Wednesday, June 30, 2021

 The Old and the New 

   “The New Testament lies hidden in the Old and the Old Testament is unveiled in the New.”  (St. Augustine) 

   I remember as a youngster around 12 or 13 my father telling me that the Old Testament is simply history, no longer needed.  According to him everything we need is in the New.  I’m not sure why he thought that, but he was certainly wrong.

   From the very beginning the New Testament is foretold in the Old Testament.  In Genesis, Adam was put into a deep sleep and his side was opened, and a rib removed. (Gen 2: 21 – 24).  On the cross, Jesus fell into the deep sleep of death, a Roman solder opened His side with a lance and blood and water flowed out (John 19: 31 – 34).  From the side of Adam came Eve, his bride; from the side of Jesus came the Church, His bride.

   In the books of Exodus and Joshua, we read of Israelites being led out of slavery in Egypt through the waters of the Red Sea. They would later pass through the waters of the Jordan River and were led to the promised land.  We pass through the waters of baptism out of slavery to sin and are led to the promised land of heaven.

   On Mount Moriah, Abraham was asked to sacrifice his only son, Isaac. (Gen 22: 1 – 14).  Many years later, on Mt, Moriah, now called Calvary, the Son of God would be sacrificed for the sins of all (Matt 27: 33 – 56).  God spared the son of Abraham yet did not spare His own Son who died for our sins.

   The more I study scripture the more I see the direct correlations of events in the Old and New Testament.  From the very beginning all was known, all was planned, and all was revealed in hidden ways.  All remains known and all will occur according to the will of God. 

You told us from the very beginning.

We need only to read to see Your plan.

Our salvation was ordained at the start.

In Your love, You will lead us home. 



Tuesday, June 29, 2021

 Playing by the Rules 

   “Yes, all are welcome in the Church, but on Christ’s terms, not their own. (Francis Cardinal George) 

   If I want to play chess I must play by the rules.  Should I decide the rules don’t apply to me, then I will not be playing chess, but cheating.  This applies to any game I wish to play.  If I ignore the rules, I cannot play the game.

   The same applies in virtually every other aspect of life.  Anyone who plays sports must obey the rules or be ejected from the game.  Someone who wishes to join a club must acknowledge, accept, and obey the bylaws of that club.

   So why is it that some people seem to think that they can “play” at Christianity but not obey the rules?  I see social media posts and hear politicians and others stating that they are “devout” Christians while at the same time supporting sinful activities.  It is not possible to be Christian and blatantly ignore God’s teachings.  An abomination before God remains so regardless their claims.

   Even some church leaders seem to want to redefine the rules to suit the wishes of society.  Maybe they want to be popular or perhaps they are more concerned with donation baskets rather than the souls of their flocks.  They are betraying their calling and misleading those who look to them for spiritual guidance.  Their falsehood and lies will condemn them.

   If I choose Christianity, I must also accept, and follow the truths of scripture and the teachings of our Lord Jesus.  If not, I am a hypocrite and a liar. 

Your truths are eternal.

They will never change.

In Your truths there is salvation. 


Monday, June 28, 2021


   “Whenever you face a decision, you first can ask yourself a very dangerous question; ‘If I choose this, am I seeking to please the Lord, or am I seeking to please myself?” (Fr. Mike Schmidt, “How to Make Great Decisions”) 

   I make numerous decisions everyday as does everyone else.  Most are of little importance in the long run; things like what to have for breakfast or what shirt I am to wear.  But for those questions concerning my faith it is critical to pray for the Lord’s guidance.

   On three separate occasions I sought to become a deacon in the Catholic Church.  Each attempt was unsuccessful for one reason or another.  After much thought and prayer, I came to understand that perhaps it was my desire for me to be a deacon, not the Lord’s.  The door was closed because it was not God’s will for me.  His reasons and His desires for my life must supersede my own.  Otherwise, I am living for me, not for God.

   To me, it seems that God’s will is not just something that comes to mind, there are often other factors that point to where He is guiding me.  On more than one occasion there have been occurrences that I didn’t understand at the time but in looking back I can see the hand of God involved.  Even difficult experiences can sometimes lead to a stronger, more devout relationship with the Lord.

   Though the Lord has never explicitly told me His plans for me, He has guided me on the path He wishes me to follow in many ways.  As Elijah discovered on the mountain, God is sometimes in the tiny whisper. (see 1 Kings 19: 11 – 13). 

Show me the path You wish for me.

Guide me in Your ways.

Never let me stray. 


Sunday, June 27, 2021

 Hope in Troubled Times 

   “And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” (Matt 28: 20) 

   I am often accused of being an optimist, sometimes too optimistic.  I take a certain amount of satisfaction in this.  Optimism is something I believe every Christian should have in their life.

   I’m not blind, I see the problems we face in the world, and there are many.  Bishops who are virtually, if not actually, in schism.  Bishops who are apparently afraid to confront the reckless disrespect of the Eucharist by those who claim to be Catholic but continue to support and encourage abortion and other mortal sin.

   There is no lack of troubles to focus upon if I want to be depressed or despondent over the ways in the world.  But I choose to do my best to place these things in their proper perspective.  Troubles will come and go, but Jesus remains constant in His love and His promises.  Times have been better, and times have been much worse, but the war was won long ago on a cross at Calvary.

   We need to be aware of the issues that cause such discord and take a strong stand for God and His truths.  But we also need to trust in our Lord that they will be overcome.  “And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it.” (Matt 16: 18).  In the final analysis good will win over evil; this is the hope of the world.

   I’m faced with two choices; I can let the world overcome my peace, or I can let the peace of the Lord overcome my fears and trepidations.  I choose the peace and the hope of Christ. 

The world is a mess.

Satan seems to be everywhere.

But You have already overcome.

You will bring us safely home to You. 


Saturday, June 26, 2021

 In the Presence of God 

   “O Lord, you search me and you know me.  You yourself know my resting and my rising; you discern my thoughts from afar.” (Psalm 139: 1 – 2) 

   Wherever I go, whatever I do, I am always in the presence of God.  He is with me, He sees me, He knows me.  He knows my weaknesses; He knows my failings.  He also knows my desire to serve Him even though I am a sinful man.  Nothing that happens to me is unknown to Him and He will never abandon me.

   His presence is a strength for me.  In knowing that God is with me always encourages me to avoid sin as much as possible.  I never want to offend Him by my actions, thoughts, or words.  Though I will sometimes fail, His presence encourages me to try as best I can to follow His will in my life.

   God’s omnipresence also means that I can never hide from Him.  In the darkness of the darkest night, He sees me and knows my actions, my thoughts, and my desires.  Nothing is hidden; all is known to Him.

   Knowing that God is always with me is a tremendous blessing.  It gives me comfort and great peace.  Even though I may sin, He still is there, offering me love and forgiveness.  When I turn to Him in sorrow and repentance my sins are washed away. 

“O search me, God, and know my heart.  O test me, and know my thoughts.  See that my path is not wicked and lead me in the way everlasting.” (Psalm 139: 23 – 24)

Friday, June 25, 2021

 Live for Today 

   “Yesterday is gone.  Tomorrow has not yet come.  We have only today.  Let us begin.” (St. Teresa of Calcutta) 

   I sometimes get wrapped up in things of yesterday.  Sins long forgiven come to mind, things I should have done and things I should not have done.  I try to avoid these times, but I often fail.  It makes no sense to relive them, but still I do.

   There are also times when I become overly concerned about what is to come.  Tomorrow infringes upon today and can draw me away from living each day for God, stealing the serenity of my soul.  Jesus said, “Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself.” (Matt 6: 34).  Not only will tomorrow take care of itself, but it may also never come; this day may be all that is left to me.

   I honestly believe this is one of Satan’s tools to cause me distress and keep me from living each day as it comes.  If he can deprive me of the peace God wishes me to have, he is winning the battle for my soul; a battle I must not lose.

   Allowing myself to dwell on the past or stress about the future is useless.  The past is gone, and tomorrow may not come.  Today, this very moment, is all I can be sure of.  I must let go of the past, face the future if it comes, and try to live each day in preparation for eternity. 

Today is all I have.

I offer it to You Lord.

Lead me on Your path.

Bring me to my eternal home. 



Thursday, June 24, 2021


   I think a lot about heaven.  I suppose that’s because heaven is my ultimate goal; to spend eternity in the presence of my God, knowing Him and the perfection He intended for us from the beginning.

   Still, I know virtually nothing about heaven.  I know that it will be a place of perfection in all ways.  All else is guesswork and expectations, some of which may be accurate, many of which are probably not.

   St. Paul wrote, “What eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, and what has not entered into the human heart, what God has prepared for those who love him.” (1 Cor 2: 9).  This all sounds incredibly wonderful but still gives me no clue as to what heaven will actually be like.  In fact, it confirms that I really know nothing of heaven and what it will be.

   I believe that I will be reunited with my wife and other loved ones, but it will be a reunion unlike any that can be had on earth.  It will be one of perfect love and caring for one another.  I think it will not only include my loved ones but all who are there.  We are all the family of God so our love will extend to every member of God’s family.  It’s supposed to be that way here on earth, but we all know it’s far from it.  Perfect love does not exist in this fallen world.

   Just prior to His passion, death and resurrection, Jesus told the apostles, “In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places.  If there were not, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be.” (John 14: 2 - 3).  He will come back for me and take me to himself.  I will be with Him for all eternity in the perfection that is heaven.  Still, heaven remains a mystery. 

   I’ve come to accept that I will never understand heaven in this life.  But I’ve also come to realize that it really doesn’t matter; it will be beautiful, it will be glorious; it will be perfect.  What more could I ask? 

I may not know what all it entails.

But it is my greatest desire.

Heaven is the goal of my life.

Lead me home to You, Lord. 


Wednesday, June 23, 2021

The Power of Prayer 

   “Be sober and vigilant.  Your opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5: 8). 

   Our greatest defense against the devil and his evil is in our prayer life.  When we turn to God in prayer, He will protect us and give us the strength to overcome the temptations of this world.  Satan is powerless against us when we are in communion with the Lord. 

   As a Catholic I often cross myself, silently praying, “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”  This simple little prayer can thwart Satan in his efforts to tempt me into sin.  A quiet turning to God, asking for help is all that is needed.  I do not need to recite long-winded prayers, just a simple cry for help.  The Lord will hear and strengthen me.

   Daily Mass and frequent reception of the Holy Eucharist gives me additional strength to fight the temptation to glory in the pleasures and false gods of this world.  Frequent confession of my sins provides certainty that God is with me, forgiving me and helping me to resist sin going forward.

   However, no prayer or number of prayers can eliminate sin in my life.  I live in a world filled with sin and the evil temptations that come at me from all sides.  Though I do not want to sin, I know that there will be times when I fail in my efforts.  Like everyone else in this world I am weak and can’t always defeat the evil one and his temptations.

   Though I know I cannot always avoid sin, I will continue to pray to do so and turn to my most merciful God for forgiveness when I fail. 

Lord I do not want to offend You.

Yet in my weakness I sin.

In prayer I seek Your help.

Strengthen me in my weakness. 


Tuesday, June 22, 2021


   “Even all the hairs of your head are counted.” (Matt 10: 30) 

   In his Monastic Rule, St. Benedict advises that we should consider our mortality each day.  My life has been greatly changed by this concept.  Living in full knowledge of my mortality is not morbid or depressing; it is, in fact, enlightening and brings peace to my life.

   When Satan comes calling with his temptations and urgings, I recall that, should I seriously sin against the Lord, I will break the bond I have with Him.  And should I die before restoring that bond I have condemned myself to eternity without Him.

   This doesn’t mean that I never sin, no one is without sin.  Our sins may be inadvertent or unintentional.  Many times we sin simply because we fail to be on guard against sin.  But sin is sad fact of life in a world corrupted by evil.  Recognizing my mortality helps me in my efforts to remain alert to the sin the evil one wishes me to commit and urges me to promptly return to the Lord in sorrow, seeking forgiveness for my sins.

   This life is a wonderful blessing, but it won’t last forever.  By always being aware that this life will end at a time known only to God I am better able to live my life for Him so that I can spend eternal life in His presence. 

Life is a blessing.

But it may end at any moment.

Let me live for eternal life.

Let me live for You. 


Monday, June 21, 2021

The Darkness 

   In everyone’s life there will be some darkness.  Times when we feel abandoned or unloved.  We may feel that even God has abandoned us.  It is in times like these that prayer is most important.

   We often spend much time and money trying to woo the person we believe we are meant to be with.  We buy them gifts, we call them, we ask them out.  We want to be with them every minute of the day.  We feel that we would do anything to gain their love.  If rejected, we are devastated and lost.

   In my relationship with the Lord there are also times when I wonder where He is.  Times when it seems He has left me on my own though He knows I need Him in my life.  There is the temptation to turn to Him and ask, “Where are you Lord?  I need You!”

   The reality is that He is never far from me, He will not abandon me.  Though it may seem that He has deserted me it is not so.  These are the times when it is most important to continue in my prayers and my devotions; to go to Mass and receive the Eucharist.  These are dangerous times, times when Satan will try to convince me that He truly has abandoned me.  But it is a lie from the father of lies.

   These are also times of great growth and increase in faith and trust if I will allow them to be so.  I must understand that God is with me always and trust that He would never abandon me.  If I feel that He has, it is my misunderstanding and human fallacy that makes me think so.  In my heart I know He is here and always will be.  He is my savior; He will never leave me. 

I turn to You Lord.

You will not abandon me.

Your love is eternal.

I will always turn to You. 


Sunday, June 20, 2021

 Calming the Storm 

   “He woke up, rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, ‘Quiet!  Be Still!’  The wind ceased and there was a great calm.” (Mark 4: 39) 

   A bad storm at sea can be very frightening, but the storms we experience in life can be even more terrifying than a storm at sea.  Just as Jesus calmed the storm on the water, He can calm the storms that threaten us in our daily life.

   Life is a journey and there will be storms along the way, but Jesus will bring quiet and peace to our lives as we journey with Him.  In our darkest hour, in our most difficult times, He is there to calm the seas and bring us peace.  When we feel we can go on no longer He will strengthen us and even carry us through the trials and tribulations.

   Our voyage through life will have its’ rough spots, times when we may even feel we can go no further.  That is when He will say to the storm in our life “Quiet!  Be still!”

   In a world stained by sin the journey will not be an easy one.  But when we place our trust in Him, we can be certain that we will safely reach the other side. 

Lord, You calm the storms of our life.

You bring peace in troubled times.

We need never fear when we walk with You.

You will bring us safely to the other side. 


Saturday, June 19, 2021

 Give Thanks to the Lord 

   “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, his mercy endures forever!  Let that be the prayer of the Lord’s redeemed, those redeemed from the hand of the foe.” (Psalm 107: 1 – 2) 

   How often do we give thanks to the Lord for all He has done?  I know I am not as thankful as I should be.  He has blessed me in so many and yet I sometimes take His gifts for granted.

   If the apostles had simply accepted His gifts and not shared His love and mercy with others there would be no church.  Yet today so many take the gifts of the Lord and seem to feel as though they are due those blessings.  We don’t take the time to tell others how the Lord has blessed us, and we don’t take the time each day to thank Him for them.

   We have become like the church in Laodicea, we have become lukewarm in our faith and in our thanksgiving to the Lord.  We need to fear Jesus’ admonition to those in Laodicea, “I know your works; I know that you are neither cold nor hot.  I wish you were either cold or hot.  So, because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.” (Rev 3: 15 – 17).

   Throughout scripture the relationship between God and His people is depicted as a matrimonial relationship.  If we applied the same enthusiasm and thanks to the love of our spouses, never thanking them, never returning their love, the divorce rate would be far higher than it already is.  In the same way, if we ignore our relationship with our loving God, we can destroy our relationship with Him.

   He blesses us in so many ways each and every day.  Why do we find it so difficult to take the time to say thanks? 

Thank You Lord.

For Your love and mercy.

For Your forgiveness of our sins.

Thank You Lord for all Your many blessings. 


Friday, June 18, 2021

The Silence of Saint Joseph 

   Not a single word of St. Joseph’s is recorded in scripture.  He is rarely even mentioned by name.  I fear that he is often the forgotten saint; the one everyone knows about, but that no one really knows.

   The Blessed Virgin Mary was chosen to be the mother of our Lord.  She deserves all the love, respect, and admiration she is due.  But I think we sometimes forget that Joseph was also chosen by God to father our savior in this life.  He was the one who would name Him, a father’s right in Jewish life at that time.  He was the one who would watch over, protect, and cherish both Mary and Jesus.

   He lived his life fulfilling the role that God had given Him.  He loved, cared for, and guarded Mary and Jesus.  At the word of an angel, he took them into exile in Egypt to protect them from Herod, only returning when the angel told him it was safe.  Even then they settled far from their former home in fear of Herod’s successor.

   He was the one responsible for educating Jesus, teaching Him the law and a trade.  There is nothing to indicate that he ever mentioned to anyone who Jesus truly was, he simply raised Him as his son.  He knew that the secrecy was part of his role and carried it out faithfully.  So well, in fact, that even Jesus’ friends and neighbors did not know who He truly was.  When Jesus returned home and spoke in the synagogue they were amazed saying, “Is he not the carpenter’s son?” (Matt 13:55).

   We don’t know when Joseph died, but we can be confident that he died in the loving arms of our Blessed Mother and our Savior.  We can also be assured that his reward is heaven is great.  He had lovingly and faithfully fulfilled his mission.

   He lived a life of silence, of near invisibility, yet he raised our Savior from infancy to manhood.  Not a word of his is recorded but his silence and his actions speak volumes about his love, his faith, and his trust in God. 

Joseph was chosen as Your earthly Father.

You entrusted Yourself to his loving care.

Help us to love You as Joseph did.

To trust in You completely. 


Thursday, June 17, 2021

Teach Us to Fly


We sit and watch as the world goes by,

We accept the loss of another day.

We turn to God and ask him “Why?”

But we’re the ones who choose to live this way.


We could reach the stars if we’d only try.

But we don’t take the opportunity.

We don’t listen to Him or seek His plan.

He has one, you know, for you and me.


Perhaps some day we’ll learn His way,

And listen to His loving voice.

We’ll take His hand and walk with Him.

But we must make that choice.


God doesn’t push, He doesn’t shove,

He waits for us to open the door.

He offers us eternal love.

A love that lasts forever more.


So let us rise and watch no more

As our lives simply slip away.

Let’s take the love He offers us,

And let Him teach us how to fly.



Wednesday, June 16, 2021


   Have you ever felt alone even though you were in a crowd of people?  Is loneliness a reality or a state of mind?

   I have lived alone for over two years since the passing of my wife.  At first I wondered how I could carry on alone, without her.  I used to pray that God would take me too so that we could be reunited but I finally realized that such prayers were offensive; God gave me this life, He gave me many wonderful years with my wife.  To ask Him to take it seemed to me to be an insult.

   With support from family and friends the pain began to ebb.  I know now that it will never be completely gone, it is a part of my life, but it no longer overwhelms me as it did.  I give a lot of credit to my pastor who counseled me extensively and brought me great peace in so many ways.  I asked him once how I was to know what God wanted of me now.  He replied, “Perhaps for now all He wants is for you to endure.”  I’ve gone back to those words so many times and have drawn great comfort from them.

   I still live alone but I’ve grown to accept it; it no longer weighs upon me.  In fact, I have found that I am never truly alone, God is with me always.  I’ve come to believe that perhaps this is what God wants of me now; to live my life for Him and with Him in this world while I wait to join Him in the next.

   There are still times when the sorrow and pain engulf me and I suppose those times will continue, but my Lord is always with me.  He helps me, He strengthens me and gives me peace.  With His love I can endure. 

You sometimes give us great challenges.

Mountains that we must climb.

But I know that You are always with me.

With You I can climb those mountains. 


Tuesday, June 15, 2021

 New Beginnings 

   Our God is a kind and merciful God.  He gives us the opportunity to begin anew.  Even those whose life has been one of sin for many years can start over with the Lord.  He welcomes all who sincerely wish to come to Him.

   Each night I go to bed and to sleep.  In one sense I have died to the world.  I am no longer conscious of the world around me but lost in sleep.  When I awake in the morning it is a new day, a new opportunity to live this day better than the last; to serve God more completely and more faithfully.  It is a new beginning.

   But it isn’t only in the morning that God offers new beginnings.  Each time I go to Mass it is an opportunity to come to know my God more fully.  Each time I receive the the Eucharist I receive the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Christ, helping me to become alive to Him and dead to this sinful world.

   Confession is also a new beginning.  No matter the sins I may have committed, my Heavenly Father is waiting there to forgive me, once again showing me His mercy.  He removes my sins and offers His strength to amend my life and start anew with Him.

   Even in the simplest of prayer throughout the day He offers another chance.  I recognize my failing and turn to God, and He forgives.  In Him there is no condemnation, only love and mercy.

   Each new beginning is a blessing from God.  He desires all to be saved and spend eternity with Him in the paradise He has prepared from the beginning of time.  He will let us begin anew if we will only ask.

Your mercy is limitless.

Though I sin, You forgive.

Help me to begin anew.

To serve You in all I do. 


Monday, June 14, 2021

One Lord, One Way 

   “I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14: 6) 

   If Christ is not in my heart, I cannot come to know God.  If I don’t follow Jesus, I will never come to the Father.

   Going to church will not get me to heaven.  Sacrifice can’t cleanse me of my sins.  Alms will not buy my place in eternity.  While all of these are things are necessary, if they are not done with the love of Christ in my heart, they will not bring me to eternal life with the Father.

   I must begin every day trying to live as Jesus would have me live; in love, in mercy, and in caring for all.  Even though I will sometimes fail in my efforts I must make those efforts.  I must do the very best I can to follow His will in all things.

   When I fail, and I know that I will, I will come to Christ seeking forgiveness and mercy.  He will forgive if I am truly sorrowful; He will have mercy upon me if I am sincere in my desire to repent, to amend my life.  “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him.” (John 3: 17).

   Jesus is the only way.  No other path to God exists.  There is no hope of heaven except in my Lord, Jesus Christ.


You are the way Lord Jesus.

In You is the path to heaven.

Keep me on the right path I pray.

Lead me to my Father in Heaven.



Sunday, June 13, 2021

 Exiles in the World 

   “Beloved, I urge you as aliens and exiles to abstain from the desires of the flesh that wage war against the world.” (1 Peter 2: 11) 

   We are exiles in a sinful world, tempted by Satan to love the desires of this world.  Even in the Church there are those who fall prey to Satan’s ways, wishing to conform the Church to the world rather than to God.

   We are a minority in this world.  While other serve themselves and their own desires we talk of the love of God and serving Him.  We strive to avoid the fleshly pleasures of this world, seeking eternal happiness in the next.  We draw our strength from God and our friends in Christ rather than from bank accounts and self-importance.

   We don’t wish to be shunned or ostracized for our faith.  Yet Jesus suffered these things.  Those He came to save rejected and abandoned Him.  Those who should have recognized Him demanded His crucifixion rather than risk their position in the Jewish community.

   Some in the Church seem to want to become more tolerant toward of the world at large, even to the point of accepting practices that are abhorrent to scripture and a Christian way of life.  Tolerance of others may be a good thing, but acceptance, and even approval, of sinful behavior is a disgrace.  For church leaders to reject the teachings of Christ to satisfy societal whims not only risks their own condemnation but mislead and harm those who look to them for guidance.  Maybe they are more concerned with the people’s donations than with their souls.

   One day we will no longer be exiles.  We will leave this world behind and journey to the paradise God has prepared for those who believe.  Until then we must live in a way that lets us say, “I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4: 7). 

We live in a sinful world.

Strengthen us to reject it.

Fill us with the Holy Spirit

That we may serve only You. 


Saturday, June 12, 2021

 The Mission 

   Daniel was a young man full of faith.  He loved the Lord and lived each day trying to serve Him in every way possible.  God took note of Daniel and was pleased.

   One night the angel Gabriel came to Daniel in a dream saying, “The Lord God has sent me to you.  In this town there are two brothers, now quite elderly.  In their youth an event occurred which drove a wedge between them.  They have not seen or spoken to each other for many years.  God asks that you go to the brothers, tell them of God’s love for them and that He asks that they reconcile with each other.”

   Daniel accepted God’s mission, going the very next day to each of the brothers.  He did as Gabriel had instructed, telling them of God’s love for them and urging them to reconcile their differences and become family once more.

   Each brother rejected Daniel’s pleas, claiming that the fault lied with their brother.  Each demanded an apology from the other and refused to even consider reconciliation until the apology was offered.

   Over the next weeks and months Daniel returned to the brothers many times pleading with them to forgive each other and reconcile before it was too late.  Each time he was rebuked and sent away.

   Finally, he saw that one of the brothers had died and shortly afterwards the second followed.  In his sadness Daniel went to the Lord in prayer, sorrowful that he had failed in his mission.

   Again, Gabriel came to Daniel in a dream.  “Do not sorrow Daniel, you did not fail in your mission.  You did what was asked of you and went beyond the asking by your many efforts to bring the brothers together.  The decision was theirs to make and they refused.  Your efforts have pleased the Lord greatly.”


   As Christians we are to reach out to others, sharing the good news of the gospel.  But, as this little story illustrates, the final decision is not ours to make.  Each must decide for themselves to accept or refuse God. 

Let me share Your love with others.

Telling them of Your great mercy.

May they accept Your great love.

Bringing You into their heart. 


Friday, June 11, 2021

The Little Things 

   “God looked at everything he had made, and found it very good.  (Gen 1: 31) 

   I write often of the majesty of God’s creation; the universe, this incredible home called earth and all the beauty and mystery it contains.  But sometimes I find great peace and comfort in the little things of God’s creation.  The simple everyday miracles that are so often overlooked.  In those too there is the enduring glory of God.

   In the early mornings I usually go for a walk around my neighborhood.  Then I sometimes sit in my sunroom reading and praying before beginning my day.  I hear the birds waking up and sometimes see the squirrels out playing or searching for their breakfast.  It’s usually quite early so there is little noise other than that of nature.

   Since retiring I’ve become much more aware of the many little blessings God provides each day.  The sunrise and sunset; the wildlife so prevalent here in Florida.  A few moments ago I noticed two small Ibis’ coming through the yard stopping at every plant to see if there were any insects or bugs available for an afternoon snack.  I suppose I never had the time to appreciate these little joys in my work-a-day life; I was missing so much of God’s creation.

   Sitting in the quiet times of the day, simply enjoying the world God created for us is, in many ways, prayer.  It is a time of knowing Him and giving Him thanks for all He provides.  Even in the simple, natural occurrences of day to day life His glory is everywhere I look. 

Lord Your miracles are many.

Nature abounds with Your glory.

They speak of Your love and majesty.

I recognize You in all that You have created. 


Thursday, June 10, 2021

 One Day at a Time 

   “Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself.  Sufficient for a day is its own evil.” (Mat 6: 34) 

   I’ve come to understand that if I want to live better and more in the will of my Lord I must not allow tomorrow to interfere with this day.  Each day is unique unto itself, what occurs today is for today and tomorrow may never come.

   It’s a struggle for me to resist thinking of what tomorrow will bring.  Even the simple things like what I will eat tomorrow.  I consider whether to eat at home or go out for a meal, which really doesn’t matter.  I have plenty of food in the house and there are stores and restaurants available to me, so I’m not going to go hungry.  It is waste of time to worry about it.

   Even deciding whether I will go to morning or noon Mass sometimes weighs on my mind.  Unless I’m scheduled to read or serve at Mass it really isn't an issue.  So why take time from today to worry about it?

   Satan uses so many “little” things to draw me away from what should be the important things.  If I’m concerned with trivial matters, it steals time from God.  My life is much more satisfying when I let tomorrow wait until it comes.  I find it much better to simply deal with the needs of today rather than stressing about tomorrow or next week.

   God has given me this day.  It’s my responsibility to thank Him for the blessings of the day and to strive to serve Him as best I can.  Tomorrow may or may not come.  If it does, I will again thank Him for the day and try my best to live it as He would desire. 

Let me live but for today,

Not worrying what’s ahead.

For I have trust that You will see

I get my daily bread. 


Wednesday, June 9, 2021

 Mercy is from the Lord 

   “Neither do I condemn you.  Go, and from now on sin no more.” (John 8: 11) 

   She had been caught in the very act of adultery and by law was to be stoned to death.  The Scribes and Pharisees brought her to Jesus not so much because of her sin but to test Jesus, trying to catch Him violating the law of Moses so they could condemn Him.  (see John 8: 3 – 11).

   Jesus bent down and began writing on the ground.  We aren’t told what He wrote but some think that He was perhaps writing the sins of those who wished to stone the woman.  Finally, He stood and said, “Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8: 7).  One by one the accusers turned and went away, leaving only the woman and Jesus.  Then came those beautiful words, “Neither do I condemn You.”

   There are many Scribes and Pharisees among us today, those who are filled with sin but wish to condemn others.  There are also those who reject God but take delight in catching a Christian in what they consider a sin so they can condemn all Christians as hypocrites.

   We are all sinners, Christian or not.  However, we must look to the example of the woman caught in adultery.  She too was a sinner, but Jesus did not condemn her, He had mercy upon her, urging her to sin no more.

   I am comforted by Jesus’ love of me, His mercy and forgiveness.  He would be completely justified in condemning me for my sins.  Yet, He chooses to forgive and offer mercy, urging me to sin no more.

   I know that I am unable to avoid sin entirely.  But I pray that He is pleased by the fact that I do not want to sin; that I pray for His help to avoid sin.  Though He knows I will fail, He still loves me and says to me, “Neither do I condemn you.” 

I am a sinful man.

My failures are many, but You love me still.

You forgive rather than condemn.

Lord, help me to sin no more. 


Tuesday, June 8, 2021

 Ruled By Desire 

   “No one can serve two masters.  He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other.  You cannot serve God and mammon.” (Matt 6: 24) 

   The word “mammon” is usually understood as money, but I suspect it can just as easily refer to any desire that pulls me away from God. 

   There are desires are within me, some good, some bad.  The battle becomes choosing which I will chase in this lifetime.  Left to human nature I fear I would choose the wrong yearnings, the ones that lead from God rather than toward Him.

   If the desire for money is my greatest desire, then I will likely strive to attain it regardless the consequences.  If it interferes with my family life, I will accept that as the price for increasing my bank account.  If it means working on Sundays rather than going to Mass, that too is acceptable.  I may never grasp that no matter how much money I have I will take none of it with me when I die.  I may jeopardize family, friends and even God for transitory happiness.

   Of course, money is only one of the desires that can take me away from the Lord.  Desiring anything more than I desire God may destroy my relationship with Him.  Satan delights in tempting me with earthly desires.  It doesn’t matter if they are trivial or purely evil, so long as they take me away from the Lord.

   “Take my yoke upon on you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourself.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.” (Matt 11: 29 – 30).  If I turn to Jesus, He will help me rule my desires rather than allowing them to rule me.  He will give me the understanding that the only desire worthy of pursuing is a greater relationship with Him. 

Lord, human desires are many.

They can lead me away from You.

Live within me, help me control my desires.

That I may desire only You and Your will. 


Monday, June 7, 2021

 The Holy Family 

   I often consider what society, and specifically family life would be if our families were more like the Holy Family.  Imagine the love and respect Joseph, Mary, and Jesus showed for each other.  What a beautiful example for all families to emulate.

   The Savior of the world chose to come among us, not as a king or ruler but as an infant.  He placed His very life in the hands of Mary and Joseph.  He honored them as His parents, living in obedience to them.  He grew into manhood in their loving care.

   “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” (Luke 1: 38).  A perfect example of love, trust, and faith, Mary nursed and cared for our Lord, watching Him grow, tending to the childhood bumps and bruises all children experience.  How her heart must have broken as He was rejected and betrayed by those He came to save.  What pain she must have felt watching Him as He carried the cross through Jerusalem; the agony she knew as they nailed Him to the cross.  Her heart  pierced by the sword as the beaten, dead body of her son was removed from the cross and placed in her loving arms.  Yet she never doubted, never wavered in her faith and trust.

   Joseph, the loving father who accepted his role in the raising of our Lord; watching over Him, protecting Him, and teaching Him as He grew.  He trusted when the angel told him that Mary’s pregnancy was of God; he took his family into exile in Egypt to protect them from Herod.  He nurtured, loved, and taught Jesus as He grew and matured.   Not a word of Joseph’s is recorded in scripture, but his actions speak volumes of his faith and love.

   The Holy Family teaches us respect and caring for one other.  Trusting in each other and unselfishly giving to one another.  Above all, living in love for one another, always placing the good of the other ahead of our own. 

Lord, help families to look to You.

To live as You, and Mary, and Joseph lived.

Help them become what families are intended to be.

A sanctuary of love and respect for each other. 


Sunday, June 6, 2021

 This Is My Body, This Is My Blood 

   “Whoever eats my body and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day.” (John 6: 54) 

   Today is the Feast of Corpus Christi, the Body and Blood of Christ.  It is a celebration and recognition of the true presence of the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of our Lord, Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.

   I have often commented that I am not Catholic because of the priests, bishops, or even the Pope.  The Church is a divine institution, but it is populated by sinful humans.  If I were I to place my faith and hopes in humans, I would be sadly disappointed.  Rather, I am Catholic because of the Blessed Sacrament.

   “While they were eating, Jesus took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and giving it to his disciples, said, ‘Take and eat; this is my body.’” (Matt 26: 26).  He did not say it was a symbol or that it represented His body but that it “is” my body.

   “Then he took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, ‘Drink from it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant, which will be shed on the behalf of many for the forgiveness of sins.’” (Matt 26: 27 – 28).  Again, there is no mention of symbols or such.

   Can I explain how a simple piece of unleavened bread and a cup of wine becomes the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of my Lord?  No, I cannot.  I also can’t explain how He raised Lazarus from the dead, or healed the sick, cleansed the lepers, or gave the blind and the deaf their sight and hearing.  However, these miracles and others happened, they are real.  They are beyond explanation, but that doesn’t change the fact that they truly happened. 

You are present in  the Blessed Sacrament.

I take joy in sharing Your body and blood.

Fill me with Your spirit.

Fill me with Your blessed presence. 


Saturday, June 5, 2021

The Church Needs Heroes 

   “In her voyage across the ocean of this world, the Church is like a great ship being pounded by the waves of life’s different stresses.  Our duty is not to abandon ship but to keep her on her course.” (from a letter by St. Boniface, bishop and martyr) 

   While in the Navy the ship I was on was attacked with air-to-surface missiles.  The struggle to save the ship from sinking took many hours and required the heroics of many men.  In times of trouble there is always the need for heroes; the Church is no different.

   During the Arianism heresy St. Athanasius stood tall for the true teaching of the Church.  Condemned and exiled for his efforts he remained true to the task.  His determination and strength won the battle.

   There have been many other heroes over the years.  Those who faced persecution and martyrdom for their faith.  When the Church is in turmoil men and women willing to step forward to fight for her are needed.  They are the heroes who defend the Church in times of heresy and apostasy.

   We are again in need of a hero.  The Church seems confused, the laity has become complacent in many ways.  Some promote heresies that go against the teachings of Christ.  Other seem to think the Church must bend to societal wants and desires.  Another Athanasius is desperately needed.

   The Church will not be defeated, she will remain until Christ returns in glory.  He promised that the gates of hell shall not prevail against her (see Matt 16: 18), and He told His apostles, “And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age. (Matt 28: 20).

   Jesus’ Church will remain regardless the pounding she may take in a world more concerned with self than with God.  But it would certainly be helpful for more heroes to step forward to defend her. 

God’s Church will remain.

Satan will not overcome.

Give us leaders who lead.

Give us heroes of the faith. 


Friday, June 4, 2021

 I Asked the Lord 


I asked why and heard nothing.

I asked when and got no reply.

I asked how and received no answer.

I asked for help and was alone.


At times I have wondered where You are when I need You most.

Those are the times when I seem most alone.


Why do You not come to me and comfort me in my pain?

Why do You not come to me and grant me wisdom in my confusion?

How am I to follow You when I don’t know where You are?

You said You are with me always but I can’t seem to find You.


Have You forsaken me?

Have I sinned so greatly that You no longer find me worthy?


Then that I realized I have been seeking the wrong answers.

The Lord will provide the answers if I choose His way.


When I ask why, I must say may, Your will be done.

When I ask when, I must say, in Your due time.

When I ask how, I must believe in You all things are possible.

When I ask for help, I must trust that Your help is all I need.


When I wondered where You were, You were beside me always.

When I felt most alone it was I who had turned away.


Lord help me to know You are always there even when I am lost.

