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, on your own intelligence do not rely; in all your ways be mindful of him, and he will make straight your paths.” (Proverbs 3: 5 – 6). 

Sunday, June 5, 2022


   “And this is the verdict, that the light came into the world, but people preferred darkness to light, because their works were evil.” (John 3: 19) 

   The early Christians lived almost as a separate community, apart from the rest of society.  Because of severe persecution, they worshipped together and, in some cases, lived in Christian communities separate from the Jewish communities and the Romans, both of whom wished to destroy the new “way” as it was called.

   In today’s society Christians and all they stand for are more and more under attack and the attacks are becoming bolder and more public.  The government seems more intent on corrupting our morals than in protecting our religious freedom.  More and more laws are being enacted to make the faithful deny their faith in public or at least keep quiet about it.  Christians are ridiculed, demeaned, and often despised by the majority of society.

   I am blessed to have friends who are faithful and enjoy sharing that faith with others.  I draw great strength from them.  It’s good to associate with those whose faith is strong, who strive to live by the will of God and want to share that strength with others.

   The parish I attend is also a great source of strength.  The priests are true shepherds of their flock, guiding us on the right path even though there are those who are offended by their frankness.  Sadly, I find that some priests and pastors seem more concerned with the collection plate than with tending the flock.

   The forthrightness and candor of my priests strengthens my faith and encourages me to live according to the word of God.  The fellowship and support of my friends in faith give me strength and comfort.  Without such encouragement I would be lost.


   “Therefore encourage one another and build up each other, as indeed you are doing.” (1 Thess 5: 11)

Saturday, June 4, 2022

 The Sins of Others 

   A young monk once went to an elder and told him that one of the brothers had told him about the sins of one of the other brothers.  The elder advised him not to trust the word of another in such things and the monk answered that he too had seen the sin with his own eyes.

   The elder then picked up a small straw from the ground and asked the monk what it was.  He replied that it was a straw.  The elder then touched the roof of his cell and asked, “What is this?”.  The monk answered that it was the beam holding up the roof.  At this point the elder said, “Keep remembering that your sins are like this beam and that brother’s sins are like this wisp of straw.

   I offer this rather long story for a reason.  I find it easy to notice the sins of others while taking little or no account my own.  It’s so easy to do; self-assessment is never easy.  And yet, I find it quite easy to concern myself with the sins of others.

   Jesus once said, “Why do you observe the splinter in your brother’s eye and never notice the plank in your own?  How dare you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the splinter out of your eye’, when all the time there is a plank in your own?  Hypocrite!” (Matt: 7: 3).  I take it quite seriously when, in the eyes of my Lord, I am a hypocrite for judging others when I am full of sin myself.

   In a world full of sin, it’s so easy to become judgmental, to call out others for their sinfulness while ignoring or minimizing my own.  I pray that others will come to recognize their sins and turn from them, but it is not up to me to be their judge.  In my own life there are enough faults and sins for me to correct without looking for the sins of others.

Friday, June 3, 2022

 Trust In God 

   “Do not let your hearts be troubled.  Trust in God and trust in me.” (John 14: 1) 

   There is so much wrong in the world today.  It is not now, and never will be what it was created to be.  The paradise of Eden was lost by sinful pride and rejection of God’s truths.  It will not be regained in this world.

   In such a world, one wonders who can be trusted.  Even those we view as most worthy of trust often betray us.  Parents who are to love and care for their children sometimes mistreat and abuse them.  Religious leaders who are to be pastor to the flock sometimes mislead and use their position to abuse those they are to lead.  Friends, family; sadly, even these are sometimes unworthy of our trust.

   Politicians?  Well, what can I say, they are virtually all liars whose only concern is there own reelection.  Gone are the days of service to country, service to self is their motto.  No lie, no underhanded trick is low enough for some if it means they can keep their job.

   But there is one who can be trusted.  Trust in God is sanity; it keeps the wolves of despair at bay.  It gives me hope and brings joy to my heart.  If I allow myself to focus on a world that is broken, one that will pass away, it robs my peace, it steals my calm.  Rather, I place all my trust in God.

Thursday, June 2, 2022

 Resisting Satan 

   “Give in to God, then; resist the devil, and he will run from you.  The nearer you go to God, the nearer he will come to you." (James 4: 7 – 8) 

   I once wrote that when we pray, Satan cringes.  I believe that to be true.  When we are in communion with God in prayer Satan must flee.  Perhaps he cannot tolerate closeness to the Father, but whatever the reason, prayer sends Satan away.

   Prayer is not only the time I spend in what might be called “normal” prayer, those well-known prayers we all say.  Prayer is not just my private prayer, when it’s just me and the Lord together.  Prayer is also the way in which I live my life, the way I approach others with the love of Christ.  If I offer all I do to the Lord, all I do becomes prayer.

   When I sin, it is because I’ve taken my eyes off God.  Some try to blame Satan for their sins, claiming that the devil made them do it.  But nothing could be further from the truth.  Satan cannot force me to sin, he can only tempt me.  He can make sin appear to be pleasurable, enjoyable, and even good in some twisted way, but I must submit to the temptation and agree to commit the act.

   The more I keep God in my thoughts and actions, the less opportunity Satan has to draw me into sin.  I pray that I can always draw nearer to God, pushing Satan further and further away.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

 Start Today 

   “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” (C.S. Lewis) 

   I wish I could go back and redo parts of my life.  My past sinfulness and disregard of God bother me greatly.  But I cannot go back in time, I can only move forward.  As I move forward I try to resist Satan and his temptations, to follow the will of God.  Of course, I fail at times, but I believe my efforts are pleasing to God.

   In one sense it is good that I am conscious of and regret the evil I have done in my life.  By remembering, I am cautioned against repeating those mistakes.  But, on the other hand, there is the danger of becoming so concerned with past sins that I dwell on them rather than praise God for His forgiveness, even though I am unworthy. I see this as a tool of Satan intended to convince me that I can never be saved; my sins have made me an abomination before God.

   I am certainly unworthy of God’s love, my sins insult and offend Him.  But that doesn’t change the fact that He loves me and forgives me.  It’s important that I strike a balance between regret for past sins and acknowledging that God has forgiven them.  If I can’t forgive myself even though God has forgiven me, how can I forgive others?

   The past is done.  Past sins may not be forgotten, but they are forgiven.  The future lies ahead, and I have no way of knowing what it may bring.  I can’t live my life in the past, I can’t change the beginning.  But I can start anew and change the ending.