Boasting in Weakness
“So, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.” (2 Cor 12: 9)
The ability
to resist all sin is not possible. As
much as I would like to be sinless, original sin and the evil it brought upon
all humanity makes it impossible. The most
I can do is rely on the power of Christ to give me the strength to resist
serious sin and to turn to Him for forgiveness in any sin that I may commit.
This is the
weakness St. Paul spoke of in the scripture quoted above. He recognized His own weakness and saw it as
the opportunity to let the power of Christ dominate His life; to die to self
and live for God. In his humility he
understood that any good he might do came only from God and that the struggle
was one that can only be won with the help of the Lord.
The fact that I cannot eliminate sin from my life even helps strengthen my faith. It clearly says that I do not have the power
to resist all sin on my own, thereby encouraging me to turn to God for the strength
to continue the fight.
In humble
acceptance, I must recognize that, without God, I am nothing. I can do nothing good unless I allow Him to
do the good through me. On Ash Wednesday,
as he placed the ashes on my forehead, the priest again reminded me that I am
dust and to dust I shall return. This
too encourages me to turn to God in all things.
I pray often
for the ability to completely resist sin in my life, even though I know that isn’t
possible. I believe that my desire to be
sinless pleases God even though I can never achieve that goal in this
life. I will rely on the love and forgiveness
of God to see me through and rejoice in my weakness that I may better know His
I know my weakness Lord. Show me Your strength. Help me to avoid sin in my life and have mercy
on me when I fail. Amen.