The Ways of the World
“And the world and its desire are passing away, but those who do the will of God live forever.” (1 John 2: 17)
I’ve read quite a bit about the early monks, those who went into
the desert to live a solitary life with God.
In some cases they were motivated to such extremes by the turmoil they
saw in everyday life. Sinfulness,
violence, and hatred permeating their society and, in some cases, the church. In the desert, alone with God, they devoted their
life to Him recognizing that the ways of the world are not the ways of God.
The same circumstances that prompted many of the desert
fathers to leave society for a solitary life are very much in evidence
today. There seems to be no room for
moderation, cooperation, or understanding in our society. If I don’t agree with someone on any number of
issues I am vilified, condemned, and possibly a target for arrest and persecution.
All I want is to serve my God in peace and love. I don’t hate anyone, I don’t persecute anyone,
and I have no desire to do such things. I may
disagree with many aspects of our over-sexed, selfish society, but society is
not my responsibility. My responsibility
is to walk the path God places before me.
It is to love my neighbor even when I abhor their sinful practices. It is to pray for those who would kill babies
in the womb, those who would murder the elderly for convenience sake, and those
who would execute criminals when the system has been shown to have so many flaws.
I can’t effectively change the wrongs I see so I’m left with two choices. I can let society steal my peace and cause despair or I can place it in the hands of God and pray. I choose prayer.
There is
much evil in the world.
Many seem
to glorify it.
I want to live
in peace and love.
Fill me with Your loving spirit.