Monday, June 7, 2021

 The Holy Family 

   I often consider what society, and specifically family life would be if our families were more like the Holy Family.  Imagine the love and respect Joseph, Mary, and Jesus showed for each other.  What a beautiful example for all families to emulate.

   The Savior of the world chose to come among us, not as a king or ruler but as an infant.  He placed His very life in the hands of Mary and Joseph.  He honored them as His parents, living in obedience to them.  He grew into manhood in their loving care.

   “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” (Luke 1: 38).  A perfect example of love, trust, and faith, Mary nursed and cared for our Lord, watching Him grow, tending to the childhood bumps and bruises all children experience.  How her heart must have broken as He was rejected and betrayed by those He came to save.  What pain she must have felt watching Him as He carried the cross through Jerusalem; the agony she knew as they nailed Him to the cross.  Her heart  pierced by the sword as the beaten, dead body of her son was removed from the cross and placed in her loving arms.  Yet she never doubted, never wavered in her faith and trust.

   Joseph, the loving father who accepted his role in the raising of our Lord; watching over Him, protecting Him, and teaching Him as He grew.  He trusted when the angel told him that Mary’s pregnancy was of God; he took his family into exile in Egypt to protect them from Herod.  He nurtured, loved, and taught Jesus as He grew and matured.   Not a word of Joseph’s is recorded in scripture, but his actions speak volumes of his faith and love.

   The Holy Family teaches us respect and caring for one other.  Trusting in each other and unselfishly giving to one another.  Above all, living in love for one another, always placing the good of the other ahead of our own. 

Lord, help families to look to You.

To live as You, and Mary, and Joseph lived.

Help them become what families are intended to be.

A sanctuary of love and respect for each other. 


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