Tuesday, November 30, 2021

 Light up the World 

   “I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8: 12) 

   Over and over again Jesus is referred to as “light” in the gospels.  In John’s gospel alone there are at least eight references to our Lord as “light”.  He writes, “And this is the verdict, that the light came into the world, but people preferred the darkness to light, because their works were evil.” (John 3: 19).  To me this so beautifully expresses the dilemma of the world.  The Light is among us, but we refuse to see Him.

   Whenever I see the sunrise I can’t help but think of Jesus.  As the sun shines through the clouds, I remember that He is the light that came to overcome the darkness.  I think this is, at least in part, what it means to be a contemplative; to see God in all things, thinking of Him at all times whether at work or play, in joy and in sorrow.

   In the Nicene Creed, recited each Sunday at Mass, we affirm that Jesus is “God from God, Light from Light, True God from True God.”  I love the description of Jesus as “Light from Light”.  He came to be the Light of the world and to share that Light with the world.

   Think of a single candle.  From the flame of that one candle hundreds, or even thousands of candles can be lit, never dimming the original flame.  So it is with our Lord, His word can light up the world, His truth can save the world.  He has shared His light with all who believe in Him.  It is our responsibility to share His light with others.  It is to be our joy and our delight to tell others of the love of God who sent His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ to save us from our sins.

   Let’s light the candle.  Let’s pass the flame to all who will accept it.  Let’s light up the world with Christ and overcome the darkness. 

You are the Light.

You can overcome the darkness.

Let Your light shine in me.

That I might share it with others. 


Monday, November 29, 2021

 Praise the Lord 

   “Praise the Lord, for he is good; for his mercy endures forever;” (Psalm 136: 1) 

   We just finished Thanksgiving, a time to remember all the blessings the Lord has bestowed on us.  Now we are approaching Christmas, when the Word of God took flesh and became a man among us, bringing forgiveness and salvation.  The urging of Psalm 136 to praise the Lord, is indeed proper at this time of year.

   But not all praise the Lord regularly.  Some seem to forget about God except at Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter.  How sad, that so much time passes when people virtually ignore the many blessings of God.

   Each year at this time and again at Easter churches begin to fill up with those who rarely come to Mass at any other time.  They are easy to spot, they are the ones who are confused about where to sit, when to stand, and when to kneel.  In a very unchristian-like manner some look at these visitors as interlopers; with disdain, almost as if to say, “Why are you here now?  You never are any other time.”   I can understand the thought, but shouldn’t we instead be praying that this experience, this visit, will be the one that opens their heart to God?  If only one has their faith re-ignited, a great blessing has occurred.  As Jesus said, “I tell you, in just the same way there will be more joy in heaven over on sinner who repents, than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance. (Luke 15: 7).

   Let’s practice what Psalm 136 tells us and praise the Lord, for He is good.  Let us praise Him for bringing wayward sinners home and welcoming them into His family.  Let us praise Him for sustaining the faithful in their battle against evil, promising them eternal happiness to come.  Let us praise Him for all His many blessings.

Lord, may we praise You in all things.

Help us to look to You always.

Bring those who have strayed back home.

Encourage them to stay and fight the good fight. 


Sunday, November 28, 2021


   Today is Advent Sunday, the beginning of the new liturgical year in the Catholic Church.  Advent is a time of preparation for the celebration of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  It is also a time to look to the time when He will come again in Glory.

   I love this time of year.  Not because of the decorations, parties, or even the presents given and received.  I love it for the incredible gift of our Lord lowering Himself to become one like me in all ways but sin.  I love it for the vision of Jesus as an infant, the Son of God, placing His very life in the hands of those of His creation, our Blessed Mother and Joseph.

   I like to imagine Jesus as he grew up.  His humanity, especially as a child, brings me closer to Him.  As a child He probably fell and skinned His knees just as we do, running to Mom for love and comfort.  He learned a trade with Joseph, becoming a carpenter.  He knew pain and sorrow, rejection, abandonment, and even death.  All because He loves me and all His children.

   Advent also reminds me that He will come again in glory.  On the cross He overcame death. He has conquered the world.  At His second coming the universe as we know it will cease to exist and a new world will come.  A world of love and joy, with no pain, no sorrow, only the glory of God.

   From now until Christmas we will be tempted to partake of the pleasures of this world, paying homage to the false gods of society.  Advent reminds us that there is a better reason to celebrate, the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ. 

Lead us in this journey to You.

Help us to know and love You better.

As we prepare for Your birth.

May we also prepare for Your second coming. 


Saturday, November 27, 2021


   I have often prayed that I could avoid the enticements of Satan.  I not only wanted to resist temptation, but to not be tempted at all.  I recently read something that gave me a new outlook on temptations.

   In one of my books of meditations I found the following: “If you are not being tempted it is because you are sinning.”  I had never thought of it in that way before, but it makes sense.  Why would Satan continue tempting one who is already in his control?  It would serve no purpose.  He certainly doesn’t give up on those who resist, he even tempted Jesus.

   Temptations are also a subject often mentioned by the early desert Fathers.  A young man who had chosen that way of life once asked St. Antony for his advice.  He was troubled by the continual temptations of life and wanted to know what he could do to avoid them.  St. Antony told him to stand facing the wind, open his cloak, and catch the wind.  The young man replied that what he asked wasn’t possible.  St. Antony responded that neither could he avoid temptation.  His job was not to avoid them, but to say No!

   Two different thoughts about temptations from some of the earliest Christians, those who were devoting their life to better knowing and serving God through solitude, prayer, and contemplation.

   I still pray for the strength to resist evil temptations, but I also see them as proof that Satan has not won me over.  The fact that I am still being tempted gives me comfort that I am winning the battle. 

Temptations can be hard.

It’s difficult to resist at times.

Strengthen me Lord.

To walk in Your ways. 


Friday, November 26, 2021

 The Day After 

   Yesterday we celebrated Thanksgiving.  I hope your day was as good as mine.  Few things can make a celebration more meaningful than to share it with good friends and family.  After all, our family and friends are some of the greatest blessings of God; things for which we should be thankful for not just for a day but for the year round.

   Today, the madness resumes.  My email and Facebook is blowing up with ads for black Friday sales.  I’m certain that many people were up at dawn or before to join the fight for those must have Christmas gifts.  We sometimes forget that the greatest gift of all is the gift of salvation offered by our Lord.

   I opted to spend this day continuing to be thankful, to go to Mass and again praise my God and thank Him for all His blessings.  I am thankful for the turkey carcass now being turned into turkey stock for the soup that I will make.  I’m thankful for the leftovers which will be my dinner today.  I am thankful for the beauty of this day, another of God’s gifts.

   Today is also the day I chose to honor the Lord by setting up the near life-size nativity scene I’ve had for many years.  It has become the only decoration I care to display.  The Santa’s, reindeer, snowmen, and brightly colored lights are fine and bring joy to many, especially the children.  For me, however, I prefer to forego the secular and focus on the real reason for the season, the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

   It may be a bit early for a Christmas wish, but I’m going to do it anyway.  My wish for you this Christmas is that Christ be the gift you seek, His love the gift you cherish and His mercy the gift you most desire. 

We begin the joyous season of Christmas.

We look forward to the birth of our Lord.

Keep our minds on the true joy of Christmas.

The gift of Your love. 


Thursday, November 25, 2021

 I Am Thankful 

   Today is Thanksgiving Day.  I would like to take a moment to tell God a few of the things I am thankful for. 

   I thank You Lord, for over forty-eight years of incredible love and happiness with my wife.  I’m thankful for the joy we shared and even the hard times which served to bring us even closer.  Though she is now at home with You, our love will continue forever. I so look forward to joining her to give You all praise and thanks in heaven.

   Thank You Father, for family, for daughters, sons, granddaughters, and grandsons.  For my brother and his family.  For my nieces, and nephews.  May your blessings be always with them.

   You have blessed me with friends who care for me and love me.  They have been my strength in so many ways.  I thank You and ask that you bless them and keep them safe.

   Thank You Lord, for the wonder of Your creation.  For the sunrise shining Your glory upon the world each morning; for the stars of the night, testifying to Your majesty.  The magnificence of the oceans and mountains speak to Your glorious might.  I’m thankful for all of nature, so wonderfully beautiful, so precise, so telling of Your master plan.

   My God, I’m so thankful for the faith You have blessed me with.  It is this faith that has carried me through the hard times and given me such joy and peace.  I thank You for my Church, my priests, the glory of the Mass and the Body, Blood, Soul, and divinity of my Lord Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.

   There is so much to be thankful for.  But most of all, I am thankful for Your presence in my life.  Without your love and mercy, I would have nothing for which to be thankful. 


   May your Thanksgiving be blessed with family, friends, joy, and happiness.  May you take the time to tell them how thankful you are and to ask God’s blessings upon them.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

 Thanksgiving, Past, Present, and Future 

   Tomorrow marks the 400th anniversary of the first Thanksgiving, a time for the Pilgrims to thank God, joining with the local natives and celebrating the harvest that fed them.  My, how things have changed.  Today this holiday is shunned by many and pushed aside by commercial interests.

   Thanksgiving was once a “Thanksgiving Weekend”.  Many people had both Thursday and Friday off from work.  Many stores were closed, and life slowed down for a few days.  Families gathered to thank God for His many blessings.

   These days Thanksgiving is barely a breather in the chaotic Christmas shopping fiasco.  A hectic ordeal which now begins on or before Halloween and continues up to and through Christmas Eve.  In some places the sales and chaos even continue on Christmas Day.

   What of the future for Thanksgiving?  I can see a time when it becomes just a long lunch.  A break in the spending extravaganza that Christmas has become.  No longer a time to give thanks, but to hurry to the next store for the next bargain.  God is no longer mentioned but the gods of society, money, selfishness, and greed are paid great homage.

   How I wish we could go back to those days when Thanksgiving was a slower time when we truly gave thanks to God for all our blessings.  A time for family and friends.  Or perhaps I was just dreaming of better times that never existed. 

I give You thanks Lord.

For family and friends.

Thanks for the wonder of creation.

Thanks for so many blessings. 


Tuesday, November 23, 2021

 The Greatest Journey 

   I look at my life as a series of journeys.  I’ve been to many places and done many things.  But of all the journeys I’ve been on the greatest is the journey to my Lord.

   A journey always has some uncertainty about it.  In come cases it was a matter of whether or not the car would make it.  Other times I couldn’t be sure what awaited me at the end of the journey.  Some ended well, others not so much.

   The journey through life with my wife was a fantastic experience which I continue to cherish in my mind and heart.  The children we brought into the world and the ones we adopted brought great joy to us and I can only hope that we gave them joy as well.

   On my journey I serve a God who loves me and wants nothing but the best for me.  I have a savior who chose to die on a cross so that I might have everlasting life with Him.  My excursion through scripture, prayer and my newly begun involvement in Benedictine spirituality has brought great joy and peace to me.

   In all journeys there is a beginning and an end.  My journey to God began when I married a faithful Catholic woman whose example brought me to the church.  The journey continues, but I am confident of how it will end.  When the time comes Jesus will come and take me to Himself and I will live forever in His presence.  Amen! 

I visited many places in the world.

But heaven is my home.

When my journey comes to an end.

Come, Lord Jesus, and take me home.



Monday, November 22, 2021

 The Armor of God 

   "Therefore, put on the armor of God, that you may be able to resist the evil day and having done everything, to hold to your ground.  So stand fast with your loins girded in truth, clothed with righteousness as a breastplate.” (Eph 6: 13 – 14) 

   We are at war with the world.  If we are to be successful in our fight we must have the help of God.  We must take up the armor of God and stand against Satan and his evil ways.  There are powerful weapons available to us, God has armed us well for the battle. 

   At Mass we are immersed in the spiritual.  We hear the words of scripture and are tutored by the homily.  We join the priest in His prayers as the family of God, our voices arising to God in unison, seeking His strength and His help.  In Eucharist we receive the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ.  We leave Mass well prepared for the battle.

   Prayer is one of the most effective weapons we have available to us.  Prayer not for earthly wants and desires, but for God’s strength and help in our struggle.  When we are in communion with the Lord, Satan cringes and withdraws; he can’t contend with the power of prayer.

   We are members of the family of God.  As members we support each other in our prayers and consolations.  Our family is made up not only of those still living but also of the saints in heaven, praying for us.

   I think many people forget about one of the greatest warriors we have in our fight, our guardian angel.  Our angel is with us day in and day out, ready to protect us and strengthen us in our efforts against evil.

   The armor of God is readily available, but we must make the decision to put it on and join the fight. 

We are weak, but You are strong.

We need Your strength.

The battle can be hard.

Help us win the war. 


Sunday, November 21, 2021

 King of Kings 

   “He has a name written on his cloak and on his thigh, ‘King of kings and Lord of lords.” (Rev 19:16) 

  The world is full on those who would wish to be king.  Some may even be wordly kings, some are politicians, and sadly it seems that some are ministers, pastors, priests and even Popes.  This Sunday is Christ the King Sunday, a time to refocus on the only true King, Jesus Christ.

  Pilate had political power but was not a king.  Nor were the high priests, Pharisees, Sadducees, or scribes, though they all seemed to act as if they were kings, imposing their many laws on the people while refusing to recognize the King of Kings who was in their midst.  Today, some politicians, rulers, and others in power act if they are kings, but they too are only human.

   Society looks to itself to resolve everything and fails.  At times Christians look to religious leaders as the final authority and forget that they too are human, subject to sin and error.  When we allow leaders of this world, regardless of who they may be, to become our focus, we lose with touch Christ.  The kingdom of God is not a nation or a church, it is within us.  Societies, politicians. and other leaders come and go, but the King of Kings, our King, is eternal.

   Jesus Christ, incarnated, crucified, resurrected and ascended into heaven is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  He is the only one in whom we can place our trust and hopes.  He is the only one who will never disappoint and never abandon us.


Lord, You are our King.

No earthly king can rule us.

Our faith, our trust, and our hope

Can only rest in You.



Saturday, November 20, 2021

 A Concert for God 

   “For Christians the world is a concert in praise of God.” (Dom Paul DeLatte, “The Spirit of Solesmes”) 

   The whole universe sings in praise to God, we witness it every day.  Many choose to ignore the concert and live as if it were not being sung, but they can’t stop the music.  It goes on and will continue for all eternity.

   The crowds shouted “Hosanna” when Jesus entered Jerusalem.  “Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to him, ‘Teacher, rebuke your disciples.’  He said in reply, ‘I tell you, if they keep silent, the stones will cry out!’” (Luke 19: 39 – 40).  Just so, when the people refuse to sing praise to our Lord, creation itself takes up the chant.

   More and more people have begun referring to themselves as “nones”, meaning they have no religious faith.  That doesn’t stop the chorus of Christians continually crying out “Hosanna to God in the highest”.  The music continues with even the sun, moon and stars joining the choir.  The birds sing to God, the flowers bloom to produce God’s beauty for all to see.  All of nature responds to His command; all of nature gives Him honor and glory.

   Those who refuse to believe are missing the chance for so much joy and peace.  I pray that they will come to know our Lord and join the eternal concert of praise for God.  I pray that they will hear and see the glory of God in all things, themselves included.  I pray that they too will join in the chorus, “Hosanna to God in the highest and peace to His people on earth.” 

All things speak of Your glory.

All creation sings Your praise.

Open our hearts and minds.

May we join in the concert of praise to You. 


Friday, November 19, 2021


   “As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love.  If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love.  I have said these things so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete.” (John 15: 9 – 11). 

   Jesus came to give us joy; joy in knowing Him and the Father, joy in receiving the Holy Spirit, and joy in the promise of eternal life with Him in heaven.

   Everyone seeks joy, we all want to be happy in life.  What many forget is that the only source of true joy is Christ, and Him within us.  Nothing in this world can bring lasting joy, only short-lived happiness.  What brings us joy today may disappear tomorrow.  Only the joy that comes from God will remain, never dying, never leaving us.

   The Lord told us that we must keep His commandments if we are to know His love, and the commandments He gave are to love God and to love our neighbor.  “The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments.” (Matt 22: 40).  Without love we cannot keep His commandments.  There are many good things we might do in life, but none will suffice without love.

   In His love I have been blessed with the love of family and friends.  In His love He has given me peace of mind and soul.  In His love He gave His live to offer me eternal life, joy for all time in His presence.  If I do not return that love, not only to Him, but to all His children, I have failed and do not deserve the love He has for me.  Without love, I can never know the joy He promises. 

You promise joy if I follow Your commands.

The commandments You give are to love.

Fill me with that love.

Lead me to the joy of eternal life. 


Thursday, November 18, 2021

 God Wants to Save Us 

   “He who created us without our help will not save us without our consent.” (St. Augustine) 

   God created us and He wants to save us, but He will not do so unless we agree.  That is the gift and the curse of free will.  We have the choice and only we can make that choice.

   Adam and Eve lived in paradise.  All their needs were provided by the Father.  In their pride they wanted to be like God, to judge for themselves right from wrong.  Paradise and their closeness to God was lost.

   Bishop Fulton Sheen said, “Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong.  Right is right, even if nobody is right.”  Society cannot change truth; it can only deny it.  Wrong does not become right based on societal wants and desires.  If we insist, God will let us make those choices, but when we do we are rejecting the salvation He wants for us.  God will not bless or save a society that rejects Him.

   The same applies to me as an individual.  I can’t be the one to judge what is best for me or change what is wrong and make it right.  I must trust in the Lord.  Jesus gave His life to offer me salvation and a path to heaven, but I must choose to travel that road.  He will not force, will not impose His will, but will allow me to reject Him if that is my choice.

   God created me from nothing.  He knew me and loved me from before time began.  He wants me to love Him and spend eternity with Him in paradise.  But the choice is mine alone, I must allow Him to make me holy, to bring me to Himself. 

Right is right, wrong is wrong.

Your laws are true and just.

Truth cannot be changed, only rejected.

May we accept Your truths always. 


Wednesday, November 17, 2021

 Peace Through Faith 

   “In the world you will face persecution.  But take courage, I have conquered the world.” (John 16: 33) 

   There is little doubt that the world is a mess, full of sin and evil.  One only needs to read the news or turn on the television to see it, it’s everywhere we look.  Murder, abortion, wars, persecutions all abound.  There seems to be no end to the evil and heartache mankind can impose upon itself.

   However, there is also beauty and love in the world.  A man and a woman look into each other’s eyes at the altar and pledge their undying love for each other.  A mother’s smile at her newborn child is full of love and hope for the new life she has brought into the world.  A new dad looks at his wife and his newborn child with a love that cannot be described.

   If we put our faith in the Lord, taking courage in His promises, the love He will share with us will overcome the evil in the world.  We may still suffer, we may still know sorrow, but we will also know peace.  We will find courage in the knowledge that this life is only a temporary way-station on our journey to our true home with God.

   Jesus’ message is one of love and hope.  If we practice what He preached, loving God and neighbor, the evils of this world might seem less troublesome, more manageable.  If we trust in Him and follow Him in this life, we will be taken to Him in the next, where there will be no evil and no sorrow, only love. 

Lord, I trust in You.

You promised a new world.

A world of peace and love.

May it come soon Lord. 


Tuesday, November 16, 2021


   “Our prayer, when it is addressed to God, is never complete unless we ask for God himself.” (Dom Paul Delatte, “The Spirit of Solesmes”) 

   I used to think of prayer as a set of words to be addressed to God, such as the Lord’s Prayer and others.  I was to reach out to Him in this way because that was just the way it was done.  I know some who carry many prayer books and recite the prayers in them.  It is a source of peace to them, and these prayers are of great value in so many ways.

   I’ve known others who rarely use the written prayers, but speak very personally to God, as if they were having a conversation with a friend.  I love the informality of this type of prayer and use it often myself.  This too is a beautiful way to pray.

   In my prayers, I tend to use both methods.  There are some prayers in the various prayer books that take me closer to God; I recite these prayers regularly.  But I also spend time in quiet personal prayer with my Lord, seeking His guidance in my life and looking to Him as He is, my loving Father who wants nothing but the best for me.

   My point is that everyone approaches God in their own way.  Some are very formal in their relationship, others less so.  In my mind the only requirement for effective prayer is that it be so for the one who is praying, whichever form it may take.

   However, as the quote above states, I believe the ultimate goal of prayer is to receive God Himself.  I have come to believe that a prayer can be a perfect prayer in just a few words, or even with no words at all.  After all, the whole purpose of prayer is to receive God; the words are not nearly as important as the intent. 

I want You in my life.

I pray for Your presence.

Come to me Lord.

Fill me with Your Holy Spirit. 


Monday, November 15, 2021


   The Miriam-Webster dictionary defines sanctuary as a consecrated place such as the Temple in Jerusalem or its’ Holy of Holies.  It also describes a sanctuary as the most sacred part of a religious building such as a Christian church in which the altar is placed.

   I envision the sanctuary at my parish, Queen of Peace, as a place to take refuge from the world; to clear my mind of earthly matters and place myself more completely in communion with God.  I usually get to church a while before Mass begins to settle myself, to pray, and open my mind, my heart, and my soul to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

   We need sanctuary, not only at church but in our home.  A place where we can shut out the world and be alone with God.  Our God is a jealous God, He does not want to share our time together.  He wants our full attention.

   In my home, my bedroom is my sanctuary.  There is no television, no radio, and my phone is silenced.  I can go in, close the door, and be alone with my Lord.  I pray, I read, I simply sit and consider God.  I’ve found that prayer does not always require words.  To be quiet and still is to be open to the presence of God.  It is in these times that I am closest to God.

   This world is the antithesis of sanctuary.  The noise, the rush, the hurrying everywhere detracts from our peace of mind.  We are on the go constantly, at work and even in what is supposed to be leisure time.  Our lives become so busy that we leave no room for God.  I can’t speak for others, but in my life, my sanctuaries, both at church and at home, are where I am most happy and most at peace.  They are my safe place. 

The world can be a place of chaos.

Help me find sanctuary.

Let me escape the daily grind.

Let me find peace with You. 


Sunday, November 14, 2021


“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” (John 3: 16) 

   I suspect John 3: 16 might be the most familiar verse in scripture.  It expresses the hope of all who believe in Christ; the hope of eternal life with Him.

   We often express gratitude for the sacrifice Jesus made for us and rightly so.  But how often do we take the time to give God thanks for all else He does for us?  We exist because He wills it; all we have is from His love and His grace.  Do we stop and thank Him as often as we should?  We sometimes take for granted His many blessings, forgetting that without Him nothing, not us, not the world, not anything, would exist.

   To express our gratitude for His many blessings is a holy act; an act of love for the God who loves us.  To give Him thanks is right and just.  We far too often accept the gifts of God as our due.  We look upon them as a something deserved, rather than something given out of His love for us.

   Today, all over the world, we will receive the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.  He shares with us, not only many blessings, but His very Self.  We are truly blessed, let us give Him thanks. 

You bless us in so many ways.

We sometimes forget to say thanks.

Remind us often of all You do.

That we may give You thanks always. 


Saturday, November 13, 2021

Knowing God 

   “My soul thirsts for God, the living God.  When can I enter and see the face of God?”  (Psalm 42: 3). 

   I’ve come to accept that I will never completely know God in this life, I can only know Him from His presence within me and the evidence of Him in creation .  Thankfully, His presence is unmistakable in all things, I just need to open my eyes and heart to see it.

   I know that God is love and His love permeates His creation throughout.  I know of His love from the love He has shown me in this world, from the love he gave to me and my wife to share with each other and our children.  It is humanity that rejects His love and refuses to accept it or return it.

   His majesty is evident in so many ways.  In the stars, the universe, in the smallest, seemingly insignificant, parts of creation, He is there.  I know Him from the beauty of the sunrise, from the flowers that fill our world with color.  Everywhere I look I see the proof of a loving, caring God who created all things for love.

   Though I may never fully know God in this life, I will continue to seek Him.  I will take notice of His presence in all things and give Him praise and thanksgiving.  When this life is done, and Jesus comes to take me to Himself, I will at last know God as He truly is. 

I want to know You Lord.

Help my understanding.

I long to see Your face.

Lead me home. 



Friday, November 12, 2021

 Telling It Like It Is 

   There is a very fine line between standing up for God and insulting and condemning others.  It is a line that I must be very careful to never cross.

   As a Christian I have the responsibility to live my life according to God’s will and to share my faith whenever the opportunity presents itself.  I must be willing to stand against sin and immorality.  If I do less I am not following my Lord.

   However, I must also have love in my heart for the sinner, keeping in mind that it is their immortal soul that is at risk.  If I can light just the smallest spark in their hearts, perhaps God can bring those sparks to flame.  But if I offend them by condemning them I may extinguish any small flame that may already be there rather than making it stronger.

   Jesus never backed down from the condemnation sin but he had great love and forgiveness for the sinner.  He did not condemn the adulterous woman brought to Him, but instead, told her, “Neither do I condemn you.  Go, and sin no more.” (John 8: 11).  His mission was one of repentance and forgiveness, not condemnation.

   In Matthew, chapter 23 Jesus took the religious leaders of Israel to task, calling them out for their hypocrisy and bad teachings.  He spared no condemnation of their actions and sinfulness.  But still, He did not condemn them to hell.  All pastors, priests, and ministers would do well to reread these verses at least once a month.

   Yes, I must stand against sin; but I must do so with love, not condemning the sinner but seeking to bring them home. 

Through the love of God we are saved.

Through the love of God may we help save others.

Give me the courage to rebuke sin.

Give me love for the sinner. 


Thursday, November 11, 2021

 What Can I Do? 

   I look around and I see a mixed up world that seems determined to destroy itself.  If not through war, then through a total disregard for morality and right action.  War can take lives, but immorality destroys souls.  Jesus warned us, “And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna.” (Matt 10: 28)

   If I am to believe our president, Pope Francis assured him that he was a good Catholic and should continue receiving communion even though he is an adamant supporter of abortion.  If true, our pope is causing confusion in the faithful, or worse yet, misleading them.  I’m hesitant to believe Mr. Biden but would certainly encourage Pope Francis to either confirm or deny his account of what was said.

   For years I’ve voted for politicians who said they would stand up for the right to life and yet abortion continues, euthanasia is increasing, and the death penalty still executes innocent people at times.  It’s very clear that politicians say whatever they think will help their chances of election and then forget all they promised.

   Churches are burned, Christians are killed in many places in the world.  Persecution grows more blatant every day.  Something needs to be done.  These things need to change.  But what can I, as an individual, do?

   I can look to God as the one who is truly in charge and recognize that these things are bound to occur in a fallen world.  I can never place my hopes on anyone but Him, not the pope, not bishops or priests, and certainly not politicians.  All are human and all sin.

   Most of all I can trust in my God and look to the world to come.  A world where there will be no abortions, euthanasia, murders, or politicians.  A place of pure love, joy, and happiness.


   “The one who gives this testimony says, ‘Yes, I am coming soon.’  Amen!  Come Lord Jesus!” (Rev 22: 20)

Wednesday, November 10, 2021


   “Peace is that deep, interior stillness that tells you that no matter what kind of catastrophe might be happening in your life or in the world, everything is going to be OK.” (Dr. Gregory Bottaro, “The Mindful Catholic”) 

   There are peace conferences, peace accords, peace agreements, all trying to bring the world to peace.  They never succeed.  They might work for a while, but history proves that we are not a peaceful people.  Pride drives us to think we have all the answers and selfishness tells us we deserve whatever we desire.  There can be no peace in such attitudes, only pauses in conflict.

   Peace is so much more than the absence of conflict or war.  It is a knowledge that nothing is more vital that knowing God and trusting that His plan is one of peace regardless the evidence presented by a sinful, evil world.  We turn from God and look to self and when we do so, we risk God allowing us to rely upon self until we understand the futility of that plan.

   The world was created to be peaceful.  Our earliest parents walked with God, spoke with Him, and understood that He had created them out of love.  In an act of pride, they lost that relationship and destined all of humanity to live in a world stained by sin where peace can not be found.

   But all was not lost.  Before time began the Word of God, Jesus Christ, was there.  He would restore to humanity what had been lost.  He would pay the price to again allow us to find peace.  In His love, He would right the wrong.  “For if, by the transgression of one person, death came to reign through that one, how much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the gift of justification come to reign in life through the one person Jesus Christ.” (Romans 5: 17).

   Until understand that there will never be true peace in this world we will continue to  seek it everywhere but where it truly is; in God. 

Only in You is there peace.

We seek it in all the wrong ways.

Help us turn to You.

To find our peace in Your love. 


Tuesday, November 9, 2021


   “The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it.  Let it loose; it will defend itself.” (St. Augustine) 

   Truth cannot be effectively disputed.  It can be rejected and ignored, but it is still the truth.  People today seem to want to redefine truth to meet their desires, but truth cannot be redefined; it is true and always will be.

   Just as the Jews demanded signs from Jesus, people today demand proof of truth.  But some truths cannot be proven, they must simply be accepted.  Some refuse to accept any of the miracles performed by our Lord, while others pick and chose which they will accept.  Either they are all truth or none are, we can't have it both ways.

   But how do I, as St. Augustine said, “Let it loose”?  In my opinion the truth can only be let loose by living my life according to it.  If all I do is talk about truth, but don’t live it, I am a hypocrite, and the truth isn’t in me.

   Whether or not one choses to believe the truth does not change the fact that truth is truth and will always remain true.  "Truth is like the sun.  You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't going away," (Elvis Presley).  And Jesus is Truth. 

Your truth is eternal.

Open hearts and minds to accept it.

Let Your truth be a beacon to the world.

To light our way to You. 



Monday, November 8, 2021


   “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways, my thoughts higher than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55: 9) 

   I’ve always been a fan of  television shows and movies about space exploration.  Star Trek has always a great favorite of mine.  They were always discovering new peoples and places, some good, some not so good.  Many times they would enter a wormhole in space, not knowing where it might lead or what they would find at the end.  Sometimes it led to danger, but always there was something of value to learn.

   In my prayers and contemplations I sometimes feel as if I’ve entered such a wormhole.  I’m not sure what I will discover, but I’m confident that it will increase my connection with God.  Many times I don’t even understand where I am when I get there, it’s too far above my ability to grasp, but somehow I know it is where God has led me.

   I’ve made some amazing discoveries following the spirit where it leads, through another wormhole if you will.  Things that have troubled me for years have become, if not completely clear, much clearer than before.  And yes, there are still some lessons that I suspect will never be completely clear in this life.  But the journey is an exciting one, an experience in better understand God, getting to know Him better.  There is no other journey so worth-while.

   Star Trek’s classic line is, “Space, the final frontier”.  Maybe I could wordsmith that a bit to fit the Christian journey of exploration; “Discovering God, the final destination”. 

Thank You for enlightenment Lord.

You have opened by eyes to many truths.

There is still so much to learn.

Grant me the wisdom to continue to grow with You. 


Sunday, November 7, 2021

 Turning Back Time 

   Last night most of us reset our clocks for an hour earlier.  I sometimes wish I could turn back time.  Not just an hour but for days, weeks, even years. 

   I wish I could go back and unsay the hurtful things I’ve said to those I love.  In times of frustration or difficulties my mouth has often outran my mind.  Cutting, harsh words spoken in a moment of anger that I still regret many years later.

   If I could turn back time I could go back and change some of the terrible, sinful things I’ve done.  I’ve drank too much, gone places I should have stayed away from and done things that I am still ashamed of.  I would love the opportunity to change them, but it’s not possible.

   Most of all I wish I could go back and turn to God earlier.  If I had done that I most likely would not have nearly as many words and actions that need changing.  Sadly, I can’t go back and correct that mistake.

   Nothing I can do will change the wrongs I’ve done or the hurt I’ve caused.  But God is a loving and merciful God.  He forgives my sins though I don’t deserve His forgiveness.  I can only place my soul in the hands of the Lord, beg for His mercy, and hope those affected by my sins can forgive. 

No sin is personal.

They all affect others in some way.

Help me Lord.

Give me the strength to resist sin. 


Saturday, November 6, 2021


   “Vanity of vanities, says Qoheleth, vanity of vanities!  All things are vanity!”  (Eccl 1: 2) 

   I’ve come to believe that all things are vanity except one; seeking the face of God. 

        Does my hair look as it should?  Vanity.

        Are my clothes of the latest fashion?  Vanity.

        Is my car new enough?  Vanity.

        Is my house big enough? Vanity.

        Am I making enough money?   Vanity.

        Am I popular with others?  Vanity. 

   We spend so much time worrying and fusing about things that really don’t matter in the long run; none will go with us when we die.  All we have worked for, all we have, will belong to someone else.   Only one thing is deserving of our fervent desire; to love God and spend eternity with Him in our heavenly home. 

    “One thing I ask of the Lord; this I will seek:  To dwell in the Lord's house all the days of my life, to gaze on the Lord’s beauty, to visit his temple.” (Psalm 27: 4). 

Vanity is everywhere I look.

We care more for earthly things than for You.

Open our hearts, show us the way.

May we seek only You. 


Friday, November 5, 2021

 Cloudy Days 

   It’s a cloudy, rainy day here in Ocala.  It’s not storming, just raining with a light wind blowing.  It may sound a little strange, but it’s quite a pleasant day.

   I remember that my grandmother loved the cloudy, rainy days, they were her favorites.  I never understood why anyone would prefer cloudy days to bright sunny ones, but she did.

   I wouldn’t say that I feel the same though I’ve come to enjoy the cloudy days as well.  There is a quiet and a peace on such days.  The normal sounds of the world seem muffled somehow, less intrusive.  They are wonderful days to sit and meditate or read a good book.  The stillness helps clear the mind and open the heart.  A cloudy day is in some ways a prayerful day.

   Cloudy days are a miracle of creation.  Water that has evaporated from all over the world are collected in the clouds and when the temperature is just right, become droplets falling to the earth.  Salt water that evaporated over the seas becomes fresh water to satisfy our thirst.  Water nourishes the plants that grow and provide our food and sustenance.  They are a part of God’s great and wonderous plan.

   On cloudy days I find myself more content for some reason.  Perhaps it’s because things tend to be much slower on such days.  I stay at home enjoying the quiet, spending more time with God.  They are days to catch up on things I may have been putting off.

   I still would not consider cloudy days my favorite days, but they are a blessing in so many ways.  Maybe that’s why they were my grandmother’s favorite days. 

Cloudy days remind me of You.

They are a sign of Your glory.

Cloudy or sunny, all days belong to You.

They are Your creation, they speak of Your majesty. 


Thursday, November 4, 2021

 Staying Balanced 

   Some days I feel as if I am on firm footing, solid ground.  I’m comfortable with where I am in life and confident in where I am going.  God has me by the hand, I willingly allow Him to lead where he wants.

   Other days it seems as if I’m on a tight-rope.  On misstep and I might fall to my death on the rocks below.  I’m uncertain of where I am or where I’m going.  It seems as if God has let go of my hand and Satan is reaching for it.  I fear these days, they scare me.

   In my heart I know that God never abandons me, He is with me always.  I believe there are times when He withdraws, not because He is leaving me alone, but He wants me to grow in my love of Him; to increase my dependence on Him.

   The days when I feel unsure are a blessing, they cause me to pause and reevaluate myself and my relationship with God.  I believe God allows these times to occur for that very reason.  If I become too confident in myself and my spiritual well-being I could easily become complacent, leaving God behind even though He will never leave me behind.

   Even though I may feel as if I’m on a tight-rope about to fall, there is a net below that will keep me from harm.  The love and mercy of the Lord is that net of safety.  When I rely on Him, when I place all my trust in Him, there is nothing to fear.


“Living in dependence on God means not being one’s own master, not wanting to take charge of the world;” (Pope Benedict XVI). 


Wednesday, November 3, 2021

 The Joy of Christ 

   “If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and remain in his love.  I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete.  This is my commandment:  that you love one another.” (John 15: 10 – 11) 

   If I am to know the joy of Christ, I must love.  Without love, there can be no true joy or happiness, only cheap imitations.

   I am vividly reminded of the love of Christ each time I attend Mass.  At the consecration of the Eucharist, He once again offers His body and blood for the forgiveness of my sins.  I can’t explain the miracle that makes a little wafer of unleavened bread become His body or how the wine is changed into His blood, but I know the joy of receiving them into my own body.

   To follow Him, to know His joy, I must share my joy with others, and His joy is the joy of love.  I must love others as He loves me.  I know that it’s not possible for me to love as He loves, but I must make the effort; I must try. 

   Jesus taught that I must love even my enemies.  As He was dying on the cross, He loved His enemies so much that He prayed for their forgiveness; “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.” (Luke 23: 34).

   The joy of Christ is the love of Christ.  If I do not know His love, and share that love with others, I will never know His joy. 

In You there is joy.

Without love I can’t know that joy.

Fill me with Your love.

That I may know Your joy. 
