Follow Me
Jesus used the phrase “follow me” many times during His
ministry. He came to call the people of Israel
to follow Him, the Messiah. Some listened
and followed, others didn’t. He came to call the whole world to follow. Again,
some listen, many don’t.
Pride and concern for their own well-being kept many, including most of the Jewish religious leaders, from following. They thought they had all the answers and
Jesus wasn’t the Messiah they expected. Pride
and earthly cares often interfere with our decision to follow.
To Matthew, a tax collector, He simply said, “Follow me.”
(Matt 9: 9). Matthew immediately got
up and followed Him. When the blind man,
Bartimaeus, asked the Lord for his sight Jesus replied, “Go your way, your
faith has saved you.” (Mark 10: 52).
Bartimaeus was immediately able to see and he followed Him.
Following has consequences.
Except for John all of the apostles were martyred. Early Christians suffered great persecution,
torture and martyrdom. The cost of following
can be high. “Whoever wishes to come
after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.” (Matt 16: 24). The path may not always be easy, but the reward
far outweighs the cost.
Today He says to me, “Follow me”. With His strength and His help I will follow. I am weak and can’t do it alone, so I will
trust in Him and His love and mercy. I
will pick up my cross and follow in the knowledge that with Him all things are possible.
Jesus you
came to call sinners.
I am a
sinner, You call me.
I look to
You for the strength to follow.