Monday, November 9, 2020

 A Quiet Place


   “He said to them, ‘Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” (Mark 6: 31). 

   We all need to go to a quiet place and rest for a while from time to time.  I seek the quiet, the silence, the solitude.  It is where I am closest to my God.  In the silence I find the peace and comfort God has promised.

   It’s difficult to find peace in the world.  Everyone is in a hurry, they have so much on their minds that there is little room left for God.  Even those who faithfully attend Mass each week sometimes fill the other days of their week with so many things that God gets lost to them.

   I am blessed that I can spend most of my days in quiet solitude if I desire.  There are always things that need to be done but putting my time with God above all else brings comfort to my life and a peace that can’t be found otherwise.  I treasure the times of quiet, sometimes praying, sometimes contemplating an event in the life of Christ, or reading scripture.  At other times I am just sitting, enjoying a few moments in the presence of my God with nothing else in my mind.

   I have found one danger in the silence; my mind may make suggestions that I attribute to God.  For a time I was convinced that I was called by God to the become a permanent Deacon.  After three unsuccessful attempts I finally realized I was trying to fulfill my own will rather than the will of God.  Two things I’ve discovered; if it is God’s will success will accompany it though it may be difficult; and if it is God’s will there will be a peace in my heart and soul that can come from no other source but Him.

   In the silence I am closest to God, in the quiet I know Him in my heart, in the solitude, I become more and more His alone. 

I come to You in the silence.

And You are there.

In the quiet I sit with You.

Seeking Your will in all things. 


1 comment:

  1. Silence seems harder and harder to find. That makes it all the more important. I admire your faith. (Hugs)
