Monday, February 28, 2022

Guide Me in Your Ways 

   “God, examine me and know my heart, probe me and know my thoughts; make sure I do not follow pernicious ways, and guide me in the way that is everlasting.” (Psalm 139: 23 – 24, Jerusalem Bible) 

   I often refer to various translations of the bible.  When I’m confused or uncertain of the meaning of a particular passage other translations often help to better hear what God is saying to me.  These verses from Psalm 139 are a case in point.  The translation of the Jerusalem Bible speaks to the depths of my heart more so than any other I have read.  It seems more personal and direct.

I love Psalm 139 and re-read it frequently.  Each time it reminds me that I am God’s, He created me.  He knows all there is to know about me and has a plan to bring me to Himself.  St. Augustine wrote, “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.”  When I read this psalm it’s very clear to me why I can never be at rest except in the Lord.

“God, how hard it is to grasp your thoughts!  How impossible to count them!  I could no more count them than I could the sand, and suppose I could, you would still be with me.”  (Psalm 139: 17 – 18, Jerusalem Bible).  It isn’t possible for me to understand the thoughts of God.  I can’t knew all He plans for me.  But I take great comfort is seeking His thoughts and plans, for in them is eternal life.


Father, You made me, You know me.  You have plans to bring me to Yourself.  Let me know the path to walk; the way You put before me.  Amen 

Sunday, February 27, 2022

 More Thoughts of Heaven 

   Perhaps it’s because I’m getting older.  Maybe because my wife is there, and I want to be with her.  Or it could simply be the natural curiosity and hope of one who strives to live a Christian life.  Whatever the reason, my thoughts turn to heaven quite often these days.

   St. Paul wrote, “What eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, and what has not entered into the human heart, what God has prepared for those who love him.” (1 Cor 2: 9).  Heaven is an unknown in so many ways, but it is the goal of every Christian.  That sometimes strikes me as strange that we all long for something we don’t understand.  The mere thought of heaven brings great joy and yet we truly have no idea what it will be like.

   I sometimes think we are so clueless about the reality of heaven so that we will more often sit quietly, thinking what it may be like.  I know some of my most pleasant times are those spent simply wondering and considering the beauty and perfection that lies ahead.

   I have also considered that the lack of knowledge urges me to a greater trust in God and His promises.  If I knew all there was to know about the next life, would I still need such faith in the wonders of heaven?  As it is I can ponder all the many joys of heaven, thanking God for what may be awaiting me.

   The one thing I’m completely certain of is that heaven is where I want to be.  I suppose the details really don’t matter; the joy, the happiness, the incredible love will be more than I could ever expect and certainly more than I could ever deserve.  Our God is a loving, generous God and I look forward do knowing what He has prepared for those who love Him, whatever it may be.


Lord, I don’t what heaven will be.  I sometimes feel like a child, full of excitement at beginning a new adventure.  Let me always keep that childlike anticipation and hope of heaven.  Amen

Saturday, February 26, 2022

 A Wonderful World 

“I see skies of blue and clouds of white.

The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night.

And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.”

(“What a Wonderful World”, lyrics by George Weiss & Robert Thiele) 

   Sometimes I need to take a break from all the idiocy I find in the world today.  I need to shut it all out and try to focus of the many good things and the blessings that God bestows on us each day.

   There is certainly no shortage of things to be worried or concerned in a world that appears to have lost all sense of morality and common sense.  We are again seeing war in the world as Russia invades the Ukraine and we wonder if it will spread to other areas of the world.  There are some in the Church proclaiming heresy and openly rejected the teachings of Christ, looking instead to placate the desires of a perverse society.  Sometimes I desperately need a breath of fresh air.

   My solution might seem simplistic and maybe even a bit foolish, but it helps me maintain serenity in my life.  I look around and I see the beauty of God’s creation, the blue skies, the birds singing in the trees, and I give thanks.  I recognize the many blessings He has given me in this lifetime, and I give thanks.  I have a family and friends that I love and share much happiness with, and I give thanks.  I remember that Jesus has overcome the world, and I give thanks.

   The world seems better when I focus on the beauty that is to found and trust that the Lord has all in hand.  I can do little to change the world and prayer is the best answer.  When I do these things my heart is at peace and the concerns of the world seem less important.  I can, like Louis Armstrong, say, “And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.”


   Satan would have us believe we are lost; the world is overwhelmed with evil.  But the world is Yours and Satan is a liar.  Help me Lord, to focus on what is right, giving thanks and trusting You in all things.  Amen

Friday, February 25, 2022

 Reading Scripture for Life 

   “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want;” (Psalm 23: 1) 

   Like most church-goers I’ve said and sung this psalm many times in my life.  Also, like most church-goers, I’ve often repeated the words without considering their meaning.

   To better know God and what He wants for me I’ve had to change the way I read scripture.  For years I read it just because it was the right thing do to.  But I was just reading it, not praying it.  I was putting a checkmark next to each book as I finished it and moving on to the next.  I was not asking, “What is God trying to tell me?”.

   When I say the Lord is my shepherd it brings to mind the many times that Jesus was compared with the shepherds of His day.  “I am the good shepherd.  A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”  (John 10: 11).  When I read these words, I can’t help but see Him on the cross, dying for me, offering redemption.  His words, “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.” (Luke 23: 24) strike to the core of my heart, reminding me of how He suffered on my behalf.

   “I am the good shepherd, I know my own and my own know me.” (John: 10:14).  A good shepherd's sheep will follow wherever he may lead, even over rough and rocky paths.  They trust that he is leading them to good grazing.  Jesus, the good shepherd, may lead me through rocky times as well, but He will never forsake me and will always lead me to good pasture.

   Reading scripture in a prayerful manner, I often find new meaning in a passage that I’ve read many times before.  The same scripture that brings solace in times of trouble may speak of the sheer joy of life and loving God at other times.  Reading scripture prayerfully and thoughtfully is a way to listen more closely to what God wishes to say to me.  With an open heart I hear Him.


Lord, grant me the grace to better understand Your word.  Give me the strength and perseverance to act on that word.  Amen

Thursday, February 24, 2022


   In some ways we never grow up.  As children anytime we were told no, or something didn’t go our way, the immediate response was “Why?"  We may have grown older, and we may have gotten wiser but somehow that childish response never leaves us.  We always want to know why.

   In my life I have experienced some hardships and heartaches, for which I, of course, asked why.  But looking back now, I can usually see the why or at least realize that there was no need to know why.  Some things are as they are and there really is no answer to “Why”?

   I’ve also experienced many tremendous blessing.  But I notice that I rarely demand a reason for them.  I simply accept them and move on as if they are my due.  Sadly, I don't always take the time to thank God for the blessings, though I'm likely question the difficulties in life.

   We are rarely as quick to accept the bad and move on.  We want a reason; we think we have been mistreated in some way.  We ask how a loving God could allow this to have happened?  We willingly accept His blessings, but we balk when He challenges our faith in some way.  As Job reminds us, “We accept good things from God, we must accept trouble as well.” (Job 2: 10).

   Even in the worst of times, we must trust in the Lord.  His love for us is eternal and His mercy is endless.  In the times when we don’t understand we must remember the words of God to the prophet Isaiah, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, or are your ways my ways, says the Lord.” (Isaiah 55: 8).


We always want to know why, but sometimes there is no answer, it simply is.  Help us to always trust in You.  Help us to remember that, even in difficulty, You want only what is good even though we may not understand.  Amen

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

 The Fog of Life 

   When I went for my walk early this morning it was quite foggy.  I’ve found that I somewhat enjoy walking in the fog.  It reminds me of my life which is often shrouded in fog, waiting for the clearing voice of the Lord.  I am reminded of St. Paul’s words to the Corinthians, “For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face.  Now I know only in part; but then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known.” (1 Cor 13: 12).

   As I walked I realized that what was ahead was a bit unknown.  The streetlamps lit the way, but even they had an eerie aura about them.  I’m very familiar with route I walk but in the fog even being confident of exactly where I was seemed difficult.

   Life is like that as well.  I know the destination I seek, eternal life with the Father.  His words and His truth light the way, but the path is sometimes uncertain.  I used to be concerned with the unknowing of what was ahead, but I know that He is with me and will see me through whatever lies in store.

   I have also noticed that the songs of the birds seem more distinct and closer on a foggy morning.  Perhaps because my vision is reduced, my hearing is more acute.  Whatever the reason it’s quite obvious.  This too is a lesson in walking the path of God.  Even when I’m not certain of the future and what it holds, the words of God are clear and unmistakable.  “Trust in the Lord forever!  For the Lord is an eternal Rock.” (Isaiah 26: 4).

   The path to heaven isn’t always easy, there will be obstacles to overcome.  Though I do not always clearly see what is ahead in life, I trust in the Lord to lead me safely to my eternal home.


Life is uncertain.  I’m never sure what tomorrow will bring.  It could be joy and happiness, or it could be pain and sorrow.  Whatever lies ahead, I will always trust in You to lead me home.  Amen

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

 Praise and Thanksgiving to God


I was in the depths of despair; my spirit was broken.

There was no joy left in me; the happiness was gone.

It was if my heart had been ripped from my body.

My world seemed at an end, my life in tatters.


I could see no reason to continue.

I saw no way out of the abyss.

Pain and sorrow was all that remained.

I felt my life was over; I longed for it to end.


But You Lord, did not desert me.

You lifted me up from the depths.

By Your love and mercy, You saved me.

You restored my soul.


I was lost, but You put the path before me.

It was Your spirit that raised me up.

In You I have found peace and serenity.

It was You who again gave me purpose.


When I felt abandoned, You came to me.

You gave me new life, new promise, new hope.

Forever will I give You praise and thanksgiving.

For You have rescued me!

Monday, February 21, 2022

 Help Our Unbelief 

“All things can be done for the one who believes.’  Immediately the father of the child cried out, ‘I believe; help my unbelief!’”  (Mark 9: 23 -24). 

   Time and again Jesus asked those who were seeking cures or healings if they believed He could do what they asked. In His own hometown of Nazareth he found very little faith, “And they took offense at him.  But Jesus said to the them, ‘Prophets are not without honor except in their own country and in their own house.  And he did not do many deeds of power there, because of their unbelief.”  (Matt 13: 57 – 58).’

   I’ve prayed for many things and thought that they had gone unanswered.  However, I’ve found that there are times when they were answered, but not in the way I had hoped.  I’ve learned that “Yes” is not the only answer to my prayers.  The answer may be “No, this is not what is good for you.”  Or perhaps “Yes, but not now, you are not ready.”

   Looking back over my life, I’ve also seen that prayers I thought had gone unanswered were answered, but not as quickly as I would like.  My time is not God’s time, for Him a thousand years is like a day.  Many times my prayers had been answered even though I didn't recognize it at the time.  I am confident that all will be answered according to God's will.

   St. James tells us, “But ask in faith, never doubting.  For the one who doubts is like the wave of the sea, driven and tossed about by the wind.” James 1: 6).  We, like the father in Matthew's gospel, need to say, “I believe; help my unbelief!”


We ask so many things of You Lord.  But do we firmly believe that You will answer?  Help us to know that when we ask in faith, the answer is certain to come even though it might not be the answer we expected.  Amen

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Walk On Water 

“Oh what I would do to have

The kind of faith it takes

 To climb out of this boat I’m in

Onto the crashing waves.

  (“Voice of Truth” lyrics by Mark Hall and Steven Curtis Chapman)


Peter stepped out the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus.  But he became frightened of the wind and waves and began to sink (Matt 14: 25 – 31).  He took His eyes off Jesus and began to wonder and doubt.

How many times does Jesus ask us to step out of the boat and come to Him in difficult situations?  How many times do we doubt and fail to go to Him?  He assures us over and over of His faithfulness and asks from us our faith in Him.  When we question, when we doubt, when we don’t have faith, we can never fully answer His call.

Life is full of challenges, some easily overcome, some nearly impossible.  We must remember that nothing is impossible when we place our trust in Jesus.  The problem comes when we begin to question what He is asking, to fear our own inadequacies.  If we don’t have faith we will, like Peter, sink in our worldly concerns and worries.

The evil one tells us we can’t, we aren’t worthy, we don’t deserve the love of God.  He says we are sinners who don’t deserve redemption.  And sometimes we begin to believe him.  We forget the promises of Christ.  Or maybe we remember them but have doubts and questions.  Satan wins when we can’t or won’t place our total trust in Jesus.

I’ll close with another verse from the song by Casting Crowns.  Perhaps it will help give us the courage to answer Christ’s call:


“The voice of truth says, ‘Do not be afraid!’

The voice of truth says, ‘This is for My glory!’

Out of all the voices calling out to me

I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth.” 

Saturday, February 19, 2022

 Troubled Waters 

   We shall steer safely through every storm, so long as our heart is right, our intention fervent, our courage steadfast, and our trust fixed on God." (St. Francis de Sales) 

   I have been accused of being an optimist, at times unreasonably optimistic.  I must admit I tend to look for the positive rather than the negative in life.  Not because I don’t recognize the many problems that exist, but because I know that all is in God’s hands and regardless of what happens, things will, in the end, conform to His holy will.

   I can personally attest to the loss of spirituality and morality in our nation and in our culture during my lifetime.  It is obvious in the music we hear, the books we read, in the television and movies that we watch.  Things that used to be considered taboo, excessively vulgar language, graphic violence, and even explicit and/or deviant sex, are commonplace in all areas of our life.

   I remain optimistic in such times because I recognize that all this will pass just as it has come and gone before.  I know that all evil is of Satan and that our Lord, Jesus Christ overcame Satan and his evil two thousand years ago on a cross at Calvary.  By His death, resurrection, and ascension, He put the evil one on notice that his time was limited.  Perhaps the end is near and that is why evil has again become so prevalent.  Satan wants to steal as many souls as possible before Jesus comes again in glory.

   My optimism may seem unrealistic and even foolish, but it is based on the words of Christ, “These things I have spoken to you, that in me you may have peace.  In the world you shall have distress.  But have confidence, I have conquered the world.” (John 16: 33).  Amen, Lord!


Help me navigate the evils of this world.  Keep me on the right path, Lord.  Never let me forget that You have overcome evil, and the best is yet to come.  Amen

Friday, February 18, 2022

 A Clean Vessel 

   “I would feed you with the finest wheat and satisfy you with wild honey.” (Psalm 81: 16) 

   I would not store the finest wheat in a dirty vessel.  Nor would I collect honey in a filthy jar.  Neither will God fill me with His blessings if I am full of earthy desires and cravings.

   God wants only what is best for me and stands ready to fill me with His blessings.  He will offer me wisdom, faith, hope, and eternal joy.  But these gifts aren’t possible if I am filled with sin and earthly longings.  Only by emptying myself of earthy desires and urges can I receive the many blessing God has in store for me.

   There are many things in this world that can bring temporary joy, but eternal joy can only be found in God.  Fine foods, wine, money, and all else the world has to offer are only ploys of Satan to convince me that I can find happiness in them.  None of them will last, all things earthly are transitory and will fade away.

   I can have all the money, fame and fortune the world has to offer but at my death they will no longer be mine.  The money will belong to others and fame quickly fades.  Jesus said, “For what will it profit them to gain the whole world and forfeit their life?” (Mark 8: 26).

   If I am to receive the many blessings God wishes to give I must empty myself, sweep out the cobwebs and make a clean vessel of myself.


Lord, the world offers all that glitters, but it is not gold.  Only with You can I obtain the gold of eternal life.  May I forego earthly pleasures and desires, desiring only You and Your love.  Amen

Thursday, February 17, 2022

 Be Bold 

“You weren’t made to fit in.  You were born to stand out.” (Jim Caviezel) 

   In the 1500s a Catholic priest and former Augustinian friar lit the spark that became the protestant reformation.  When I read of a German Archbishop saying that the Church needs to change it’s definition of sin based on sociological reasons I cringe.  When our Pope responds to questions about those who commit sin by saying “Whom am I to judge”, I fear for the Church.

   Too many in the Church seem to be far too concerned with offending people.  They don’t speak out about sins and the punishment of hell because they don’t want to step on anyone’s toes.  By watering down the truth, these so-called shepherds of the Church are leading their flocks astray.  They will be called to answer when they stand before the Lord.

   The Church is under the protection of Christ and will never fall.  However, there have been times in the past when the remnant of the faithful have been small.  These times may come again, and it is up to us be that remnant should they come.  To do so, we must be bold in our faith.

   Jesus said “If the world hates you, remember that it hated me before you.” (John 15: 18).  We are not to be of the world even though we live in the world.  We are to be apart, not antisocial, but perhaps anti-societal.  We must resist the urge of culture to abandon the truths of God and stand boldly as defenders of the faith.  If we do not, we are not worthy of the title “Christian”.


Lord, make us bold in our faith.  Give us the courage to reject society and its’ sinfulness.  If we are persecuted let it be so.  Give us joy in our persecutions for You.  Amen

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

 To Be Saved 

   I have been asked at times if I am “saved”.  I believe those asking are doing so with love and genuine concern for my soul.  But I don’t think the question should be if I am saved, but if I am being saved.

   Christianity and salvation is not an event, it is a journey.  A profession of faith, confession, and baptism removes our sins, but we remain sinners for the rest of our life.   My soul remains at risk if I don’t do my best to live according to God’s word, striving to avoid sin and seeking forgiveness for those sins I commit through my human weaknesses.  So, in my mind, salvation is an on-going effort that will continue until death.

   Confessing of our sins and repenting of them is a two-fold act.  We must be sincerely sorrowful for our sins, seeking God’s mercy and forgiveness.  But we must also make a concerted effort to change our sinful ways, to do everything possible to avoid sin going forward.  Otherwise, it’s like a husband who tells His wife that he is sorry for his adulterous acts but then continues to commit adultery.  There was no effort to stop sinning, just a desire to appease his spouse.  We cannot placate God with false promises.

   Jesus said, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.” (Matt 7: 21).  My salvation depends not only on professing faith in Jesus Christ as my savior, but also living according to the will of my Father in Heaven.


Father, I sorrow for my sins.  I wish it were possible to never sin again.  Give me the strength to avoid sin and live according to Your will in all things.  Amen

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

 Living A Peaceful Life


   “Never be in a hurry, do everything quietly and in a calm spirit.  Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.” (St. Francis De Sales) 

   In my lifetime I’ve seen the pace of life increase tremendously.  Weekends that used to be for rest and worshipping God are now just two more days of the week.  Speed limits are ignored and stop lights sometimes seem like only a suggestion to some.  If I’m not driving at least five to ten miles over the limit I am holding up traffic.  If I come to a stop at a traffic light that has changed to yellow I’m apt to be rear-ended by the driver behind me who was speeding up to beat the red.  I often wonder where everyone is going is such a rush.

   By making a conscious effort to slow down my lifestyle I’ve greatly increased my inner peace.  I try to never get in a hurry, whether on the road and just around the house.  A more leisurely approach has brought great calm to my life.

   Most important of all is calming my spiritual life.  Faith and knowledge of the Lord can't be rushed.  They are gifts from God, increasing at the pace He determines.  When I slow down and simply allow His presence to overwhelm me I come to greater understanding of His will and the plans He has for me.

   A hurried life can bring stress, physical as well as psychological problems, and even accidents causing injury or death to self or others.  A fast-paced spiritual life limits the joy and peace that God wishes to bring to us.  Like the Simon and Garfunkel song says, “Slow down, you move to fast” (59th Street Bridge Song).


Lord, let me take the time to truly come to know You.  No hurry, no haste, simply sitting with You in peace and serenity.  Amen

Monday, February 14, 2022

 A Lifelong Search 

   Searching for God takes a lifetime.  Unfortunately, many of us, myself included, wait far too long to begin the search.  As I grow older I wish more and more that I had begun to seek Him much earlier.

   That’s not to say that I’ve not been a faithful, or “good” Catholic over the years, only  that I could have been a better one.  Marriage, children, and the normal day-to-day life that we all experience intrudes into our spiritual life whether we realize it or not.  Spiritual endeavors sometimes get pushed aside by the realities of life.

   As my wife and I were raising our four children, there were many worldly concerns that we could not disregard.  We were faithful Catholics and tried to raise our children as such, but the worldly needs of a family sometimes limited how much we could do for our spiritual life.  Could we have done better?  Perhaps, but I’m at peace that we did the best we could.

   Now that I’m alone, I find that my greatest joy comes from spending time with my Lord.  Whether it be in prayer, or reading scripture, or just being aware of His presence in my life, I find great peace in our relationship.  I am confident of His love for me, and I try to love Him as best as is humanly possible.  He is my best friend.

   The search continues, and I realize that I will never truly know Him in this lifetime.  Still, I feel that I grow closer to Him and know Him a bit better each day.  I have found that the more of myself I give to Him the more of Him I receive.


When can I truly know You Lord?  When can I enter Your temple?  Lead me always closer to You in all I do.  Let me belong to You alone.  Amen

Sunday, February 13, 2022


   “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” (John 3: 16) 

   What is belief?  In the case of Christ it means more than just believing that He existed, it also means believing what He taught and living accordingly.

   Many people say they believe in Jesus, but do they believe who and what He was?  Some claim He was a great teacher, others a prophet, and still others simply a good man.  If that is all one believes of our Lord they have missed the whole point of His incarnation, life, death, and resurrection.

   He was in fact a great teacher, a prophet, and certainly a good man.  But He was so much more.  He was and is the Son of God, the Messiah.  He is the only doorway through which we might enter heaven.  Without Jesus life is an exercise in frustration with no hope for the future.

   Believing in Him, honestly believing, means following His way.  He taught a new way of life, one of love and forgiveness.  He commanded a greater love of God and love and forgiveness for all mankind.

   The truths He taught are what will lead us to eternal life, but we must not only know His teachings but act on them.  Jesus said, “And everyone who listens to these words of mine but does not act on them will be like a fool who built his house on sand.” (Matt 7: 16).

   Belief in Christ is not simply an acknowledgement that He existed, it is a way of life.  Just knowing the words of Jesus isn’t enough, we must act on them if we are to save our soul.


Lord, give me the wisdom to know and understand Your words.  Give me the strength to do what they ask of me.  Give me the perseverance to remain on the path You set before me.  Amen

Saturday, February 12, 2022

 The Love of God 

   “Say to yourself over and over again regardless of what happens: ‘God loves me!’  And then add: ‘And I will try to love Him!’” (Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen) 

   If I can always keep in mind that God is pure love and that He loves me life will never get the better of me.  Though there is nothing I can do to make myself worthy of His love, His decision to love me makes me worthy.

   When I consider the depth of His love for me there is nothing in life that can discourage me.  Without His love, I would not exist, it is that love that causes me to be.  The deep-seated joy and peace that comes from His love will help me overcome any obstacle I may face.

   Loving Him in return is also a joyful experience even though I can never love as He does.  This, I think, is in part  what St. Augustine meant when He wrote, “Our heart is restless until it rests in you.”  To know and share the love of God brings great peace and rest.  Without it I don’t believe I can ever know the true meaning of peace.

   I am far from being a perfect man; I am no where near being as holy as God wishes me to be.  However, His love and my willingness to accept that love and act upon it is what can help me become holy.  In His love I can find the path to heaven.  Without it I’m lost in a sinful world.

   Never, never doubt God’s love.  Regardless of past sins or failures, He still loves and wants nothing more than to forgive.  His mercy is endless and is there for the asking.


You are love and You love me.  Though I am a sinful man You want me to come to You and know Your love.  I open my heart to You.  I want to know Your love and I want to love You with my whole being.  Amen

Friday, February 11, 2022

 Simple Blessings 

   Sometimes I fail to notice the simple blessings of each day.  They are always present, perhaps that's why they are so easily overlooked.  It’s good to take time to appreciate them and give thanks to God.  There is joy in all of God’s blessing, the simple as well as the amazing.

   As I ate breakfast this morning I watched squirrels running around the yard.  I’m not sure what they were doing, but it looked like they were just playing and having fun.  Whatever they were up to they gave me a smile and started my day off right.  Thank You Lord, for that simple blessing.

   There’s not a cloud in the sky and the weather is great.  I readily complain when it’s cold or when rain spoils plans, or makes them difficult, but I rarely take the time to thank God for the beauty of days like today.  Of course, each day is a blessing; we need the rain and the chilly weather just as we need the bright sunny days.  Thank You Lord, for this glorious day.

   I attended Mass at noon today and received my Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.  Many in the world don’t have that opportunity.  Some face persecutions and danger for attending Mass.  How blessed I am to live in a country where I can go to Mass every day if I choose.  Thank You Lord, for the grace and blessings of the Mass.

   I could go on, but I think I’ve made my point.  There are too many times when I ignore the simple blessings of life.  God blesses me each day and I need to thank Him for those blessings.


Father, in the many blessings You have given me, I sometimes overlook the simple.  Yet, they are with me each day.  Help me to recognize all Your blessings, whether great or small.  I give You thanks for each of them.  Amen

Thursday, February 10, 2022

 Place Your Trust in the Lord 

   “I place my trust forever and ever in the kindness of God.”  (Psalm 52: 10) 

   There is a great peace that comes with placing trust in God.  When we begin to understand that nothing is beyond Him and His power the trials and problems of this life seem less threatening.

   The level of peace and calm in my life is directly related to the level of trust I place in God.  If I begin to fret about something, thinking that I have all the answers, I get anxious and begin worrying.  There are so many things that are beyond my control; it makes no sense to be bothered about them, letting them take away my peace.

   However, when I trust in the Lord in all things, there is nothing that can disturb the serenity I have with Him.  When the strife and troubles of this world strike I remember that He is God, I am not.  When I turn my problems over to His plan, understanding that He always desires what is good for me, I can rest and be at peace even in the most difficult times.

   “Be still and know that I am God!  I am exalted among the nations, exalted on the earth.” (Psalm 46: 11).  I place all my trust in the Lord.  In Him there is rest; in Him there is peace.


Father, You are Lord of all.  Nothing is beyond Your knowledge; nothing is beyond your power.  I place all my trust in You.  Let me know the peace and serenity of Your presence.  Amen

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

 The Prodigal Son 

   “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion.  He ran to him, threw his arms around him, and kissed him.” (Luke 15: 20) 

   I have a print of Rembrandt’s “The Return of the Prodigal Son” in my home.  I find myself noticing it from time to time, and again contemplating the magnificent story behind the painting.

   I can see myself in the prodigal son.  I’ve done some foolish things in my life and regret them greatly.  Like the son I’ve taken the gifts of the Father and squandered them on selfish ventures, never taking the time to even thank Him for all He’s done for me.  Also like the prodigal I finally came to my senses and came home to Him.

   I also see myself in the older brother of the parable.  The “holier-than-thou” attitude so obvious in his anger toward his returning brother.  I sometimes see the sins of others while ignoring my own.  I tell myself that I would never do the things they’ve done, choosing to forget that I may have done even worse at times.

   Most of all I see my heavenly Father in the depiction of the father in the parable.  He knows my sins far better than I and yet waits for my return to Him.  When I come to Him confessing my sins, He takes me in His loving arms and forgives.  He dresses me in holiness and calls me His own.

   The wrongs of the prodigal and his repentance, the disdain of the older brother, and the undying love and forgiveness of the father are each worthy of contemplation.  While I experience a bit of the prodigal son and the older brother in my life, I also experience great joy and peace in the Father’s love and mercy for me, a sinner.


Father, I fail You far too often.  I think of myself rather than You.  I return to You seeking your mercy.  In Your compassion You fill me with the joy of Your great love and forgiveness.  Amen 

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

 The Temple of God 

   “Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have received from God, and that you are not your own?  You have been purchased at a price.  Therefore, glorify God in your body.” (1 Cor 6: 19 – 20) 

   It never ceases to amaze me that God desires to live within me.  Who am I, a mortal man and a sinner, that He would want to come to me?  And yet He does.

   As I read of the various temples of the bible beginning with the building of the tabernacle outlined in Exodus, chapter 26, to the magnificent Jerusalem temple built by Solomon documented in 1 Kings, I can’t help but be aware of the care taken in the construction of the dwelling places of God.  They are marvels of the crafts of those who built them.

   I read of Jesus clearing the temple of merchants and money changers in John, chapter 2; of His insistence that the house of God is not to be a marketplace.  His zeal for the proper treatment of the temple was obvious.

   If, as St. Paul says, my body is also a temple wherein the Holy Spirit dwells then I should also be zealous about maintaining His dwelling place.  I must clear the temple of the clutter of worldly concerns and throw out the filth of sinful thoughts.  I must stand guard against Satan as he tries to sully this temple, trusting the strength of God to help me.

   Though I am not worthy to be a dwelling place of God, He has chosen to make me so.  I must maintain the temple of my body as best I can so to honor Him and the incredible grace He has bestowed upon me. 


Father, You desire to dwell within me, though I am not worthy.  I pray for the strength to cleanse the temple of my body.  Make me holy I pray so that I may be a proper dwelling place for You.  Amen

Monday, February 7, 2022


   I have chosen a path, but if I am will not commit myself to that path it does me no good.  I must not choose those things that please me and ignore the harder teachings of the path I’ve chosen.  Jesus’ words are not to be looked at as choices but as commandments from God.

   If I am not willing to commitment myself to the greater good of God’s plan for me I am wasting my time.  If I am not willing to take the bad with the good and give Him thanks for both, I don’t understand His love for me.  If I will not sincerely commit myself to His will I cannot expect eternal life in heaven.

   Jesus said, “Enter through the narrow gate, for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction, and those who enter through it are many.  But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and those who find it are few in number.” (Matt 7: 13 – 14).  The gate to destruction has become even wider in the world today, while those who are willing to seek the narrow gate grow fewer.  Most choose the easiest path rather than the right one.

   Commitment can be hard, it requires perseverance, strength, and most of all, trust in the Lord.  If I do not do all that is possible to uphold the commitment I’ve made I am lying to myself.  Worse, I am lying to God.


Lord, give me the wisdom to know the path You have chosen for me.  Give me the strength and perseverance to remain on that path.  I commit myself to You, take possession of me, use me as You will.  Amen

Sunday, February 6, 2022

 Deep Water 

   “Put out into deep water and let down your nets for a catch. (Luke 5: 4) 

   Jesus’ words to Peter apply to me as well.  He will challenge me to leave my comfort zone and put out into deep water with Him.  It can be hard to accept the challenge not knowing what the results might be.  If I insist, he will allow me to remain in the shallows, but if I want to follow Him, I must go where He calls me.

   As an experienced fisherman, Peter knew what Jesus was asking made little sense but still agreed, “Master, we worked hard throughout the night and caught nothing; but if you say so, I will let down the nets.” (Luke 5: 5).  I too sometimes question, sometimes doubt.  But, like Peter, I am amazed at the results when I do as He asks.  Peter was rewarded with an amazing catch; Jesus promises me that He come again and take me to Himself (see John 14: 3).

   When Peter brought his boat to shore he, as well as James and John, left everything to follow Jesus.  These simple fishermen along with His other apostles and disciples would change the world by trusting Jesus and obeying His call.  I must also answer His call.

   It's easy to remain in the shallows where there’s little risk or danger.  Leaving the safety and going into the deep water with Jesus requires that I trust that He has my best interest at heart, even though I may not know where the path may lead.

   To follow Him requires commitment and determination.  It will not always be easy and there may be many difficulties along the way.  But staying in shallow water will not lead me to God’s kingdom.  To gain eternal life in heaven I must go where Jesus calls me.


You asked Abraham to leave everything behind and he did.  You asked Your disciples to leave all behind and follow and they did.  I pray for the courage to accept your call wherever it may lead.  Amen.

Saturday, February 5, 2022

 The Ship of Life 

   “Jesus was in the stern, asleep on a cushion.  They awakened him and said, ‘Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?’  Then he stood up and rebuked the wind, and he said to the sea, ‘Quiet, be still!’  The wind ceased and there was a great calm.” (Mark 4: 38 – 39).  

   I spent twenty years in the Navy so I suppose I could call myself a sailor.  What I definitely am not is a pilot of ships.  Were I to be given the helm I would surely run the ship aground on the nearest reef.  I can help sail the vessel, I can, in some small way, even contribute to the success of the voyage, but I cannot take the wheel and sail to safe harbor.

   Like most humans I tend to want to drive the boat.  Even though I know I’m unqualified, my pride says I can do it.  Acting on such nonsense can do nothing but sink my ship in the temptations of Satan in a sinful world.

   By the grace of God, I don’t have to pilot my ship of life.  I have someone who can see me through the roughest of seas.  One who can weather the worst of storms and bring me safely home.  He is my Lord, Jesus Christ.


Lord, life is full of perils, there are dangers everywhere.  Rough seas and gale-force winds abound.  Pilot my ship, Lord, keep me safe from the stormy seas and bring to the safe harbor of Your love.  Amen

Friday, February 4, 2022

 Rest in the Lord 

   “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.”  (St. Augustine) 

   When the world begins to get me down, when things are not going all that well I recall these words from St. Augustine’s “Confessions”.  If I am not at rest in God, I will never be at rest in this world.

   In my opinion we will never rest in the Lord until we learn to turn off the world.  Over the last few years I’ve come to understand the value of solitude and silence in growing closer to God.  However, even when I can silence the world around me, my mind still runs amok with thoughts of today, tomorrow, and so many other things.

   Not only must I have the external quiet, I must also have it internally.  This is not always easy, but I’ve found a way that helps a lot.  I sit quietly, paying attention to my breathing.  As I inhale I think “In with Spirit”, and on the exhale, “Out with world”.  Usually, after a few deep breathes I have greatly quieted my mind.  When the world begins to intrude I can pause and repeat this little mantra to regain the calm.  This process is recommended in many books on calming prayer, and it works for me.

   The peace I have in my soul is not of my doing but of God.  If I am not at rest in Him there will be no peace.  We are challenged to do many things in this life but finding our rest in God is what will bring us peace.


Father, the world is a busy place with very little time for rest.  I need to rest in You and be in Your presence.  Help me Lord, to quiet the world and my mind so that I can truly be at rest in You.  Amen

Thursday, February 3, 2022

 Do Whatever He Tells You 

   “When the wine was exhausted, the mother of Jesus said to him, ‘They have no wine.’  Jesus responded, ‘Woman, what concern is this to us?  My hour has not yet come.’  His mother said to the servants, ‘Do whatever he tells you.’” (John 2: 3 – 5) 

   “Do whatever he tells you”.  She had no doubt that Jesus could do whatever He chose.  The servants only needed to do what He asked of them.  They did this, the water was turned into wine and the wedding feast continued uninterrupted.

   Our Blessed Mother says the same to me and you, do whatever He tells you.  If we listen, through prayer, scripture and other holy readings, Jesus will tell us the plans He has for us.  “For I know well the plans I have for you, plans for your welfare and not your misfortune, plans that will offer you a future filled with hope.” (Jeremiah 29: 11).  Like the servants at the wedding, we need only do what He tells us to realize the future He has in mind for us.

   I look to St. Joseph as the perfect example of following Mary’s advice.  He never questioned, never hesitated, he simple did what God asked of Him.  When told that Mary’s pregnancy was through the Holy Spirit, he did not hesitate to take her as his wife.  When told Herod sought to kill the infant Messiah, he quickly gathered his little family and took them to safety in Egypt.  His whole life was one of obedience to God’s will, without question or doubt.

   My desire is that I may have the wisdom to know God’s plans for me and for the simple obedience of St. Joseph to humbly do whatever He tells me.


Lord, ask of me whatever You will.  Give me the faith to follow.  May I never doubt, never question, but simply do what You ask of me. 



Wednesday, February 2, 2022

 Thoughts of Heaven

   “What eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, and what has not entered the human heart, what God has prepared for those who love him,” (1 Cor 2: 9) 

   I love contemplating heaven, perhaps because my wife has gone before me, and I am looking forward to a heavenly reunion.  Though I know that heaven is far beyond my human ability to understand, it still brings me comfort to consider what might be in store.

   Heaven will be pure joy and happiness in the Lord.  What exactly that means will remain a mystery.  In my mind, human as it is, pure joy and happiness must include reunion with Karen.  Without her I can’t imagine enteral happiness.  Is this possible?  I obviously don’t know.

   It is impossible for me to understand heaven, so realistically I shouldn’t have any expectations, but somehow I do.  I think most of us have an image of what heaven will be like.  I’m sure many, like me, are looking forward to a heavenly reunion.  Others talk of hoping their pets will be there.  None of us have any idea of what it will be, but we all like to speculate and hope.

   In that hope is where I place my belief that somehow at least some of what we desire for heaven will exist in some manner.  That makes me think that heaven may be different for each of us.  Still, I don’t know and won’t know in this lifetime.

   What I do know is that God has prepared an eternity of perfection for those who believe.  Will it include pets and loving reunions?  I don’t know.  Jesus told His disciples, “In my Father’s house there are many mansions.” (John 14: 2).  What those mansions will hold for us remains to be seen. 

Heaven is a mystery.

A mystery I can’t solve.

A place of perfection in every way.

When it’s time, take me there Lord. 


Tuesday, February 1, 2022


   “Each day remind yourself of your mortality.” (Rule of St. Benedict, chapter 4) 

   This morning I attended the funeral Mass for a young woman of only 33 years of age.  Mortality is a fact of life but when it is someone so young it is an even more vivid reminder.

   We tend to think of our mortality as something that occurs after many years of life.  We certainly don’t expect to die young though we know that many do.  The death of a younger person somehow touches our heart more deeply than that of one who has had a full life even though it really shouldn’t.

   I often wonder how many consider that today could be the day they are called from this life.  It may sound morbid, but it is simply recognizing the fact that we will all leave this life at a time unknown to us.  We are blessed with being able to somewhat ignore this fact which allows us to not spend our life in fear.  And yet, this ability can sometimes lead us down a dangerous path.  We feel that there is plenty of time to prepare when, in fact, there may be very little.

   God has blessed us with life, and He wants us to know happiness and joy in this life even though there will also be some pain and sorrow along the way.  However, there is no alternative to our mortality, this life will end at some point.  We need to be more fully aware of our eternal life, ensuring that we are ready for that inevitable event. 

You give us life Lord.

But this life will end.

May we prepare for the next life.

And spend eternity with You. 
