Transforming Prayer
Prayer has transformed my life. Prayer is where I meet God, it is where I
give my heart, soul and all my love to Him.
It is where He listens and where I listen to Him.
My prayer life has greatly changed over the years. I used to pray for myself, my wants and desires. Then I realized that when I pray the Our
Father, that is all covered when I say “give us this day our daily bread”. The daily bread is not just “bread” but the
needs of this life. It doesn’t mean I’ll
get all that I want, but that God will provide what is needed. There is a big difference in what is truly
needed and my earthly wants and desires.
I believe prayer should be more for others than for
myself. I have faith that God will care
for me so I should be asking for His love and mercy for others, especially
those who don’t yet know Him. Maybe,
just maybe, my prayers will help at least one person to recognize God in their
life. What a tremendous blessing!
The hardest to pray for are those who are most difficult to
like or who are causing great harm to others.
I am disappointed in some within the Church who want to bend the Church
to conform to society rather than remain constant in the truth. I can get angry with them, condemn them or
pray for them. Anger and condemnation
belong to God, they can only lead me to sin.
Better to pray for them and let God’s will be done.
I used to use words a lot in prayer, then recalled Psalm 46,
verse ten, “Be still and know that I am God.” Those who know me can confirm that I can be
stubborn at times and need more direct guidance. God was very polite in the Psalm, I needed to
hear, “shut up and listen!” Silence of
heart, mind and soul has become the best part of my prayer life.
I’m sure my prayer life will continue to grow and
change. The more I listen the more I
learn. The more I am quiet the more He
can guide me.
Lord, I
come to You in prayer.
Let it be
in silence.
In prayer You guide and direct me.
Let me
listen and learn.