The Beauty of Silence
“Let me learn silence in my life, for God does not shout.” (Bede Jarrett, “Classic Catholic Meditations: To Enrich Your Faith and Help You Pray”)
I discovered the beauty and spirituality of silence many years ago at a
silent retreat. I wasn’t too sure I
would do well trying to keep silent for three days with only a few interruptions
for spiritual talks by the retreat leader.
What I found was the incredible peace of silent reflection with my God.
I’ve attended several silent retreats since, both guided and
individual and I never fail to come away strengthened in faith. My prayer life has grown more personal and
comforting through silent meditation. My
relationship with God had deepened in the quiet times I’ve spent with Him.
Quiet is a rare commodity in our world, our lives are filled
with noise and distraction. For me,
finding the silence is vital to my spiritual life. I’ve found that in my life, silence is the
language of God. I can’t say that it is
the same for everyone, each must find their own path, but I must have the quiet
times with Him if I am is to grow in love and faith.
Each night I go into my bedroom, my personal hermitage, and
close the door. I light a candle, turn off
the lights and sit in prayer. I may pray
for many things, but I always include a time of silence, a time to quietly enjoy the presence of my Lord.
There may be no words spoken, but there is a peace and comfort in this
quiet time, when my heart and soul is turned to heaven. A time for just me and God.
On mount Horeb Elijah discovered God wasn’t in the strong wind, or the earthquake, or the fire, but in the small still voice. (see 1 Kings 19: 11 – 13). I can’t go to the mountain, but it is in the stillness that I find my God.
Lord the
world is so noisy.
Satan tries
to drown out Your word.
In the
silence I seek Your presence.
That I may better hear and know You.